01 Sep 2022, 10:16am
12 Sep 2022, 3:13am
14 Sep 2022, 1:49pm
Sol here (or as the fellas on the routes call me, AlabamaDirtFarm). Now, if y'all are lookin' for a good old-fashioned shippin' and handlin' experience, like the ones your great, great grandpappy had back in the old days, then you look no further than HAPPY TRAILS TRUCKIN'!
We provide for all your cargo S&H needs, Private Package Pick-em-ups (trademark pending), Courier Services, Data Transport, and sometimes even Passenger Tours (iffin' it's along the way, that is)! All manifest procedures, docking requests, piloting, landing, cursing, and customer servicing is done by yours- truly. That's right, friends, this here outfit is a one-man show, with ole Sol Underwood as both King and Jester, CEO and Janitor.
So if you need something ran out yonder, and you want it done right and done quick, give me a ring or look out for me out there in the backrooms of any old smokey backwater bar in the black.
-S. E. Underwood
Proprietor - Happy Trails Trucking Co.
16 Sep 2022, 3:04pm
I hope this message reaches you and you are most certainly safe and sound. My government name does not matter, you can just call me Floss.
I pride myself mostly on exploration, seeing the stars, going as far as I can possibly go and coming back to inhabited space with stories to tell those who otherwise are less fortunate. Those who, for whatever reason, won't or can't leave the bubble. A bit of a lone wolf, if you would.
Science, Knowledge, understanding the great unknown out there... That's my goals... As lonely as an existence as that may be, sometimes.
Though I do have other traits as well. I'll engage in mining, and of course I'll stick to inhabited space for periods at a time to catch up and, perhaps run some errands here or there.
Before anyone asks, no. I don't really get into politics. Picking a side isn't exactly in the monetary interests of someone like myself, who needs that monetary investment if I'm going to head out into the black for long periods of time. No, the Feds, the Imps, the Alliance... They can have their little wars and proxy wars, I'll just stick to my own exploration and knowledge seeking, thanks.
That being said I'm not above taking on missions for them, if the pay is good. Even if that means getting my hands a little dirty from time to time, but you didn't hear me say that.
Now then! I've said as much as I'd like to, even more than that much. And, as much as I like to converse, I actually do have some important errands to be running, so... If you're interested in conversation, learning more perhaps? You know how to reach me.
So long, Commander. I hope we next meet on good terms...
27 Sep 2022, 10:52pm
You can find me in the middle of nowhere the majority of the time. I am usually deep within the Norma Expanse or some sector charting the stars for the Empire. When I'm in the bubble I fancy pilfering evacuated sites, the occasional Imperial Slave trade run, and bringing devastation to the Emperor's and Princess's enemies in combat on and off planet. Honestly, whatever pays better at the time.
If I have to nail down specifics I'm an explorer at heart. I get quite the fuzzy feeling revisiting a system and seeing my name listed as it's discoverer. From Colonia to Guuguyni, whether on the battlefield or within the black, well met fellow commanders.
All Hail The Emperor! Bask In Her Glory!

29 Sep 2022, 5:43pm
I am Commander Jasmine. I have just graduated flight school and has been given the OK for space travel. Though I have been traveling the black for approximately 5 days the community has been welcoming. The black is unnerving and unsettling to me. To be stuck in a tin can floating through space, death around every corner.... Overall, I've managed to create a steady income and have found a station to call home, for now.
I stream my space travel on a website called I spend most of my time floating through the black void of space working on my art. I am by trade an artist. I create comics, scribble characters, create worlds and fan art of my favorite things. I enjoy sharing that with everyone. I find it helps with the space madness...or is it adding to it? I'll let you be the judge.
I am excited to continue my journey in space and travel far beyond the bubble. I hope to travel with some of you in the future.
30 Sep 2022, 3:53am
Astro SkwerlMiseriAstro SkwerlSquirrel
Ratatoskr is that you
19 Oct 2022, 8:46pm
playerwon here, of rxss (raxxla seekers society)
love the site, use it constantly for the wealth of data that it offers!
see you in the black o7