Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
08 Oct 2022, 9:23pm
Is there any chance, the Fleet Carriers list present in the older Inara version will be restored in the new one?

Or maybe I've just missed it.
09 Oct 2022, 12:59am
I "almost" can't believe... updating commander profile again don't work from Frontier side.
I'm sure what cause problem with that... Relogging. I like to collect Meta-Alloys and that demand relogging in game, and seems only way is to "skip some journal updates". Is there any way we can do that by ourselves (some button or option somewhere), or I must bother you every month? (Since I go once a month to fill carrier with Meta-Alloys for 4-5 days in a row).
I even tried to make relogging longer waiting 1 minute before I log back... but problem that Frontier server handle game logs persist.
IDK is problem is same when player relog collecting materials, but for sure is present if you harvest Meta-alloys (or goid sensors)... maybe is connected with handling cargo not mats.

I know it isn't Inara side problem, since I contacted Frontier support several times... And they always respond that is all OK from their side and that Inara don't have anything with them (Like I started to play yesterday)... Which means they blame someone else for their mistakes (as usually guilty people say in their defense)...

How that looks here:

GAME JOURNAL IMPORT 2022-10-02 Download failed

There was a problem with Frontier's service while requesting the data. Please wait a couple of hours and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 0, fetchCode: 28]

I also disabled all 3rd party tools during "harvesting time" (ED Market Connector & ED Astro... which could "maybe" mess with data transfer) and result is same every time.

Last edit: 09 Oct 2022, 1:09am
09 Oct 2022, 3:52pm
ZEN IndustriesI "almost" can't believe... updating commander profile again don't work from Frontier side.
I'm sure what cause problem with that... Relogging. I like to collect Meta-Alloys and that demand relogging in game, Which means they blame someone else for their mistakes (as usually guilty people say in their defense)...
d result is same every time.

Maybe it's payback for abusing the spirit of the came by constant and frequent re-logging to gain and advantage

Just a thought....
09 Oct 2022, 10:02pm
If that is "abuse"... why is allowed by Frontier?
And what is this game if not "gaining advantage" where you need to grind absolutely everything?

So this is "payback" for something present as standard game routine. and for sure don't have any impact on players or game... Just for people who are present on Inara and like to see their statistic in fast way instead browsing through player stats in codex. Many players don't even use Inara, they just play, have fun, not calculating anything for PowerPlay and BSG. I have 10 of those players in my squadron, who don't even have account here.

Maybe I should look this as "payback" from God or karma or destiny or... whatever.

Your comment reminds me on those gankers/grievers who lie on global chat to new players that if they clog Frontier will ban them. I personally never combat log or approve that, still forcing newbies to believe in lie is way worse... where is "payback" for that behavior?

Sorry if I offend you by this reply, my intention is to point on something else, and that something as long is legal, someone may don't like, but is still legal. Not just legal, it's even encouraged and rewarded by Frontier in so many CG's.

Same as you said:
"Just a thought..."
10 Oct 2022, 6:24am
Creo que las paginas de precios de mercancias no funcionan correctamente, cuando deberian poner el precio de venta de una mercancia ponen el precio de compra y la demanda de compra, no la de venta....
10 Oct 2022, 12:03pm
Sampi Ogonek
...a search for Manticore Oppressor AND TK Aphelion (both grade 1)[/url], which, excluding FCs, should really return just Jameson Memorial (and perhaps a couple of other special stations I am currently not aware of), instead returns a lot of stations, the overwhelming majority conspicuously updated 485+ days ago. I have just verified the closest result (George Lucas, Leesti) and as I suspected, it has neither Oppressor nor Aphelion in the stock; it has what I call the “close combat weapons set”, i.e. TK Eclipse, TK Zenith, Karma C-44, Karma P-15.
So it appears you have set the cut-off date a bit too early…

Thanks for the debugging, I have cut the extra week from the old data off.

VonoothaIs there any chance, the Fleet Carriers list present in the older Inara version will be restored in the new one?
Or maybe I've just missed it.

No plans for that. I thought initially there will be a few hundreds of FCs at maximum and thus I made the list, but as there is thousands of them the list is useless, so there is no need to keep it.

ZEN IndustriesI "almost" can't believe... updating commander profile again don't work from Frontier side.
I'm sure what cause problem with that... Relogging. I like to collect Meta-Alloys and that demand relogging in game, and seems only way is to "skip some journal updates". Is there any way we can do that by ourselves (some button or option somewhere), or I must bother you every month? (Since I go once a month to fill carrier with Meta-Alloys for 4-5 days in a row)....

The import date was adjusted, please try again. I think waiting at least two minutes between relogs can help, although it's not a guarantee. Either way, I am planning to add a button for the failed journals skip this week, so it will be a workaround (I have it ready, I just need to deploy it with the rest of the improvements and fixes). As far as I know, other tools running should have no effect on that, so you can keep them on.

