23 Sep 2017, 9:01am
FrontButtHello All,
Been playing for nearly 2 years off and on... Have been quietly observing the community from the sidelines for a while. With the new update on our heels, I thought it was time to step in. This site is neat, it's pleasant having a place to organize everything, so I really applaud the site devs and community feedback that has built this.
Just found my way here through the great google engine.
Currently trying my first time at 'Deep' space exploration, doing a passenger mission that puts me about 21k ly from the bubble, to a Black Hole. So far... it is what you make of it.
Welcome to the forum, i'm reasonably new too.
Top tip on your long distance trip into the black, try to plot your route above or below the x axis. You'll instantly triple your data money for all those sweet undiscovered's out there. Apologies if that's teaching you to suck eggs, dunno if your 2 years has just been pew pew or not.
23 Sep 2017, 11:51am
FrontButtHello All,
Been playing for nearly 2 years off and on... Have been quietly observing the community from the sidelines for a while. With the new update on our heels, I thought it was time to step in. This site is neat, it's pleasant having a place to organize everything, so I really applaud the site devs and community feedback that has built this.
Just found my way here through the great google engine.
Currently trying my first time at 'Deep' space exploration, doing a passenger mission that puts me about 21k ly from the bubble, to a Black Hole. So far... it is what you make of it.

23 Sep 2017, 3:06pm
Van R FlyheightTeh UniballerHi all, new here sent from the Frontier forums. XBL gamertag is Teh Uniballer. I play normally on weekday nights. Been playing ED for a little over a year now. Looking forward to flying with you all!
Who sent you? Answer me damn it!!!
Just kidding, was it me though? I've been recommending a lot of players to come across and can't remember all there gamer tags.
Yeah it was you lol
23 Sep 2017, 3:50pm
Van R FlyheightWelcome to the forum, i'm reasonably new too.
Top tip on your long distance trip into the black, try to plot your route above or below the x axis. You'll instantly triple your data money for all those sweet undiscovered's out there. Apologies if that's teaching you to suck eggs, dunno if your 2 years has just been pew pew or not.
Thank you! It was pretty pew pew till I earned enough for a ship that could run passenger missions or 1mil cred planet based missions relatively efficiently, so I will take what ever tips the community is willing to impart. Heck, it was a solid year and a half before I took the game seriously and even knew about discounted parts/ships.
23 Sep 2017, 4:18pm
FrontButtVan R FlyheightWelcome to the forum, i'm reasonably new too.
Top tip on your long distance trip into the black, try to plot your route above or below the x axis. You'll instantly triple your data money for all those sweet undiscovered's out there. Apologies if that's teaching you to suck eggs, dunno if your 2 years has just been pew pew or not.
Thank you! It was pretty pew pew till I earned enough for a ship that could run passenger missions or 1mil cred planet based missions relatively efficiently, so I will take what ever tips the community is willing to impart. Heck, it was a solid year and a half before I took the game seriously and even knew about discounted parts/ships.
Considering the vast depth of this game and it's many aspects, nobody needs to be ashamed if not everything is known to oneself.
I'd prefer to be surprised instead of knowing it all, because the latter might lead to boredom. And that is never good to keep one interested.
23 Sep 2017, 4:34pm
23 Sep 2017, 5:05pm
Been playing ED for just under 2yrs, mostly PvE, just now contemplating spending more time in open.
I go back to the days of one-man-and-his-Cobra, on the original C64 version of Elite, so Darthjazzhands' Silverbacks Wing is the one for me
Last edit: 23 Sep 2017, 5:10pm
23 Sep 2017, 5:21pm
Open will bring a whole new feel to your gaming experience. Take care out there.
28 Sep 2017, 12:32am