Cmdr Xana Tenebris
Registered ship name
The Kerb Stomper
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Anaconda XA-12A
Overall assets
Brotherhood of Bogans
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Bridge Log; 27-04-3310

28 Apr 2024Xana Tenebris
Date: Saturday 27th April 3310
System: [Redacted]
Vessel: The Kerb Stomper (Anaconda)


· Engineering Preparation for The Kerb Stomper
· Preparation for excursion to Colonia Sector
· Consolidation of extra finances


I have decided to begin keeping a logbook of my travels. Sailing through the stars with only a fairly neurotic co-pilot for company gives one far too much time to themselves. So writing this logbook will keep me occupied between jumping through systems and pirate attacks.

Today has been a quite successful venture. I set out this morning with the intent of doing some minor exploring. I wanted to test the capabilities of my Asp, the HMS Beagle, as my currently designated exploration ship. The results were rather unsatisfactory.

To my opinion, while her FSD is highly engineered, I don't believe her to be suited to extensive trips outside the Bubble. While she might make it to Colonia, especially if I maintain a course along the Colonia Bridge, she is just too under-equipped for my plans.

I have made some considerations and decided on a course between one of two ships. Either a Krait Phantom, which I have heard touted as one of the best exploration ships on the market, or an Anaconda. I already own an Anaconda, and while she handles like a pig in shit she has an excellent jump range and I can bring everything I could ever want with me.

I'm leaning more towards the Anaconda. She's a right beast and I shudder to imagine landing her on exoplanets. But if I can boost her through the mailbox without dinging the paint I can land her on anything. But I have a long way to go before then.

But despite my dissatisfaction with the exploration tests I completed with Beagle, some good came out of it. I ended up inside a few systems that had been discovered, but not mapped or even landed on. These are the first planets I have ever encountered that have not been mapped, which is quite exhilarating. I hope that going forward, once I set off into the black I will be able to put my name to more planets.

For now, however, I'm going to keep working with my squadron to

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