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Alliance Lifts Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees

The Alliance has ended medical isolation for all citizens who were rescued from the Titans after being abducted by Thargoid vessels.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s official declaration was published by all newsfeeds:

“The Assembly has agreed that quarantine procedures for everyone recovered from the Titans are no longer necessary. Those who hail from an Allied system are being transported from the secure facilities back to their families and communities. Their long nightmare is over. We are sending our people home.”

“I call upon the governments of the Empire, Federation and independent systems to follow our lead with their own citizens. We must not treat these unfortunates as criminals or laboratory specimens. During this dark time of war, let our humanity shine through.”

Some medical institutes such as Kamadhenu Medipure and Vandermeer Corporation opposed the Alliance’s decision, claiming that Imperial and Federal returnees should never be allowed back into the general population. Azimuth Biotech also repeated its offer to perform “cutting-edge xenological detection procedures on every human extracted from a Thargoid bio-storage capsule.”

The political dimension was analysed by Vanya Driscoll for The Alliance Tribune:

“Prime Minister Mahon knows that this will be a popular decision, after many public figures called the extended quarantine ‘inhumane’ and ‘barbaric’. Plus, with his rival Councillor Kaine currently questioning the wisdom of the Mahon-endorsed strategic defence pact with Sirius, the timing of this benevolent act could not be better.”

“On the wider political stage, asking the other superpowers to follow suit frames the Alliance as a more humanitarian society than its counterparts. This may be a rare occasion when the Empire and Federation are looking to us for moral guidance… or at least, waiting to see if sending home thousands of Thargoid abductees is a mistake.”

Help Harksing’s Gifts Reach Recipients

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The eccentric inventor Harald Harksing has been causing quite a stir on Angel Station in the Calhuacan system.

Recent reports suggest that the independent entrepreneur is experiencing problems with a corrupted database. This has prevented him from shipping his latest batch of inventions to their intended destinations. The commotion caused by his efforts to resolve the issue has brought both amusement and exasperation to the starport’s inhabitants.

Lishan Abara, culture correspondent for Vox Galactica, published a profile piece on Harksing:

“Little of Harald Harksing’s background has ever been confirmed. What is well known – indeed, highly publicised – is his annual sending of unusual gifts to individuals referenced in GalNet news articles. These mostly comprise of unique toys, gadgets or games that Harksing has designed and built himself, sometimes tailor-made for the recipient.”

“Those who receive Harksing’s inventions typically find them charming. The gourmet Giles Cappelleo, for example, was delighted by a chin-mounted palate-cleansing robot. Ambassador Delphine Dumont of the Federal Diplomatic Corps blushed when asked about the ‘Furry Yuri’ teddy bear that arrived at her office. And Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval admitted that all twelve of his grandchildren adored a card game based on Imperial bloodlines called ‘Filial Pursuit’.”

“Harksing himself is always overjoyed at such positive responses. He often claims to be a huge fan of each person, describing them as ‘glorious’ or ‘kings in their field’. Such boyish enthusiasm, coupled with the odd nature of his creations, has made him a local celebrity in a short time.”

“Somewhat cynically, The Tau Ceti Journal described Harald Harksing as: ‘A calculating businessman who sends his prototypes to celebrities to secure endorsement and attract investors.’ While it is true that several manufacturers have offered contracts to mass-produce his less outlandish inventions, Harksing is more commonly viewed as a joyful and philanthropic figure.”

Spire Shutdown Confirms Thargoid Vulnerability

Professor Palin’s biological impurity has proved effective against the Thargoid spire sites, and is capable of halting their functionality.

Independent war reporter Gus LaChappelle published an on-the-scene report of the site in the Hyades Sector ST-Q B5-5 system for his ICE-cast channel Muzzle Flash:

“The eerie stillness surrounding me now is even more unnerving than when I visited this horror factory before. Bioluminescent nodules no longer pulse their sickly glow. Spires blot out the stars above, twisted towers made from solid night. Mega barnacles have ceased producing their foul byproducts. I’m walking through an alien cemetery.”

