Brenner SoriahI figure I should get around to introducing myself as well, even though I don't talk much.
CMDR Brenner Soriah, at your service. I'm just a guy enjoying one of the best games in the world. I've been playing on PC since early spring 2015. Being of a more militaristic mindset, I've taken and held by Zachary Hudson's standards since the release of Powerplay. I took a hiatus for other games late summer and into fall. November, I decided to get back into it, and in a fit to find players to work with and give myself a goal to work towards, I found INARA.
I've found Inara to be a very useful tool in regards to the sharing of information. Personally, I like using it as a way to log my activities for both reminiscing, but also for other commanders to read and learn or to even step in and show me something better. I make weekly or biweekly log posts with as much detail and flavorful text as I can muster, so as not to just write some long winded piece of boredom.
Either way, presently I am a very active member of the Paladin Consortium, and a liaison of sorts between wings. I'm an avid combat pilot, with interests in all aspects of the universe, and just a love for flying. If you seek an escort, a mentor, or just some entertainment, I'm usually very watchful of communications despite my busy life.
CMDR Brenner Soriah
May your swords stay sharp, and may you soar on dragon's wings.
Good to hear from you, good sir! I hope your campaigns w Hudson go favourably, though personally, I find I'm not so big a fan of his warmongering... or Zemina's insistence on slaving.. 
I'm aware of the Paladin Consortium; a respectable Wing, as I understand it. 
See you out there, sometime. o7