14 Sep 2024, 9:16pm
Yea I'm super late to the party, I was only really introduced to Elite Dangerous a week ago, despite that I've already clocked over 100 hours on steam (Albeit a lot of that is the launcher being left open), but I've really been enjoying it. A couple of friends encouraged me to try it out but they're not as available as I am when it comes to playing, so I thought I'd try and check out the wider community.
Hope to see some of you in the black on my adventures.
29 Sep 2024, 4:03am
I am trying to get the writer badge on INARA so thought I would advertise my logbook entries here

Fly safe.
02 Nov 2024, 1:25am
02 Nov 2024, 9:24am
ClawsmodeusI'm new here, hoping to discover how to navigate this site and use it as a game aid for Elite
o7 CMDR! Now, first things first: quit your job

02 Nov 2024, 5:21pm
RawnuClawsmodeusI'm new here, hoping to discover how to navigate this site and use it as a game aid for Elite
o7 CMDR! Now, first things first: quit your job
I am unemployed atm! Thus have all the time to spend here ????
02 Nov 2024, 8:00pm
ClawsmodeusRawnuClawsmodeusI'm new here, hoping to discover how to navigate this site and use it as a game aid for Elite
o7 CMDR! Now, first things first: quit your job
I am unemployed atm! Thus have all the time to spend here ????
come come and join my expedition
02 Nov 2024, 8:32pm
02 Nov 2024, 8:42pm
ClawsmodeusExpedition, into the black? Alas I don't have a ship capable of very good jump range yet
You can join my fleet carrier ERGO at Diso, send me a pm
06 Nov 2024, 12:52pm
06 Nov 2024, 4:14pm
Jason BizerkaHi all, Commander Bizerka here. I'm back after a long absence (approx 4 years). Currently exploring between Sol and Colonia.
Welcome back Commander.
18 Nov 2024, 6:04pm
20 Nov 2024, 2:33pm
I'm new to INARA, just landed.
to be true... I'm actually an old PS player that abandoned the game since Legacy was abandoned by Frontier.
Now.. with the powerplay.. news of new content and the possibility to ridge from PS to steam... well.. I'm back playing on Steam.
I put my hotas from PS to steam.. and voilà!
In real life I'm an aerospace eng passionate for space.
My other hobby is Astrophotography --> you can check my pictures here (yes.. I'm still learning and upgrading my gear) >>> TELESCOPIUS <<<
As well, when I was playing on PS I was so passionate that I created a log for CMDRs...
Just a work of a fan!
If you want to log your adventures and have it on paper you can check this --> CMDR's log
See you out there CMDR's
29 Nov 2024, 4:25pm
We are currently ranked 30th on the Trade leader boards even though there are only 4 of us and we have been trading in a suboptimal way for a squadron.
If you are interested in learning to trade or just looking for a way to purchase a fleet carrier please contact me.
New players are welcome, you just need to be able to fly to our operating area which is 12 ly's away from SOL and know how to dock a ship at a space station.
New players will be given training and the funds to purchase a Type 9 Heavy. Just bring yourself and a friendly attitude.
Experienced players are also welcome especially if you are willing to share your skills.
Contact me either through Inara or in game if you are interested.
04 Dec 2024, 9:00am
Super late to the game, but it looks like I came at the best possible moment for late bloomers.
Since Elite and Frontier: First Encounters ruined my elementary school grades, I was hesitant to dive into addiction again. But I caved in about two months ago, and never looked back.
Still playing mostly solo, focusing on a space combat side of the whole thing, which proven to be a great way of avoiding being overwhelmed by so many facets of this kaiju monster of a game.
I have yet to discover flying in wing and exiting the ship.

Looking forward to meet some new folks when I finally deicide it's time to venture outside my comfort zone.