Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
29 Dec 2015, 1:56pm
Nova CassidyThanks Artie for adding the roleplay channels to Inara! Hopefully we'll see some super cool RP now it's a bit easier. Would it also be possible for you to split the game-and-roleplay room on Discord into an In-Character room and an Out-Of-Character room too, please? Discord would work well for it.

Channel on Discord added. But I suggest to stick RP with rooms here, as not everyone is using Discord and as here is better history and anyone can read all stuff retrospectively.

AreZeeis this a browser-problem on my end or do my posts cut the supporter badge for anyone else too? Probably related to the long Wing name (2 lines)

Ah, yes, it's caused by wing name on two lines and relatively short post. I will fix that.

i also noticed a bit of a formatting thing on my favourites page.. chrome user too

It's slightly different problem, I will take a look on it too.

XeknosAny thoughts on creating a PvE Inara group?

I may also suggest Mobius private group, I am often flying in here and it's very well populated. But, we are also often using my private group with few friends, so if anybody wants to join, put a request to join on private group named "Artie" and I will approve it. We can consider it as a Inara private PvE group. No exhaustive rules there, just:
- no PvP and interdictions/griefing/harassing under any circumstances (even in conflict zones, wanted commanders, etc.)
- no bad language, insults, etc. (I don't think it is going to happen, but just to be clear). RP/mild RP preferred.

your a legend Artie..
29 Dec 2015, 7:21pm

Thanks a lot

FrankfortArtie is there any change of having a pilots profile for a background story in our cmdrs log

To add a deeper role play and character creation.

Date of birth
place of birth
personal history
personal profile


When making a log there's an option at the bottom to make it a character bio.

You can use that to put in anything about your character that you'd want. Character bio logs always appear at the top of your cmdr profile to other people.
29 Dec 2015, 7:33pm
Hey Artie, I noticed earlier that when I tried entering a custom credit goal that nothing changed. Just figured I should let ya know.
29 Dec 2015, 8:30pm
Nova Cassidy

Thanks a lot

FrankfortArtie is there any change of having a pilots profile for a background story in our cmdrs log

To add a deeper role play and character creation.

Date of birth
place of birth
personal history
personal profile


When making a log there's an option at the bottom to make it a character bio.


You can use that to put in anything about your character that you'd want. Character bio logs always appear at the top of your cmdr profile to other people.

Thanks for te info i missed that one.
29 Dec 2015, 11:47pm
Jack Dekerdt
Nova Cassidy
XeknosAny thoughts on

creating a PvE Inara group?

I'd be down with this! More friendly than open, less lonely than solo

I'd be open to it, too.

Hello comrades @ Inara.
Allow me to introduce myself, Commander Smaotønk, from Aldebaran.
It's been just over a year that I started playing ED. As a person I have occasionally been playing computer games in the last 20 years. The main
reason I decided to immerse in a game as ED was to engage in some sort of a 'social' activity, together with my brother who lives abroad.
I won't talk further about my history right now.

I am delighted that the concept of ED came to the point that people need to role-play and socialize. It shows that there are still fragments and bits of
healthy mentality in a computer (virtual) universe dominated by psychopathy.
I suggest that human nature itself implies socializing as an inherent need; as a result, any prolonged occupation in a 'virtual' reality lacking a
social goal should be characterized as unhealthy, rather say pervert.
And the goal remains role playing. How on earth? how on solar system? how on a darn abyssmal universe at all? And how to give any reasonable answer to such a broad field of science, regarding computer science, psychology and time management !?
Child says: "I want to play and stay healthy; I want to have fun; I wan to learn and educate my self; I want to feel I'm doing the right thing". Can I
do that playing ED?"
I can burble for long hours, pointlessly, but I won't get any answers until I try to see the things, firstly, with the eyes of the developer.

I'm pretty happy with the ED engine. The couple of bucks I've spent to buy the game is worth nothing in regard to the time I invested landing and hyperjumping. Awesome graphics, imaginative world and a great effort from the developer's team to keep the 'whole thing together'. There's a problem though; from now on the directions are countless. And the healthy human nature, that way or another, will need some kind of 'social-like' activity to end the day happy and content. Would a mission to blow up a thousand spaceships fulfill that human need? ... right!

The next question that arises is how many working hours of programming are necessary for the developer team as to add the necessary software which will allow this 'social-like' activity improve? Customers are so diverse, the language barrier almost insurmountable, plus, people who stick endless hours playing computer games are people who can marginally be characterized as 'exemplary sane'. Plus, a developer team of 100 professionals needs quite a bit of funding, no matter how devoted they are in their work.
Full stop!

Long story short. Game's good, pretty darn good. Code isn't suffering yet from severe complexity and ageing. Funding always remains a challenge and
the question remains innovative, quality role playing. Who could do this? Who can bring the 70 year old chap from Korea, to play down together with
that former psycho Australian chick without being offensive to that newcommer Indian lad while the American fellow is shooting down spaceships?
Somebody will have to do it nomatter if it will take another century or so. Otherwise gaming industry is severely stuck and stagnating; and it resembles
a machine converting living meat to individual psychopaths.Get to work commanders! think for the sake of your developers. It's their shoe you're wearing.

