Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
26 Nov 2015, 6:57am
Artie. I have noticed that if there are more unread posts than are on the first page, if I select the previous page, no 'unread logos' are shown and on going back to the top page, the unread logos have been removed. This makes it difficult to track back to all the unread posts where they fill more than one page.

(I know.... I should log on more frequently but life gets in the way!)
26 Nov 2015, 11:52am
is it possible to show also in wing history (when clicking on member nickname url ?) as actual one is only 1-2 weeks old
+ small suggestion for the wings list, add filters for listing (member count, allegiance, power, flying in etc.)

Yes, I will take a look on it. Some filters for wings page are planned, too.

Dwarden ... also seems forums need auto-merge if 2 last posts are from same author

@ arti , not so sure of this one myself.

there are times when a wings leadership want to place an anouncement and comment , but not in the same post to conserve clarity

I am not sure about this one, too. It's just complication and I am using multiple posts to differentiate replies myself sometimes. Fortunately, nobody seems to be spamming boards with multiple posts containing just one sentence and if that happen, I will simply delete that with a note: "Please, write your posts as a reasonable human being."

TuzoArtie. I have noticed that if there are more unread posts than are on the first page, if I select the previous page, no 'unread logos' are shown and on going back to the top page, the unread logos have been removed. This makes it difficult to track back to all the unread posts where they fill more than one page.

(I know.... I should log on more frequently but life gets in the way!)

Well, thread is marked as read on first visit. It should also open page on first unread post on the first visit (at least in "older first" order, I will check if it works correctly for the "newest first" too).
26 Nov 2015, 6:44pm
Artie, just a thought i have had. Given that stores its data on the local machine, could Inara pull that data and use it to import for ship specs? So you could edit the ship information and Inara presents a dropdown box of the ships it found in my cookie cache?

Just a thought, may not even be possible LOL
26 Nov 2015, 10:33pm
Lase: It's not possible. Due security reasons browsers/script languages doesn't allow to read "foreign" cookies, so I cannot read cookies from another domain and vice versa.
26 Nov 2015, 10:59pm

First off, great site! Started using it to plan trade-routes, now using it to track progress and even trying my hand at a bit of fanfic in the form of Commander Logs.  

On that, just a quick suggestion/request: it would be great to be able to edit the date of the CLogs. I don't always get time to write things up immediately following gaming sessions. Also, the drop-down to attach a CLog to a Flight Log only shows the last few flight logs. It'd be great to be able to select more historic ones.

Keep up the great work!
- Micha (CMDR Myshka)

EDIT: PS. it'd be quite useful to have some sort of issue tracker for these requests; easier for you to keep track of, people can search for (and vote?) on requests, etc.
27 Nov 2015, 12:35pm
Could we have the number of post by member in the roster?

It would be more easy to judge the rate of activity
27 Nov 2015, 1:05pm
Laynor Luna LagoonaCould we have the number of post by member in the roster?
It would be more easy to judge the rate of activity

Yes, I will take a look on it.

On that, just a quick suggestion/request: it would be great to be able to edit the date of the CLogs. I don't always get time to write things up immediately following gaming sessions. Also, the drop-down to attach a CLog to a Flight Log only shows the last few flight logs. It'd be great to be able to select more historic ones.

Hello Myshka, it's possible to do, but with the past date set your logbook will be also placed more deep into history in logbooks listings and it may be missed by other commanders. I rather recommend to set your own dating in logbook title, for example as "Logbook entry #36 (3301-10-18)" as some of other commanders do. I will increase the number of flightlogs in the dropdown, no problem there.

Any issues can be reported right here, same as requests. The most of the major stuff is listed here on the right side, but I am having also internal list (currently with 80+ items) with stuff I want to do. Some are internal changes, some minor tweaks, some new features, etc. and I rather do not want to have it exposed or have voting on it. Some stuff is dependent on other, priorities sometimes shifts and for some stuff realization I simple need to have proper mood (sometimes I want to do new features, sometimes I rather want to do minor improvements not requiring "brain capacity" here and there, and so on), so voting on priority doesn't change too much.
27 Nov 2015, 1:08pm
By they way, if it will be noticed - to Jordan H. who sent Inara donation - please read your e-mail associated to your Paypal or send me a private message here, I am having trouble to identify your account here. Same apply for Mary E. R.
27 Nov 2015, 11:04pm
Sidenti Taalo
LocrianaWhat happened to the goods search field  that used to be on the upper right side of the Market page?
Until recently, you could pick a good and you'd get a new screen which would tell you where you could buy and sell that good for the best prices and closest proximity to the star system listed on the page.

I don't see how to do that now, was it moved? It was such a good system...

CMDR Locriana

Doesn't appear out-of-place for me - Goods and Rare Goods buttons are still in the top-right corner of the Market page for me on Chrome Version 46.0.2490.86 m.

Yes but pressing those buttons just give you a list of average sell/buy prices.
But Artie, thanks for letting me know to click on the commodity itself, works in both places!
28 Nov 2015, 3:51am
ArtieBy they way, if it will be noticed - to Jordan H. who sent Inara donation - please read your e-mail associated to your Paypal or send me a private message here, I am having trouble to identify your account here. Same apply for Mary E. R.

Hey Artie, just a thought, because we had this issue as well:

In the comment section (paypal) have the Inara member who is donating put their Inara handle or, just following paypal transaction drop you a line:, inara=Bob the Bounty Hunter

Something like that...
28 Nov 2015, 9:07am
just sended you a payment. i use this site every time i play, so you should get something back for the good work.
28 Nov 2015, 10:00pm
Jack: I did one improvement to donation button again which should further reduce similar issues. But, it simply happens sometimes.
Vampyre: Thanks!
29 Nov 2015, 5:42am
A relevant question as I hope to finally be able to afford to donate sometime in the coming weeks... I've noticed different colors of supporter badges (bronze, silver, gold), are these based on the amount donated, or something else? I like my shinies, so I want to get the shiniest of shinies when I can make the contribution.
29 Nov 2015, 9:03am
Just thinking, it would be nice to have a reset button for all of us who reset our account for any reason. Congratulations for the hard work, by the way, this site looks better every day.
29 Nov 2015, 3:39pm
Just stumbled across this site on google. It's the best ED companion site I've come across. - Well done! This is excellent work!

However, I am trying to purchase a Viper Mk IV. The Shipyard info page says the only known location to buy this ship is the Neto system. Unfortunately having just travelling 157 ly to get there, there's none for sale

Still, great site full of good info. Best looking companion site too!

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