“The soldiers escorting me constantly perform pirouettes with their weapons, trigger-twitchy. But there are no black-hulled monstrosities spitting fire from the shadows or wheeling across the sky. Only rotted mineral sacs drooping from mechanical vines, and decaying chunks of necrotised metal. Even the nerve points that once triggered glandular responses have grown dull.”

Professor Shamus Madigan, Federal scientific liaison to Aegis, discussed these developments via Vox Galactica:

“Multiple pilots introduced Professor Palin’s contaminant into the supply lines for these spires, but it’s still remarkable how quickly it took effect. With large quantities of the contaminant in place, the Thargoids seem to have abandoned the site in Hyades Sector ST-Q B5-5. Perhaps maintenance drones were unable to keep the site viable for its purpose. Efforts are underway to repeat this success at other sites.”

“What this means for the Thargoid invasion fleets remains unclear as yet. If we are right and the Titans depend upon these biomechanical foundries, the loss of these sites may prove invaluable. But so far – though Taranis has lost control of surrounding systems – there is no evidence that the motherships have been affected by the spire sites’ inactivity.”

Tionisla Materials Campaign Fails

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Councillor Nakato Kaine has announced that a delivery campaign in the Tionisla system has not reached its target.

Addressing the Alliance Assembly, she said:

“The purpose of this campaign was to demonstrate the core principles of the Alliance: independence, self-sufficiency and mutual support. While we received millions of units, our target quota was not filled. I believe there are important lessons to be learned here. We must not lose faith in the Alliance’s ability to remain self-sustaining in military infrastructure.”

The strategic defence pact between the Alliance and Sirius Corporation is being subjected to an independent inquiry. A vocal minority of councillors in the Assembly are critical of their corporate partner’s inability to deliver anti-xeno ships or activities.

Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong Rui offered this comment to reporters:

“Sirius Corporation’s continued efforts to supply the Alliance Defence Force with upgraded modules and resources have been hampered by the Alliance Assembly in recent months. Kaine’s rogue operation in Tionisla only demonstrates how partisan some of us have become. If the defence pact had received unconditional support, just imagine what triumphs and successes Sirius might have delivered by now.”

The Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps has confirmed that pilots who earned bounty vouchers protecting traders can now collect their rewards from Brett High. The intended discount on the Alliance Challenger, Chieftain and Crusader has been cancelled due to the delivery campaign’s failure to reach its targets.

Archer Outlines Shadow Presidency Future

Vice President Jerome Archer has discussed the recent Federal presidential election and other topics during an interview with The Federal Times.

On the victory of President-elect Felicia Winters:

“Winters fought a clean campaign based on issues, as I did, so one cannot fault her for that. But I think the harsh realities of governance will quickly overwhelm her liberal idealism. Hudson, whatever his critics may think of him, was never afraid to take decisive action. We’ll see if Winters can do the same.”

On Archer’s electoral policies:

“I maintain that a security-first approach is the correct one, given the many threats facing the Federation. The Thargoids are not the only enemy of our people. Dismantling the Proactive Detection Bureau, as Winters has threatened to do, will be an act of self-sabotage for our entire society.”

On his relationship with outgoing President Zachary Hudson:

“It’s been an honour to support President Hudson, from whom I have learned a great deal about the political arena. Both of us are genuine patriots with similar viewpoints. I know he will continue to serve the Federation in his own way.”

On his future political career:

“As shadow president, it will be my duty to not only scrutinise Winters’s administration, but also restore electoral faith in the Republican Party. I’m confident that the citizens will be fully on board with our policies by the next election, if not sooner.”

In response to this interview, an editorial in the Federal Free Press said:

“Jerome Archer’s priority now is to gather Hudson loyalists under his banner, and position himself as a worthy successor. But this tactic of talking about all subjects except his own lack of responsibility for the election loss will not fool voters. Once the PDB is gone, and we see the improvements wrought by a Liberal Party administration, Archer faces a considerable challenge to avoid becoming a footnote in the Federation’s history.”

Kaine Launches Alliance Resource Drive

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Councillor Nakato Kaine has requested deliveries to the Tionisla system in protest against the anti-xeno defence pact.

