24 Oct 2017, 3:50am
24 Oct 2017, 12:34pm
Gun StarI thought I would come over and introduce myself. Been playing Elite for about 2 years now, but only really recently started playing it religiously and participating in the FDEV forums and setting up a account here.
Hanging out in the FDEV forums? That's a friendly place. I'd hang out there all day if I could. It's like reddit but with giggles.
Anyway, I'll stop interrupting now. Sorry.
24 Oct 2017, 1:14pm
24 Oct 2017, 1:30pm
Jemine CaesarHello Shortyh, and welcome to Inara.
I am sure your experience will stand you in good stead... whether or not you use a (whisper it) docking computer!
Take care out there.
Nothing wrong with a docking computer. When I can, that thing is running.
Check this...Gives you time to;
1. Plot your next spot
2. Check your Email
3. Hug the dog
4. Feed the spouse
5. Hit the Latrine
6. Grab a beer
The DC is a time management tool. Except I think FD sped it up a bit in the last update. So numbers 1 and 4 are out.
24 Oct 2017, 1:59pm
Jemine CaesarHello Shortyh, and welcome to Inara.
I am sure your experience will stand you in good stead... whether or not you use a (whisper it) docking computer!
Take care out there.
Heh, I got a DC for the music, although my ship sometimes seems to get the shakes when docking at a Coriolis Station sometimes!

24 Oct 2017, 2:02pm
I do not know why i try this spectacular game so late... but now it's time for me to explore our galaxy!
Hope to became a good commander.
I learned a lot using inara, from online functions to reading your suggestions.
So thank, and see you into the deep space.
24 Oct 2017, 2:09pm
AtribHi to all! New-Noob player here, just about 2 months.
I do not know why i try this spectacular game so late... but now it's time for me to explore our galaxy!
Hope to became a good commander.
I learned a lot using inara, from online functions to reading your suggestions.
So thank, and see you into the deep space.
Van R Flyheight , has a spot for you dude. His wing is the Democratic Arm to the Naval or something like like that...It's kismet.
24 Oct 2017, 2:54pm
Hope to became a good commander.
Be a naughty commander - it's much more fun

24 Oct 2017, 3:08pm
24 Oct 2017, 3:30pm
AWOL87025HELLO...Is it me you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile....Oh wait you're not Lionel, it's just Marra.
How about you, Twinkle?
Fancy a life of crime?
24 Oct 2017, 3:41pm