Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
16 Nov 2015, 3:52pm
DwardenArtie it's not issue with logs, I'm using advanced logging so those files get relatively big after leaving the game running for hours
size also increases rapidly the more players are in same session due to additional data logged ...

Thank you for the log. I meant possible issues on script side with log parsing, with the advanced network logging enabled the number of lines to parse grows to huge numbers and it's performance killer. But, I will add *.zip file support there in the next update, as I managed to optimize it to somehow acceptable numbers for these cases, so we will see...

VeyderHello Artie,
 Would you consider adding the following?

1. The ability to add pages/sections to the Wing History/Lore page, basically you kind have already done this by having the Squadron Stories included on this page, however I would like to add pages/sections that are independent and cover various aspects of our minor faction.

I have several stories I would like to add to the this section, however in its current condition if I do add anything the page will lose readability because it will be too long

2. Recently I have tried to publish stories via the in-game GalNet. I am finding that the consensus for story telling is that it is very difficult mainly due to Frontier not publishing every story someone may submit (which from the GalNet reader's perspective would create gaps/lapses in events). Would it be possible to have a player submitted news feed?  The news articles could be posted to a section in the wing by members, edited by the wing commander or deputy commander and finally submitted for display to the rest of Inara.

A series of rules governing length and content could be set (inline with Frontier's standards) so articles that do not make the cut with Frontier can still be published.

Hello, for the first one please use regular logbook. I have planned to add another category there for the wing related stuff which will be displayed in the wing history section (so then just category will be needed to switch). I just need to adjust/attach wing privileges there first.

The second one is more complicated. I was not thinking about it, but it's interesting idea. I definitely do not want to mess official Galnet news and I am not sure yet where to properly place user-created news (also to avoid possible duplicities with official news). Writing it on ToDo list, I will think about it more...

Sc2032ukI have a little issue, my browser crashed as I went to approve a new member, and since then its just been pending, ive asked him to resend the request but it still just says pending any idea's how to fix it

It's caused by slight wing privileges adjustments meanwhile. To keep things more under control, new wing members now can be accepted just by Wing commander, Deputy wing commander and Chief of staff.

I didn't realise that the error message for invalid lines appears at the top. When I saw that I corrected errors in the .csv and then everything went in correctly.

Alright, thank you for info.
16 Nov 2015, 4:33pm
Wing history would be nice ...
Searching for HQ ... check
Found HQ ... check
Conquered HQ from owner ... check
Fortified HQ ... check
Seeking expansion target ... wip
16 Nov 2015, 5:36pm
I'm experiencing some issues with my CMDR's Log:

1) I just bought my ship #14, and its value is counted right in the total fleet value, but it is not counted into my total assets

2) I keep geeting random updates on my CQC rating in achievements even though I haven't been doing CQC for a month - just a couple of days ago to my surprise I leaned that I had gained a rank ind CQC???
16 Nov 2015, 6:32pm
Hi Everyone!

First of all I want to thank you all for such useful web-tool. Through the use of INARA now I can store all necessary information directly in my INARA CMDR's Log, instead of those pathetic and unhandy Excel files that I used before.
However, with your favour, I would like to make a request about couple of features that would be very useful (for me at least).

1. Could you please add some sort of "Description" or "Notes" section to Favorite Star Systems option? I have the list of favorite star systems which I would like to add there, however I'm also need to store information about why the system was added in the list
2.Right now we can add Friends/Wing members from INARA, however it would be nice if we could store similar CMDR names list with notes as well. For example, I have such CMDRs list in my Excel file where I indicated where I met each of them and why exactly I added him into my list.

Thanks in advance!

16 Nov 2015, 8:32pm
Dwarden: There is whole text field that can be edited in wing history, you can utilize it in any format you wish.

NordicLion: Please note that your fleet value is calculated just during new credits record, it doesn't work retrospectively (because there is no way how to exactly know how far into history it should be calculated). Is it your case? These random CQC rating updates was actually a bug, which appeared just under certain conditions. It should be fixed now, thank you for noticing!