Pilots are asked to deliver shipments of hazardous environment suits, micro controllers and titanium to Brett High. The Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps, which is hosting the initiative, will protect participants by redeeming bounty vouchers for the destruction of any wanted ships.

The campaign was personally arranged by Councillor Nakato Kaine, the representative for Tionisla in the Alliance Assembly. Speaking to the Old Worlds Gazette, Kaine stated:

“I aim to prove that the Alliance’s military fleet is not as dependent upon Sirius Corporation as many believe. This campaign demonstrates our capability to stockpile vital resources for the Alliance Defence Force. And we have plenty of researchers, mechanics and manufacturers ready to develop our own defences against the Thargoids.”

“It’s clear to me that Li Yong-Rui never intended to honour his anti-xeno commitments. I’ve seen evidence of Sirius negotiating favourable contracts with Allied tech and military corporations. Their special access to the Alliance’s markets, plus the endorsement of our prime minister, have provided them with unfair leverage. The true cost of the pact has yet to be revealed, but you can bet that Allied citizens will pay the price while Sirius’s profits soar.”

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has not commented on the Tionisla campaign, other than to confirm: “A formal inquiry into the strategic defence pact is ongoing, and the Assembly will study its findings carefully.”

Thargoid War Update: November 3309

Renowned war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn provides her regular summary of the latest news regarding the Thargoid conflict.

“It is now a whole year since the Thargoid Titans arrived and unleashed their fleets upon us. It’s pleasing to report that humanity’s resistance remains strong. New invasions are rare, and Thargoid vessels are being driven out of occupied systems. Nobody is under any illusions that this war might end soon, and it remains to be seen how the Thargoids adapt to the current situation. But among independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons, morale is high – as it absolutely deserves to be.”

“The Thargoid spire sites have also brought cause for cautious optimism. Having received huge volumes of samples for testing, Ishmael Palin proved that spire compounds and Titan hull fragments share genetic commonalities. Whatever these eerie alien growths are, evidence is growing that their industrial processes are related to the Thargoid motherships in some way.”

“Professor Palin has now concocted a biological impurity, which should disrupt the spires’ biochemistry when inserted into their processing chain. Many pilots are signing up to undertake missions to deliver this contaminant, despite the inevitability that some volunteers will not return. It’s too soon to determine whether or not this will impact the Thargoid war machine, but hopes are high.”

“Meanwhile, the many thousands of people rescued from captivity within the Titans remain in strict quarantine. Debate continues over how quickly they should be returned to society, but so far nobody seems to be taking any chances.”

“That could change following Felicia Winters’ victory in the Federal presidential election. Via my political colleagues, I’ve heard that the president-elect plans to send home all returnees with Federation citizenship when her term of office begins next year. So we might soon score the greatest of victories: allowing those who were so cruelly abducted to return to their normal lives.”

“This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

Mining Campaign in LHS 3872 Concludes

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Torval Mining Ltd has announced that sufficient quantities of mined resources were delivered to its subsidiary faction.

The Aristocrats of Cuacocha, who control the LHS 3872 system, received the shipments of mined lithium hydroxide, painite, praseodymium and tritium. They have confirmed that all participating pilots can now collect their rewards at Curbeam Hub.

Constantia Torval, the corporation’s recently appointed CEO, gave a statement:

“With this successful event, Torval Mining Ltd advances toward even greater prestige and profitability. I offer sincere thanks to our partners and contributors.”

The campaign’s background was discussed by Gwendolyn Nash, Empire correspondent for Vox Galactica:

“Senator Zemina Torval handing Torval Mining Ltd to her oldest daughter is the latest of several curious developments in recent years. She established the company by branching out from Mastopolos Mining, severing connections with more distant family members. She also transferred many investments to her other daughter Petra Torval, who is also a senator, and grandson Titus Torval, an Imperial Intelligence captain.”

“Coupled with the fact that she has missed several Senate meetings recently, speculation is rife that the 132-year-old has entered the twilight of her corporate and political careers. But as even her sternest opponents would attest, it is never wise to underestimate Zemina Torval’s willpower.”