02 Feb 2016, 9:31am
Stumbled upon this site the other day, and saw the community and how useful this site is. I've heard many good things from reddit but just never had the time to check you guys out. Now that I've signed up I'm using this all the time on my second monitor.
Not sure exactly how many hours played but steams says under 200 hours but I've had elite since launch so probably over 300 hours. I'm primarily a PVE bounty hunter and mercenary but lately found myself doing a few smuggling here and there just to make a few extra credits. I also enjoy defending my home system from griefer, pirates and any other threat. I'm always up for helping new players, giving tips and helping people get the best start in the game.
Hope I bump into some of you guys in game, see you out there commanders.
02 Feb 2016, 2:18pm
Found this sight after watching some chaoswulff stuff on youtube. Im pretty new to all the this still and hoping to get a little more involved in the finer details of the game instead of just shooting at stuff.

04 Feb 2016, 3:30pm
04 Feb 2016, 3:38pm

04 Feb 2016, 6:46pm

04 Feb 2016, 7:27pm

And I'm sure it's just fallen down he back of the couch, Spica. That's where I find things usually seem to end up...
04 Feb 2016, 8:18pm
04 Feb 2016, 9:26pm
04 Feb 2016, 9:47pm

04 Feb 2016, 11:23pm
Shyn DarklyAll that tape we use on them, its just to show we care
I agree. Everything can be solve with Duck Tape.

08 Feb 2016, 2:25pm

anyway... What should i do now, after signed up?