Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
03 Jan 2016, 6:43pm
no it´s not..
you just have to add the mentioned lines too it.
the log that is requested are other files usually found in the "logs" sub-folder in your game installation folder
03 Jan 2016, 7:42pm
Would it be possible to get a Power Play cycle timer added to the site, similar to what is at
03 Jan 2016, 7:59pm
CMDR Avery L. RichardsWould it be possible to get a Power Play cycle timer added to the site, similar to what is at

Acen ONYXOooh!  Good call, Cmdr Richards; I'll gladly Second that query/request!  

There already is one in the Galaxy tab.
03 Jan 2016, 8:02pm
I see it now. So it was a good feature idea after all.
03 Jan 2016, 8:14pm
Does the board already have a name notifier, such that when you name a commander by name in a post, comment or other publicly visible area, they get a notification? I'm thinking something like Twitter's/Jira's/Wiki's @username would be grand, unless it exists and I just don't know how to use it.
03 Jan 2016, 10:41pm
Anyone else getting a DNS resolution issue when accessing Frontier's main or forums page ( ?
03 Jan 2016, 10:56pm
James HussarAnyone else getting a DNS resolution issue when accessing Frontier's main or forums page ( ?

Working for me, try rebooting your router
04 Jan 2016, 4:12am
Hello Artie,
First off let me say thank you for this wonderful website as I have been using it ALOT lol

I saw that in the Galaxy -> Community Goals section , that there is a link to the Reddit....."You can also discuss goals on Reddit: /EliteCG"

That is great & I was wondering if you would mind adding another link to frontier forums..."".

The thread is called "Active Community Goals Thread #3" and Post#1 is kept up to date with the latest updated to Active Community Goals.

Thank you for your hard work & awesome website!
-CMDR Peregrinus19
04 Jan 2016, 4:31am
IS The Fat Cat
James HussarAnyone else getting a DNS resolution issue when accessing Frontier's main or forums page ( ?

Working for me, try rebooting your router

Yep. It was me. Odd that the rest of the internet was reachable.
04 Jan 2016, 11:21am
M. Lehman
I have some plans for logbooks improvements, including this one. So I will take a look on it for sure.

As an Inara user who has been known to make occasional use of the logbooks, may I ask what improvements you had in mind? Just a hint? Pleeeeease?

Rather just improvements than major features (well, except the subscriptions to your favorite authors) like displaying mentioned, buttons for the next/previous logbook entry and similar quality of life improvements.

Dwardencan we get Wing > Diplomacy > History
with view of past request for alliance (from others to us) and (from us to others) including reasons used ?
(sort of similar to History of join/leave for members)

Yep, I will add it there.

James HussarDoes the board already have a name notifier, such that when you name a commander by name in a post, comment or other publicly visible area, they get a notification? I'm thinking something like Twitter's/Jira's/Wiki's @username would be grand, unless it exists and I just don't know how to use it.

Hmmm, to avoid slow full-text searches it will require an additional specific index and mechanics for it. I will add it to ToDo list, but no promises...

That is great & I was wondering if you would mind adding another link to frontier forums..."".

The thread is called "Active Community Goals Thread #3" and Post#1 is kept up to date with the latest updated to Active Community Goals.

Hello, good idea, link to that thread was added there...
04 Jan 2016, 11:56am
Is it possible for me to update my logbook manually as I am now a XB1 player
04 Jan 2016, 2:55pm
Hi Artie, I have been entering station data for stations I have been visiting but I see no box to enter the gravity of a planet for planetary stations. Could you add this so that I don't make the grand mistake of trying to land a large ship on a high gravity world to dock?
04 Jan 2016, 4:20pm
Hey Artie, I don't know if it was already a subject on this thread, but is it possible to use the "future" time in the log? I guess it might be only possible with some kind of hack, because of the "popup data picker" that uses the local timezone + year. But maybe it is an easy workaround to save the date with + 1286 years to achieve the same goal.

I'm open for other thoughts on changing that feature though... If people disagree with this request. Just thought about it because of RP reasons. Maybe an optional Checkbox under settings? Like "add 1286 years to logbook entries to adjust time to ingame time"

(I know we can adjust the time manually to 3302, but the default value will be picked differently every time)
04 Jan 2016, 4:25pm
What about a "Role: Fuel Rat" addition for the "Role" in signature? Or something else in the lines of a "White Knight" (player helping out other players)?
04 Jan 2016, 5:02pm
Uvelius Sång Archangel wingWhat about a "Role: Fuel Rat" addition for the "Role" in signature? Or something else in the lines of a "White Knight" (player helping out other players)?

might as well be fully customziable then. +1

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