Andrew Glock: Hello, short note for favorite star systems may be really handy, I am adding that to my ToDo list. For CMDR names list outside Inara it will be better to use notepad in your CMDR log or logbook entry (can be set as private) where you can make the mentioned list for yourself. I think it's a little bit overkill to make a whole functionality for that.
16 Nov 2015, 9:25pm
I'd like to request a little thing: Could you change the wing fleet to be filtered by the actual value of a ship instead of the simple buy cost? This would make more sense to me (and it would make looking at it more varied)
16 Nov 2015, 9:38pm
Hi Artie,

Thanks for your answer. I deleted both my latest credit balance update and marked my latest purchased ship as sold, and then entered new credit balance and purchase of same ship, and now it is right. A bit strange, but I'm glad it shows right total now.
17 Nov 2015, 3:12am
@artie I already use it but I would prefer really standalone 'entry' for such Wing's Log or Famous Historical Events ...
17 Nov 2015, 5:16am
Hello, Artie. Thanks (once again) for all the effort you're putting into the site.

Would it be possible to allow iframes into the wing sticky post and/or topic info section? I'm updating our information nearly daily for minor faction information which I am literally transcribing from a google spreadsheet (which I'm transcribing from in-game). It'd be wonderful to just have an iframe with those specific cells so I only need to update the information in one place. Thanks for thinking about it!
17 Nov 2015, 5:22am
I love this site. Tons of props to you Artie. Are there plans to have a "news" section under history where one could post the submitted galnet articles for one's faction? or whatever other public news people might post. kinda like i have it divided up here

im just afraid the page might become really long
17 Nov 2015, 6:24am
Hey Artie, I had a question for your latest update. Being the operations officer for E.X.O, my duties to approve or deny new requests has been hindered and I'm no longer able to do so. Is there something I'm missing, or has this been asked before? Anything will help, thanks!
17 Nov 2015, 7:10am
Tre3mi5tierHey Artie, I had a question for your latest update. Being the operations officer for E.X.O, my duties to approve or deny new requests has been hindered and I'm no longer able to do so. Is there something I'm missing, or has this been asked before? Anything will help, thanks!

Artie said:

"To keep things more under control, new wing members now can be accepted just by Wing commander, Deputy wing commander and Chief of staff."
17 Nov 2015, 1:37pm
ReykurHello, Artie. Thanks (once again) for all the effort you're putting into the site.

Would it be possible to allow iframes into the wing sticky post and/or topic info section? I'm updating our information nearly daily for minor faction information which I am literally transcribing from a google spreadsheet (which I'm transcribing from in-game). It'd be wonderful to just have an iframe with those specific cells so I only need to update the information in one place. Thanks for thinking about it!

Hey Reykur!

Artie, I'm kind of in the same boat however I completely understand the inherent risks that can come with that. Possible locking a maximum width and disabling all scripting...? I am curious as to your current stance with this.
17 Nov 2015, 2:04pm
SilentThunderI love this site. Tons of props to you Artie. Are there plans to have a "news" section under history where one could post the submitted galnet articles for one's faction? or whatever other public news people might post. kinda like i have it divided up here
im just afraid the page might become really long

No definite plans, but I am thinking about it. It's pretty similar to the idea Veyder mentioned above.

Tre3mi5tierHey Artie, I had a question for your latest update. Being the operations officer for E.X.O, my duties to approve or deny new requests has been hindered and I'm no longer able to do so. Is there something I'm missing, or has this been asked before? Anything will help, thanks!

Hello, as mentioned, just Wing commander, Deputy wing commander and Chief of staff is now allowed to accept new wing members.

ReykurHello, Artie. Thanks (once again) for all the effort you're putting into the site.
Would it be possible to allow iframes into the wing sticky post and/or topic info section? I'm updating our information nearly daily for minor faction information which I am literally transcribing from a google spreadsheet (which I'm transcribing from in-game). It'd be wonderful to just have an iframe with those specific cells so I only need to update the information in one place. Thanks for thinking about it!

Big Pappa  Artie, I'm kind of in the same boat however I completely understand the inherent risks that can come with that. Possible locking a maximum width and disabling all scripting...? I am curious as to your current stance with this.

Definitely no iframes will be allowed there for security reasons. But, I have a brief idea how to allow google spreadsheets embedding there, so I will take a look on it after more urgent stuff sorted out.
17 Nov 2015, 4:54pm
Definitely no iframes will be allowed there for security reasons. But, I have a brief idea how to allow google spreadsheets embedding there, so I will take a look on it after more urgent stuff sorted out.

That would be perfect! Thanks so much!

Big Pappa

Hey Reykur!

Hey buddy!

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