Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
18 Sep 2022, 6:02pm
I still cannot choose commodities or system in the new version.
the old one works.
i d like to set sol for example, the drop down menu shows up, but doesnt take my choice
Is that only me?
18 Sep 2022, 9:23pm
Artigoni was more talking about like it hows i inly deliverd 412 people and i did 1003+ or im not a trader when i have around 12000uints traded+

Yes, that's what I am talking about. Also, be aware that the stats are usually updated just at the session start (because the journal event is written only during this). So unless there is some odd Frontier's bug involved of the Statistics event not being written into the journal at all, it should work.

Mika LHello,

I have a small improvement request: Make the "Near star system" input field editable. That field is in all the "Nearest" search pages. When I have travelled to a different system in the game after I last time used that search, the name of my current system may be just a little different from the previous system's name. In such situation it would be most practical to be able to edit the existing system name in the input field. In the old Inara it was editable and it was practical. In this new Inara I have to either write it all again or copy-paste it from somewhere, which is much less practical.

With best regards,
CMDR Mika L.

It should be no problem, I will adjust that in the next few days.

Carlos ConstantinI still cannot choose commodities or system in the new version.
the old one works.
i d like to set sol for example, the drop down menu shows up, but doesnt take my choice
Is that only me?

It means that it won't show an offer of star systems as you are typing? Or you mean when the star system name is written/copy&pasted directly and the Enter is pressed fast (not giving the dropdown a chance to populate), it will ignore it and perform the search? Or something else?
18 Sep 2022, 10:18pm
Hi - in old Inara you used to get a breakdown of Squadron cash and total asset values, and also highest individual amounts. You also used to get a list of ships owned across the Squadron.

Is this functionality in new Inara? If so could someone point me to the right place?

If not, are there any plans to put it in please?

Many thanks
18 Sep 2022, 10:27pm
Yuna SakashiroI noticed that new CMDR names are now all upper case, at least if you start the game in Odyssey.

I have just verified that
  • if you create a new CMDR in Horizons 4.0, the name is converted to ALL-UPPERCASE (presumably the same is true in Odyssey, as it is the same executable)
  • if you create a new CMDR in Horizons 3.8, the name stays as entered
  • ship names stay as entered in all versions.
I guess at some point in the Odyssey development someone thought it a good idea to make ship and CMDR names all-uppercase because the input fields use an all-caps font, forgetting about mixed-case things such as the chat (as well as the Russian localisation). Apparently this has been reversed for ship names, but not for CMDR names (probably because only a ship name issue report managed to get past the confirmation stage on FDev’s tracker).
19 Sep 2022, 1:48am
KilladarkQuestions regarding The Samaritan, i have completed 2 restore mission which seem to have counted and 6 reactivation mission which are not counted is this as intended? Both these type of missions require me to put the power core in to restart the facility while the Restore also requires me to put of the fire in the facility which is the only difference between the 2 mission otherwise.

And as for Items/Civilians rescued i moved maybe 300+ refugee in civil unrest system and it still does not count it for the badge though, can i get a little more clarification on which missions exactly does the Samaritan need?

To add to this I do believe that both Restore and Reactivation missions should both be counted for this badge as we are doing the same thing pretty much as in turning on power to a shut down installation.

The number of the settlements rebooted is taken right from the in-game stats and as I am checking your numbers and missions completed (6 missions total, according the journal), all the reboot and restore missions were counted in, except one. No exact idea why the one wasn't counted in though, it's something on Frontier's end and it may worth to be reported.
The items and civilians rescued are taken from the search and rescue numbers (items) and from the burning station missions (items and civilians). No refugees are counted in at the moment, but it's actually a good idea to count them in, too. I will take a look at that.

My progress in the Samaritan badge has not been updating for a while now, in game I have 48 restores, but stuck at around 28 on the badge progress. Also did you ever add in refugees to the count? I think that would be a nice inclusion for that badge.
19 Sep 2022, 9:59am
My progress in the Samaritan badge has not been updating for a while now, in game I have 48 restores, but stuck at around 28 on the badge progress. Also did you ever add in refugees to the count? I think that would be a nice inclusion for that badge.

The number seems to be alright by the data received, the latest Statistics event from 2022-09-18T11:52:32Z has 29 settlements rebooted in and there was no further Statistics event since then. If the number changed in the game meanwhile, I suppose it will get updated after the next session start (and import).

Nathan De VerneHi - in old Inara you used to get a breakdown of Squadron cash and total asset values, and also highest individual amounts. You also used to get a list of ships owned across the Squadron.

Is this functionality in new Inara? If so could someone point me to the right place?

If not, are there any plans to put it in please?

Many thanks

Hello, I have removed it as there was almost no use for that. Was there any particular reason why you have been using it? I may reconsider it...
19 Sep 2022, 10:41am
Artie Hello, I have removed it as there was almost no use for that. Was there any particular reason why you have been using it? I may reconsider it...

Hi Artie - we found it quite useful to drive internal competitions, and in supporting new players into the squadron to help them with funds etc. The averages were a useful benchmark for example. Also, when carriers were announced and priced, it was helpful in planning terms e.g. around number of carriers we might be able to field etc. None of this is critical of course, but it was useful to be able to see it quickly. And who knows what content FDev might have round the corner.....!

Similarly with the ships lists - for example being able to see how many racing ships the Squadron has on it's books helps determine if it's worth running a racing event etc. As a Squadron we use Inara as our primary communications tool, so it was helpful to be able to design activities around the holdings of our pilots. Sure we can just stick a post up and ask, but it helped us refine what we thought might be of interest.

If it's not too much trouble, and you could put it back in, that would be awesome. If not, we'll make do without it but I'll miss it.

