Don't forget to pop into the Inara Discord to say hi - you can often get a quick answer for any questions there!
Ti3004Another new commander here,
first time in Elite since my Spectrum died about 35 years ago
Stryker AuneTi3004Another new commander here,
first time in Elite since my Spectrum died about 35 years ago
Just bought a PS4, so delighted to see that Elite Dangerous had recently launched. I bought the game discounted off the PSN store, no manual and not much clue.
I've hung around and picked off some bounties after letting the space police do most of the hard work, and joined a wing here.
Any pointers towards decent guides (I had to look up how to pay a fine and claim my bounties) would certainly be appreciated.
I'm hoping to focus on a bit of Trade & Exploration, whilst being able to defend myself (or run away!) so a steer as to what ships / equipment etc I ought to be looking at (heh, and how to actually explore?) would be very handy
Welcome Ti3004.
As Jem said, the Consulting the Great Google Machine can result is a a fair amount of help, tutorials, and posts. Fan made tutorials can be hit and miss.
Don't be afraid to ask questions here or the discord.
There are various people here who have areas of expertise.
If your looking for PvP, Phisto is your man.
BGS, look to the Pirate Queen, Marra.
Exploration, Apex does a fair amount
Pirating related activities, Marra and myself.
All around good advise and encouragement, Jem.
I hope you have been enjoying the game so far.