11 Jan 2016, 2:09am
A quick about me.. I'm 31. Work IT on graveyard shifts. Am a father and mature but I joke and play around all the time really. Child at heart. Anyways I'm in the central time zone and usually play in the morning from 630am to whenever.
I do have a mic and open to learn with anyone wanting to expand their wing and friends. Just hit me on the xbone. Thanks.
11 Jan 2016, 5:30pm
11 Jan 2016, 6:09pm
XeyderHello everyone!!!!
I have been playing the game pretty activity since June, but after doing the Robigo runs to the end of time and having maxed everything out and almost all ships in the game I grew........bored. I decided 2 weeks ago to delete my save and start over. I am currently in a Cobra MKIII and just progressing through the game.
Currently looking for a wing that plays in both open and private. Voice communication would be a huge help!
Hey, you could join my wing , the IPU (Interstellar Pilot's Union)
13 Jan 2016, 5:47am
CMDR Brenner Soriah, at your service. I'm just a guy enjoying one of the best games in the world. I've been playing on PC since early spring 2015. Being of a more militaristic mindset, I've taken and held by Zachary Hudson's standards since the release of Powerplay. I took a hiatus for other games late summer and into fall. November, I decided to get back into it, and in a fit to find players to work with and give myself a goal to work towards, I found INARA.
I've found Inara to be a very useful tool in regards to the sharing of information. Personally, I like using it as a way to log my activities for both reminiscing, but also for other commanders to read and learn or to even step in and show me something better. I make weekly or biweekly log posts with as much detail and flavorful text as I can muster, so as not to just write some long winded piece of boredom.
Either way, presently I am a very active member of the Paladin Consortium, and a liaison of sorts between wings. I'm an avid combat pilot, with interests in all aspects of the universe, and just a love for flying. If you seek an escort, a mentor, or just some entertainment, I'm usually very watchful of communications despite my busy life.
CMDR Brenner Soriah
May your swords stay sharp, and may you soar on dragon's wings.
13 Jan 2016, 3:43pm
13 Jan 2016, 5:00pm
JeradTHello, im relatively new to Elite, an looking for people to wing up with or just to chat or learn some new things from. I play on the XBOX usually over night or early mornings EST. I'm 32 single father with a 3 year old so I play when he's asleep at night or basically when I have a time too. I'd love to learn from the people in these forums an fly with people for I play on open but don't see many players out there. It's a big universe. Gamer tag is JeradT feel free to add me. Fly safe.
You can check the wing option there are large groups of xbox and other platform players.
Welcome to ELITE.
13 Jan 2016, 9:41pm
14 Jan 2016, 5:44am
Just started playing Elite around Christmas of 2015 and I'm hooked. Haven't really gotten any other projects done since. I usually only play games over the winter so come spring and summer I'll take a long break for other hobbies. It's interesting that most of us seem older - I'm 29 going on 49, Mechanical Engineer and tinkerer. Playing on PC with a logitech 3d pro i got at the thrift store for $5.
My only real goals are to get a Fer De-lance (just did a few days ago) and see Sol. After that, who knows?
Thanks again for an awesome site.
15 Jan 2016, 7:11am
Is there a how to use thingy on INARA such as where to find your game log files so as to upload to INARA
None of the supplied signature codes seem to work so I have had to download a image and upload that as a signature
15 Jan 2016, 10:16pm
Hi everyone! Game-wise, I played the original ELITE on my mate's BBC Acorn when I was a kid, and got the Lifetime Pass for this as soon as I bought the game, p much. RP-wise, it started as shoe-horning the Monolith Preachers from the game series STALKER into ELITE. Since then it's grown through my CMDRs log from being a pretty normal slave trader with deathcult leanings into something more.
He met AJRimmer on his first Hutton run and was as giddy as a schoolgirl. He later wondered about him when doing the GIMPP. When he got back, he became a slave himself, and now he's a King, soon to return home after finishing a long contract for some Pack Hounds, and some cover from his previous schemings.
I never saw this kind of character development when writing of my own accord. I'm continually surprised by the way I must adapt my planned plot arcs to occurrences in-game, and how interesting little side-plots start to splinter off. Admittedly I've got more written at home than I put down on here, but that's because most people aren't going to want the kind of extensive fluff I can write in. I'm too verbose for most already, haha!
In closing, I must say I love the site. It's a great way to keep track of things, and it's great logging in and reading through people's stories or checking what goals are going on. I tend to think of it as "the real Galnet". Probably get round to sponsoring at some point in one of my more gregarious moods.
Also, anyone out there that wants to wing up, feel free! I'm always about for a chat, and usually around for some fun! Only one rule: No Feds allowed! Well, and no bronies, but that goes without saying if you know me at all...
16 Jan 2016, 1:30am
Monolith PreacherGuess I should finally post an introduction.
Hi everyone! Game-wise, I played the original ELITE on my mate's BBC Acorn when I was a kid, and got the Lifetime Pass for this as soon as I bought the game, p much. RP-wise, it started as shoe-horning the Monolith Preachers from the game series STALKER into ELITE. Since then it's grown through my CMDRs log from being a pretty normal slave trader with deathcult leanings into something more.
He met AJRimmer on his first Hutton run and was as giddy as a schoolgirl. He later wondered about him when doing the GIMPP. When he got back, he became a slave himself, and now he's a King, soon to return home after finishing a long contract for some Pack Hounds, and some cover from his previous schemings.
I never saw this kind of character development when writing of my own accord. I'm continually surprised by the way I must adapt my planned plot arcs to occurrences in-game, and how interesting little side-plots start to splinter off. Admittedly I've got more written at home than I put down on here, but that's because most people aren't going to want the kind of extensive fluff I can write in. I'm too verbose for most already, haha!
In closing, I must say I love the site. It's a great way to keep track of things, and it's great logging in and reading through people's stories or checking what goals are going on. I tend to think of it as "the real Galnet". Probably get round to sponsoring at some point in one of my more gregarious moods.
Also, anyone out there that wants to wing up, feel free! I'm always about for a chat, and usually around for some fun! Only one rule: No Feds allowed! Well, and no bronies, but that goes without saying if you know me at all...
Hey nice to meet you Commander,
I also played the original Elite game and signed up for Beta on ED with similar enthusiasm.
Look me up if you ever get stuck or need a hand.
17 Jan 2016, 2:13pm
I tend to play different roles depending on my mood. From hauling freight and rare trades to bounty hunting.
17 Jan 2016, 3:43pm