{CMDR Smaotønk will be available for dating for the next 40 minutes for a

mining/pirate hunting mission with voice comms}

Last edit: 29 Dec 2015, 11:55pm
30 Dec 2015, 8:48am
Happy Holidays, Artie.

I was curious if there is a way to track pilot hours based on the flight logs and/or by pilot choice? Is that something that can be calculated based on the netlog or something we can have on our CMDR Log? If it can't be tracked, maybe we can manually enter a starting number of hours and then add to it per session? Sort of a drop down like when we are entering rank or credits or something...just a little 1-10 or so "hours this session" and it would display somewhere on our overview page?

Thanks for all you do!
30 Dec 2015, 9:55am
Jack DekerdtHappy Holidays, Artie.

I was curious if there is a way to track pilot hours based on the flight logs and/or by pilot choice? Is that something that can be calculated based on the netlog or something we can have on our CMDR Log? If it can't be tracked, maybe we can manually enter a starting number of hours and then add to it per session? Sort of a drop down like when we are entering rank or credits or something...just a little 1-10 or so "hours this session" and it would display somewhere on our overview page?

Thanks for all you do!

I know in game at the bottom of the stats page it says how long you've played the game. It would be nice to have it shown on the CMDR log.
30 Dec 2015, 10:15am
Nathanc213 I know in game at the bottom of the stats page it says how long you've played the game. It would be nice to have it shown on the CMDR log.

uhm .. where exactly?
30 Dec 2015, 10:36am
Nathanc213 I know in game at the bottom of the stats page it says how long you've played the game. It would be nice to have it shown on the CMDR log.

uhm .. where exactly?

Right at the bottom on the stats page just below max distance from start

Last edit: 30 Dec 2015, 11:07am
30 Dec 2015, 11:23am
Nathanc213 I know in game at the bottom of the stats page it says how long you've played the game. It would be nice to have it shown on the CMDR log.

uhm .. where exactly?

Right at the bottom on the stats page just below max distance from start

ah, tanks alot. Didn't think it is listed under exploration. My fault
30 Dec 2015, 11:26am
Nathanc213 I know in game at the bottom of the stats page it says how long you've played the game. It would be nice to have it shown on the CMDR log.

uhm .. where exactly?

Right at the bottom on the stats page just below max distance from start

ah, tanks alot. Didn't think it is listed under exploration. My fault

I didnt even know it was there until I saw a screenshot on twitter
30 Dec 2015, 5:31pm
Nathanc213 I know in game at the bottom of the stats page it says how long you've played the game. It would be nice to have it shown on the CMDR log.

uhm .. where exactly?

Right at the bottom on the stats page just below max distance from start

ah, tanks alot. Didn't think it is listed under exploration. My fault

I didnt even know it was there until I saw a screenshot on twitter

I think they only just added it in 2.0.2
30 Dec 2015, 6:16pm
JacknyfeUKI think they only just added it in 2.0.2

yeah that sounds a bout right, it was pretty quick, just after horizons released, i'm guessing partly in response to the game being split as 2 separate entities on steam and folks being annoyed at their played hours stat being split, and that there are likely many just using steam for that purpose. regardless of the reason.. its a great wee QOL addition
30 Dec 2015, 7:24pm
JacknyfeUKI think they only just added it in 2.0.2

yeah that sounds a bout right, it was pretty quick, just after horizons released, i'm guessing partly in response to the game being split as 2 separate entities on steam and folks being annoyed at their played hours stat being split, and that there are likely many just using steam for that purpose. regardless of the reason.. its a great wee QOL addition

I've found Steam less than reliable anyway when it comes to tracking hours in a given game. As mentioned, when I moved to the updated FD launchers circa 1.4 I bypassed Steam anyway. I am not sure if Horizons is counting ED 1.3-1.5, though, Horizons is showing 339 hours but I started back in June so I think there are some hours missing. Not sure.

Anyway, it would be nice to track it on INARA.
30 Dec 2015, 7:51pm
Jack Dekerdt
JacknyfeUKI think they only just added it in 2.0.2

yeah that sounds a bout right, it was pretty quick, just after horizons released, i'm guessing partly in response to the game being split as 2 separate entities on steam and folks being annoyed at their played hours stat being split, and that there are likely many just using steam for that purpose. regardless of the reason.. its a great wee QOL addition

I've found Steam less than reliable anyway when it comes to tracking hours in a given game. As mentioned, when I moved to the updated FD launchers circa 1.4 I bypassed Steam anyway. I am not sure if Horizons is counting ED 1.3-1.5, though, Horizons is showing 339 hours but I started back in June so I think there are some hours missing. Not sure.

Anyway, it would be nice to track it on INARA.

That is correct I bought X--rebirth found it unplayable and at 62hrs (about 50 hrs of making the thing work )stopt playing
and as long its installed and visit the community screen it keeps runnin in the background.

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