Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Nov 2015, 5:11pm

No definite plans, but I am thinking about it. It's pretty similar to the idea Veyder mentioned above.

Ah yes, I found it. Sorry about that.

Here's a couple more thoughts I had: I think this feature would tie in beautifully with the galaxy page on this site and would allow new players to implicate themselves easier, in whatever storyline they like best, or give them inspiration for their own.

In order to use as much of the functionality that is already there i was imagining a 2nd button next to "add logbook entry" with "add wing news". The wing news gets displayed in the history/news section of the wing instead of the diary area.
17 Nov 2015, 7:49pm
Hello. Was just wondering if there was functionality in INARA to track Merits like Credits are tracked? I want to log all of my activities, but it doesn't seem like there's a way to log my Merit grinding for the day.
18 Nov 2015, 4:14am
in theory credits can be tracked by parsing .TRD files

C:\Users\%windowsusername%\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\%somenumber%\*.trd

those are saved Trade Route Data in XML format
you can buy it as market info for 100 credits from nearby stars (docked on station, inside the galaxy map)

at bottom of the file seems to be exported your actual credits state
18 Nov 2015, 10:19am
I have the strange bug, that Inara seems to be displayed in mobile device mode at work, and I can't find a way to change that. I have a 2560x1440p monitor here and an older version of Firefox.
18 Nov 2015, 10:59am
Here's a couple more thoughts I had: I think this feature would tie in beautifully with the galaxy page on this site and would allow new players to implicate themselves easier, in whatever storyline they like best, or give them inspiration for their own.

In order to use as much of the functionality that is already there i was imagining a 2nd button next to "add logbook entry" with "add wing news". The wing news gets displayed in the history/news section of the wing instead of the diary area.

Yeah, it will be probably the best place for it. I am just afraid if it won't be too cluttered with "minor news", so it actually rather help more to dedicated players than new ones. But we will see...

ShadicoHello. Was just wondering if there was functionality in INARA to track Merits like Credits are tracked? I want to log all of my activities, but it doesn't seem like there's a way to log my Merit grinding for the day.

Hello, actual problem with merits is that it doesn't fit well into current Ranks and achievements section and also not to Credits and assets. So it needs to be in it's own separated subsection which is a little bit overkill just for merits. I want rather wait if there will appear another in-game "currency" and then it can be joined together with it.

Dwardenin theory credits can be tracked by parsing .TRD files

Yep, but it's still easier to put credits there manually than to track and upload these files. It's shame there isn't similar file in more clear structure with additional commander details like credits breakdown, reputation, etc. as seen in the game.

NumaI have the strange bug, that Inara seems to be displayed in mobile device mode at work, and I can't find a way to change that. I have a 2560x1440p monitor here and an older version of Firefox.

Please update your Firefox to the latest version. It seems that your version has no/just partial support of CSS3 flexbox, which is causing this problem.
18 Nov 2015, 11:28am
Artie Please update your Firefox to the latest version. It seems that your version has no/just partial support of CSS3 flexbox, which is causing this problem.

Well, that explains that. Unfortunately I can't. Version is fixed by the company.
18 Nov 2015, 3:06pm
Numa: They doesn't care about browser security on their machines too much, eh?

DragoCubXI'd like to request a little thing: Could you change the wing fleet to be filtered by the actual value of a ship instead of the simple buy cost? This would make more sense to me (and it would make looking at it more varied)

Sorry, I forgot to answer this one before: Yes, will be in the next update.
18 Nov 2015, 3:46pm
Andrew Glock: Hello, short note for favorite star systems may be really handy, I am adding that to my ToDo list. For CMDR names list outside Inara it will be better to use notepad in your CMDR log or logbook entry (can be set as private) where you can make the mentioned list for yourself. I think it's a little bit overkill to make a whole functionality for that.

Thanks a lot for feedback!
18 Nov 2015, 10:41pm

Just wanted say I really enjoy your site and to say thanks for making this dimension of the game very pleasant. I appreciate that your site functions very well, avoids clutter, and helps me get the job done charting my escapades across the galaxy. Keep up what you do!
19 Nov 2015, 12:25am

In a wing what ranks have permission to accept join requests? Is this configurable?
19 Nov 2015, 4:49am
Mal ReynoldsArtie,

In a wing what ranks have permission to accept join requests? Is this configurable?

"To keep things more under control, new wing members now can be accepted just by Wing commander, Deputy wing commander and Chief of staff."

This non-configurable.
19 Nov 2015, 10:27am
Hi, there is any way to add which outfitting equipment sells any station? Like in the market page where you can edit which ships the station sells, but for outfitting, just because I see some equipment can't be find, it just say "No station within 300 Ly range found..." but I'm on a station where the item can be bought, and this system is setted as my current one on the website.

Last edit: 19 Nov 2015, 12:43pm
19 Nov 2015, 1:14pm
Jyn Osiris
Just wanted say I really enjoy your site and to say thanks for making this dimension of the game very pleasant. I appreciate that your site functions very well, avoids clutter, and helps me get the job done charting my escapades across the galaxy. Keep up what you do!

Glad to hear and you are welcome.

Mal ReynoldsArtie,
 In a wing what ranks have permission to accept join requests? Is this configurable?

It's not configurable at this moment, but maybe I will do some configurable general wing rights overrides later (not individual per person, but per role). Current rights are as Veyder mentioned above.

Mila StrelokHi, there is any way to add which outfitting equipment sells any station? Like in the market page where you can edit which ships the station sells, but for outfitting, just because I see some equipment can't be find, it just say "No station within 300 Ly range found..." but I'm on a station where the item can be bought, and this system is setted as my current one on the website.

Hello, there is no outfitting edit planned, as it will be pretty crazy. But I know there is problem with power-related equipment not listed (like Prismatic shields and so on). Is it your case? I am still not sure how to handle it properly, because these aren't coming from EDDN/Frontier's companion API. Maybe list all High tech systems within each power influence (as they will have these pieces of equipment probably)...
19 Nov 2015, 1:38pm
In my case, was Detailed Surface Scanner.
19 Nov 2015, 2:13pm
Ah, it was problem with search. It's fixed now, thank you for info.

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