Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
04 Dec 2022, 10:10am
Artie, how come you can look up (and get results) for Grade 2, 3, 4 & 5 pre-ugpraded gear from Odyssey on this page?

Is there a way to detect this automatically or is this just an oversight?
04 Dec 2022, 11:38am
The_FireflyJust a translation issue: In the materials list is no german translation for "Thargoid Interdiction Telemetry". Its "Thargoiden-Abfangmanöver-Telemetrie"

Thanks, yeah, all the new stuff has no translation for any language yet.

Arsen CrossArtie, how come you can look up (and get results) for Grade 2, 3, 4 & 5 pre-ugpraded gear from Odyssey on this page?

Is there a way to detect this automatically or is this just an oversight?

It based on historical data (somebody bought it there, thus there was a journal record about it). As each of the vendors is providing a limited set of items, there is a chance he will have the desired stuff again. But certainly no guarantee.
05 Dec 2022, 12:53am
how can i edit additional station features ?

this station does not have Vista Genomics but it's listed, the edit page doesn't have this avaiable to change.
05 Dec 2022, 9:17am
Hello Artie!
My statistics are not updated, the latest updates for 11/30/2022
my nickname is crow_old
With what it can be connected?
05 Dec 2022, 9:48am
crow_oldHello Artie!
My statistics are not updated, the latest updates for 11/30/2022
my nickname is crow_old
With what it can be connected?

05 Dec 2022, 11:51am
probably a fdev thing, i had to reconnect the account, they use oauth, when the session expire, the website will be unable to get the informations.

i'd try reconnect first.
05 Dec 2022, 12:35pm
Hello SwingFish!
to reconnect is to create a new nickname on inar?
05 Dec 2022, 1:20pm
SwingFishhow can i edit additional station features ?

this station does not have Vista Genomics but it's listed, the edit page doesn't have this avaiable to change.

I am not planning to extend the edits, I would however like to take a look at the outpost services this week. It seems the journals are reporting the services that may be there, but actually aren't due to the physical station layout. So I will need to handle that directly on the station updates/imports.

Which reminds me - does anybody seen Vista Genomics and/or Frontline Solutions at any orbital outpost recently? I am under impression that I've seen Frontline solutions there earlier, but I am not so sure about it and before I will made general changes I need to be sure it won't be heavy-handed. So any hints before running some tests will help.

crow_oldHello Artie!
My statistics are not updated, the latest updates for 11/30/2022
my nickname is crow_old
With what it can be connected?

crow_oldHello Artie!
My statistics are not updated, the latest updates for 11/30/2022
my nickname is crow_old
With what it can be connected?


Hello! Inara is now using and fetching just Live game data, so please ensure you are playing Horizons 4.0 or Odyssey. By a brief check of your accounts, it doesn't seem to be a case (there are no recent journals and that's also why nothing was updated for your accounts).
05 Dec 2022, 4:57pm
Artie Which reminds me - does anybody seen Vista Genomics and/or Frontline Solutions at any orbital outpost recently?

Never seen them in orbital space stations, only in ground stations and starports.
05 Dec 2022, 6:52pm
Hello! Inara is now using and fetching just Live game data, so please ensure you are playing Horizons 4.0 or Odyssey. By a brief check of your accounts, it doesn't seem to be a case (there are no recent journals and that's also why nothing was updated for your accounts). [/quote]

that is, Legacy does not work in inara now?
really sad
Horizons 4.0 everything is very unusual again, a lot of time to spend on learning the interface
that is, Legacy does not work in inara now?
really sad
Horizons 4.0 everything is very unusual again, a lot of time to spend on learning the interface
But thanks anyway for the clarification!
05 Dec 2022, 9:34pm
SwingFishhow can i edit additional station features ?

this station does not have Vista Genomics but it's listed, the edit page doesn't have this avaiable to change.

Which reminds me - does anybody seen Vista Genomics and/or Frontline Solutions at any orbital outpost recently? I am under impression that I've seen Frontline solutions there earlier, but I am not so sure about it and before I will made general changes I need to be sure it won't be heavy-handed. So any hints before running some tests will help.

Yepp most of them do have it, i will be more cautios about the ones that don't if there is any difference in how they are displayed, named or whatever. to get you some hints. the layout was the same pretty much just somewhat smaller (?) i think if that's the case they also not have a Shipyard, ill still in the area and will do some checking.

[...] Edit!
correction i just recalled the bar was much smaller, there is defently a difference in layouts now.
i went to another station for some black market activity and noticed that the bar was much larger in that outpost, and it had Vista Genomics.

i'm pretty sure all of them have Frontline Solutions
05 Dec 2022, 11:48pm
awesome, while you at it maybe add the button to find nearest material trader below "View Inventory" on /cmdr-craftinglist-components ?

since at this page one does figure out what they need anhow to change it, but to get to where to change it requires navigating trough 3 unrelated pages.

Yeah, good idea. The button and the tags for techbroker/synth are there.

there is a small bug, the Tags do not sync (eg. you have to recreate them with the EXACT same spelling) in order to make them work, not aa dealbreaker, just annoying, it works perfectly otherwise.

another suggestion would be to have the tag visible on the list pages (/cmdr-craftinglist) so they can be sorted, without the tags visible its difficult to categorize things.
06 Dec 2022, 3:53pm
Aunty Sledge
Artie Which reminds me - does anybody seen Vista Genomics and/or Frontline Solutions at any orbital outpost recently?

Never seen them in orbital space stations, only in ground stations and starports.


Yepp most of them do have it, i will be more cautios about the ones that don't if there is any difference in how they are displayed, named or whatever. to get you some hints. the layout was the same pretty much just somewhat smaller (?) i think if that's the case they also not have a Shipyard, ill still in the area and will do some checking.

[...] Edit!
correction i just recalled the bar was much smaller, there is defently a difference in layouts now.
i went to another station for some black market activity and noticed that the bar was much larger in that outpost, and it had Vista Genomics.

i'm pretty sure all of them have Frontline Solutions

Just to be sure - are you certain it was an orbital outpost (so not an orbital starport nor any surface station)? Because as it seems, the outpost truly doesn't have those two services mentioned (and I probably remembered that incorrectly).

there is a small bug, the Tags do not sync (eg. you have to recreate them with the EXACT same spelling) in order to make them work, not aa dealbreaker, just annoying, it works perfectly otherwise.

another suggestion would be to have the tag visible on the list pages (/cmdr-craftinglist) so they can be sorted, without the tags visible its difficult to categorize things.

It's by design, so you can have a separate set of tags for each category (ship modules, equipment, etc.), not messing the filters with tags that are for the other category. If somebody wants to have the same tags, for example for the missing components filtering, then it can be re-typed as you mentioned. Good point about displaying the tags there, I will take a look at that.
06 Dec 2022, 10:23pm
Outpost never had Vista Genomics and Frontline Solutions. No matter if game say in system view that they have those 2 services. So for now be sure I never seen Vista or Frontline on any Outpost station, maybe in some future FDEV plan to implement those... but I'm not sure that will be soon, since they don't have space in Outpost concourse to place it. That will demand big rework on Outposts concourse which is not small job and I doubt that FDEV give any priority to that idea since they are overhead with Goid war, new human weapons and AX modules.

LOL I even think that we will sooner see ship interiors than those services on Outposts
07 Dec 2022, 1:16pm
Would it be possible to add tracking of cargo delivery missions to the Thargoid War page? The galaxy map instructions say they should help, but they're not tracked.

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