13 Sep 2017, 3:01pm
Part of a 20 year old guild here, hoping to bring more of our members into the PC universe. At the moment we are mostly PvE, but as we grow our power we will dabble more in the open world and henceforth the PvP realm. See you out there, eventually!
13 Sep 2017, 6:29pm
DieHard-=TWB=-Hello folks,
Part of a 20 year old guild here, hoping to bring more of our members into the PC universe. At the moment we are mostly PvE, but as we grow our power we will dabble more in the open world and henceforth the PvP realm. See you out there, eventually!

14 Sep 2017, 11:31am
The multiplayer aspect was something we always talked about back in the 80's along with actually seeing what was inside the stations.
14 Sep 2017, 12:32pm

14 Sep 2017, 12:59pm
@Draxxa, wow, a kid my age. Ha ha ha. I was worried I might be one of the older kids in the playground. Guess not. I still have the original 5 1/4 Floppy Disk, and Commodore 64 stored away somewhere myself, I should start it up, I managed to Elite in that game.. but it took a long long time.
14 Sep 2017, 1:18pm
@Draxxa, wow, a kid my age. Ha ha ha. I was worried I might be one of the older kids in the playground. Guess not. I still have the original 5 1/4 Floppy Disk, and Commodore 64 stored away somewhere myself, I should start it up, I managed to Elite in that game.. but it took a long long time.[/quote]
oh my, makes me feel younger then I am IRL
14 Sep 2017, 1:21pm
MAD_DOG_MacDHello everyone. Back in the cockpit after a 32year break. Originally played this game on my Commodore 64 back in 1985 when I was 14. Picked up my PS4 copy in June and haven't looked back since. Wow, everything we imagined back in the 8bit days is a reality now and still as addictive as ever.
The multiplayer aspect was something we always talked about back in the 80's along with actually seeing what was inside the stations.
I was 16 in '85 but didn't have the Commodore 64. Wish I had. I would have been just as addicted to this game back then

14 Sep 2017, 3:27pm
@Darthjazzhands - The Commie 64 was awesome. I was a huge fan of the C128 though. I've been with computers since my first one (Altair 8800 which you had to build) in the late Seventies. Elite back then was fun. My friends and I would call each other and trade co-ordinates to things we've found. No planetary landings and no one in my group ever found a Generation Ship which was rumored to be in the original game.
14 Sep 2017, 8:37pm
It also makes you one of those 'sick granpa's (or you "ma's") uwu
15 Sep 2017, 3:26am
MAD_DOG_MacD@Son of khzvoltz - Age is a state of mind. My recently married daughter thinks it's funny when she comes over to visit to see me in my "Gaming Chair" blasting away at games. You may grow old, doesn't mean you have to grow up to some degree. I'll be 85 and still be a gamer.
@Darthjazzhands - The Commie 64 was awesome. I was a huge fan of the C128 though. I've been with computers since my first one (Altair 8800 which you had to build) in the late Seventies. Elite back then was fun. My friends and I would call each other and trade co-ordinates to things we've found. No planetary landings and no one in my group ever found a Generation Ship which was rumored to be in the original game.
My first was Pong in the 70s at my stepbrother's home. We had a Texas Instruments computer with a tape drive on cassette tape. I recall we had Zork and defender and a few others. My friend across the street had an Atari 2600 so I was at his place a lot. The local arcade was at the bowling alley so I hit all the classic coin ops there every weekend. Great times. I think the closest thing I got to Elite was a fun little shareware game called Escape Velocity, an XY scroller from the mid-90s. Most recent version is EV Override. Fun, quaint game