HumpsterVeteran of 84 here, been playing ED since Premium Beta and part from some burnout am enjoying it. Hope you all are too!
And I thought I was old at 66, lol

HumpsterVeteran of 84 here, been playing ED since Premium Beta and part from some burnout am enjoying it. Hope you all are too!
Rockin' The AntieHumpsterVeteran of 84 here, been playing ED since Premium Beta and part from some burnout am enjoying it. Hope you all are too!
And I thought I was old at 66, lol Welcome.
Tall PaulHello everyone. I've just signed up to join the Syndicate. I registered over on the other website too. Looking to fly with other Commanders.
I've been playing since the beta and currently fly an Assault Ship generally farming Hazardous sites for cash, would like something more worthwhile to do. I play mostly in the evenings UK time.
Thanks for having me!