19 Sep 2022, 6:16pm
My progress in the Samaritan badge has not been updating for a while now, in game I have 48 restores, but stuck at around 28 on the badge progress. Also did you ever add in refugees to the count? I think that would be a nice inclusion for that badge.

The number seems to be alright by the data received, the latest Statistics event from 2022-09-18T11:52:32Z has 29 settlements rebooted in and there was no further Statistics event since then. If the number changed in the game meanwhile, I suppose it will get updated after the next session start (and import).

Thank you, it is working now. It was just odd to see the codex update before the journals. Did you decide against including refugees for this badge?
19 Sep 2022, 6:40pm
Sorting by population is now working in english language, but not in any other.
Example: Gilgamesh
20 Sep 2022, 4:22am
Idea for trade routes, could you add power play faction control option? This would be helpful in finding trade where Edmund is in control.
20 Sep 2022, 4:30am
Ever since I began jumping around 80,000 lightyears every day I've been getting this error code when trying to update:

There was a problem with Frontier's service while requesting the data. Please wait a couple of hours and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 0, fetchCode: 28]

I was told before that it had to do with a high amount of relogs, but I'm not relogging at all. Is there another reason this has been happening? I haven't been able to auto or manually update since the 14th and I was only able to do that because I made another post and there was manual intervention on the Inara backend.

Thank you!
20 Sep 2022, 6:53am
Carlos ConstantinI still cannot choose commodities or system in the new version.
the old one works.
i d like to set sol for example, the drop down menu shows up, but doesnt take my choice
Is that only me?

It means that it won't show an offer of star systems as you are typing? Or you mean when the star system name is written/copy&pasted directly and the Enter is pressed fast (not giving the dropdown a chance to populate), it will ignore it and perform the search? Or something else?[/quote]

Hi. It offers while typing, but when i select the right system it disappears and nothing is in the selection box.
20 Sep 2022, 10:25am
Carlos Constantin
Hi. It offers while typing, but when i select the right system it disappears and nothing is in the selection box.

Hmmm... it looks like a specific browser problem. Please try to disable all your browser plugins first, to see what will happen. If it still won't work, please tell me exact browser version and I can try to replicate it.

Thank you, it is working now. It was just odd to see the codex update before the journals. Did you decide against including refugees for this badge?

The refugees are currently taken only from the burning station rescues (counted "manually" by Inara). There is the refugees rescued number in the in-game stats, but unfortunately this number is not exposed in the journal, probably due to Frontier's oversight. I have asked Frontier to put it there as well, so once they will include it, I will use it for the medal.

Floyd 09Sorting by population is now working in english language, but not in any other.
Example: Gilgamesh

Thanks, I will take a general pass over all the tables to see if there aren't any similar cases. It will be fixed.

EmpyriusIdea for trade routes, could you add power play faction control option? This would be helpful in finding trade where Edmund is in control.

Probably not, it rarely leads to getting better trade route than any other and it complicates search/caching. But I can include the bonuses in the display, similar as in the best trade routes.

VladmirMcDoogleEver since I began jumping around 80,000 lightyears every day I've been getting this error code when trying to update:

There was a problem with Frontier's service while requesting the data. Please wait a couple of hours and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 0, fetchCode: 28]

I was told before that it had to do with a high amount of relogs, but I'm not relogging at all. Is there another reason this has been happening? I haven't been able to auto or manually update since the 14th and I was only able to do that because I made another post and there was manual intervention on the Inara backend.

Thank you!

The only other reason that comes on my mind may be long sessions with a lot of jumps. I never met with this problem, but it's quite possible (hard to say, it's on Frontier's end). The only thing which may probably help to alleviate the problem is to make imports during the session, let's say in ~30 minutes intervals. It may "distribute" the load of stitching journals part together on their server and thus help with that issue. Either way, I have set your import to a future day again and you can try the procedure mentioned above tomorrow (UTC time, today's journal is broken, too).
20 Sep 2022, 10:29am
Nathan De Verne
Hi Artie - we found it quite useful to drive internal competitions, and in supporting new players into the squadron to help them with funds etc. The averages were a useful benchmark for example. Also, when carriers were announced and priced, it was helpful in planning terms e.g. around number of carriers we might be able to field etc. None of this is critical of course, but it was useful to be able to see it quickly. And who knows what content FDev might have round the corner.....!

Similarly with the ships lists - for example being able to see how many racing ships the Squadron has on it's books helps determine if it's worth running a racing event etc. As a Squadron we use Inara as our primary communications tool, so it was helpful to be able to design activities around the holdings of our pilots. Sure we can just stick a post up and ask, but it helped us refine what we thought might be of interest.

If it's not too much trouble, and you could put it back in, that would be awesome. If not, we'll make do without it but I'll miss it.


Thank you for the detailed explanation! Those are quite good reasons, I will think about it. I suppose for the ships, you have been primarily looking for the role set by their owners than going through their loadouts, etc., right?
20 Sep 2022, 10:44am
Artie Thank you for the detailed explanation! Those are quite good reasons, I will think about it. I suppose for the ships, you have been primarily looking for the role set by their owners than going through their loadouts, etc., right?

Yes, loadout is the key element, but also just the number and types of ships is important. So if we had 10 Imperial Eagles in the Squadron for example, regardless of loadout and 'role' (as these can be easily changed) we might design a racing event around a settlement.

The key here is engineering.

People are much more likely to jump on a racing event if they simply have to take their weapons and optional modules and put them in storage. Saying 'we're running an event, go buy an Imperial Eagle' was less appealing as it either had to be 'stock' or involved an engineering grind. Knowing Squadron holdings, and being able to quickly look at the level of core engineering, was neat.

Thanks for considering this.

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