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Bulletin board post

11 May 2024, 3:55am
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ACE Exploration (A7EX)

ACE Exploration prides itself on being a multi-faceted group of CMDRs, regularly hosting grand expeditions as well as "exploring" enemy hulls with "research" ordinance during weekly events. Active comms channels are sure to liven up any potential member's journey through the galaxy, whether participating via text or voice. We also control 26 systems (& have presence in 55), constantly allowing members to climb their way in the rankings of our group by protecting & bolstering these holdings.
We are currently seeking high-volume traders, first-class combat pilots, and minor faction operations specialists for ongoing missions. Explorers are also always welcome and can help in general operations as well. We accept CMDRs of all experience levels and most styles.

We have won a silver medal in Exploration and a gold in trade; additionally, we have multiple events a month. We are an engaging community that supports gameplay and fun, but understand that real life comes first (e.g. there are no "quotas" or other repeating contributive requirements). If you are a very new player, we have a group together right now that we are mentoring and plenty of people willing to help with any questions!

Please join us on our Discord so we can get to know each other. ACE Exploration Discord link