JapecruCreo que las paginas de precios de mercancias no funcionan correctamente, cuando deberian poner el precio de venta de una mercancia ponen el precio de compra y la demanda de compra, no la de venta....

I am not sure that I understand the problem, please provide a link to the respective page and specify what exact commodity or commodities are wrong.
10 Oct 2022, 3:27pm

ZEN IndustriesIf that is "abuse"... why is allowed by Frontier?
And what is this game if not "gaining advantage" where you need to grind absolutely everything?

Sorry if I offend you by this reply, my intention is to point on something else, and that something as long is legal, someone may don't like, but is still legal. Not just legal, it's even encouraged and rewarded by Frontier in so many CG's.

Same as you said:
"Just a thought..."

Firstly, I am not offended.

why is allowed by Frontier.... I guess that when you have paid for the game you can play it any way you choose.

you need to grind absolutely everything... I think grinding for engineering materials is necessary. Grinding for profit is not - it's a choice.

Might be a good point to drop this thread here as it's in the wrong place.

Happy grinding x
10 Oct 2022, 9:59pm
Many Thanks, Artie.
I agree with you Descartes, there is no point debating about methods of playing in this thread, but if my post helps Artie to find workaround or solution and improve Inara, that's good enough for me... Maybe good enough for many other players who encounter same issue.

BTW... Harvesting Meta-Alloys doesn't have anything with profit... When you need credits you do "Robigo runs". Collecting... for example 300 Meta-Alloys you spend playing at least 2-3 hours and when you sell them you gain about 60M credits.
Meanwhile in 1 hour of "Robigo runs" you gain more than 100M credits... so 3 hours is approx. 300.000.000... FFS why would be anyone lose 3 hours of extremely boring gameplay collecting Meta-Alloys, when you can earn more in less time and less boring way?
So real question is... What is the real reason doing that But that is question for some other topic not this one.

Anyway thanks for your thoughts and conversation... And again many thanks Artie (and all others who help) for magnificent work on this site.

Last edit: 10 Oct 2022, 10:27pm
10 Oct 2022, 10:49pm
VonoothaIs there any chance, the Fleet Carriers list present in the older Inara version will be restored in the new one?
Or maybe I've just missed it.

ArtieNo plans for that. I thought initially there will be a few hundreds of FCs at maximum and thus I made the list, but as there is thousands of them
the list is useless, so there is no need to keep it.

True, the list had a very limited value in the form, it was available. However, based on it, it was possible to derive some quite interesting information about the current hot spots and movement of the FCs.
11 Oct 2022, 6:21am
Hey, I didn't have any update isnce 9th of October, today it is 11th and Inara still shows financial and other statistical data as it was before 9th. I know, normally it would take a while (few hours), but this is few days, I am becoming kinda nervous :-D
11 Oct 2022, 6:48pm
ZEN IndustriesMany Thanks, Artie.
I agree with you Descartes, there is no point debating about methods of playing in this thread, but if my post helps Artie to find workaround or solution and improve Inara, that's good enough for me

Anyway thanks for your thoughts and conversation... And again many thanks Artie (and all others who help) for magnificent work on this site.

Is this a first..
honest exchange of views and we live happily ever after..... unless I see you with a bounty of your head
11 Oct 2022, 8:30pm
I like to get my bartender items being published on INARA but only the items of my carrier warehouse are shown.
My carrier is "QFM-64Z".

What can I do?

Last edit: 11 Oct 2022, 8:40pm
11 Oct 2022, 11:36pm
KlusikCZHey, I didn't have any update isnce 9th of October, today it is 11th and Inara still shows financial and other statistical data as it was before 9th. I know, normally it would take a while (few hours), but this is few days, I am becoming kinda nervous :-D

It looks it may be alright now? There wasn't the Statistics event in the journal before, which was the cause (for unknown reasons, it may happen sometimes).

Alexander TutassHi,
I like to get my bartender items being published on INARA but only the items of my carrier warehouse are shown.
My carrier is "QFM-64Z".

What can I do?

Please either import your game data via the button on your CMDR page or have EDMC running and open the bartender on your carrier (assuming you are sending data to EDDN). But maybe you did that already, I see some stuff being sold on your carrier.
12 Oct 2022, 5:45pm
Artie It looks it may be alright now? There wasn't the Statistics event in the journal before, which was the cause (for unknown reasons, it may happen sometimes).

Eyup, it's on now, thank you :-)
13 Oct 2022, 3:38pm

I can't seem to find the "Link Your Account". I was linked to my PS4 account now I'm on PC. I looked in setting and find nothing about linking my game into Inara.

Where do I find this?

Also how do you create a new thread in the discussions. Replying here is the only thing I could find.


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