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Bulletin board post

04 Jun 2024, 7:05pm
Related star system
Related minor faction

The Empire needs you! Join the Imperial Navy!

Hello cmdrs, the Imperial Enforcement Division is looking for new or veteran cmdrs to join our squadron and help defending or expanding the Empires influence in the galaxy.
The imperial navy is seeking for combat pilots, supply runners, miners or explorers to support our Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval where ever she needs us!

We are the Imperial Enforcement Division [IEDS] and we have our own minor faction ingame, which we support in BGS (Background Simulation)
Our minor faction controls now over 100 systems with around 36 billion citizens.

Usally we fly together to do all sorts of wingmissions, bountyhunting, fighting wars, trading and other activities to support our minorfaction.
Which means we are active in all aspects of the game, we are imperial aligned and in powerplay we also support the Empire, foremost our Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
Bask in her glory!

In pvp we are trying to protect other cmdrs against criminals, griefers and known enemies of the empire.

We work as team in pvp and pve and support every new cmdrs with credits, experience and help them getting involved with our squadron.

In general we play in open mode, mostly when doing bgs or powerplay activities.
We are willing to teach everyone how to play in open without "fear" and strengthen your survival ability, even when doing pve activities.

We are looking forward for you to join us!