
19 Oct 2020, 7:22pm
IbbanezHello all. CMDR Ibbanez here, and Im new. I've been in about a week, and Im still learning. I look forward to running into some of you out in the vastness of space. Currently unlocking engineers and getting materials.

Welcome o7
19 Oct 2020, 7:40pm
IbbanezHello all. CMDR Ibbanez here, and Im new. I've been in about a week, and Im still learning. I look forward to running into some of you out in the vastness of space. Currently unlocking engineers and getting materials.

19 Oct 2020, 10:18pm
IbbanezHello all. CMDR Ibbanez here, and Im new. I've been in about a week, and Im still learning. I look forward to running into some of you out in the vastness of space. Currently unlocking engineers and getting materials.

Welcome buddy! O7
20 Oct 2020, 4:26am
o7 Welcome!
20 Oct 2020, 3:18pm
IbbanezHello all. CMDR Ibbanez here, and Im new. I've been in about a week, and Im still learning. I look forward to running into some of you out in the vastness of space. Currently unlocking engineers and getting materials.

Welcome! See you in the black, CMDR. o7
20 Oct 2020, 9:42pm
IbbanezHello all. CMDR Ibbanez here, and Im new. I've been in about a week, and Im still learning. I look forward to running into some of you out in the vastness of space. Currently unlocking engineers and getting materials.

Watch yourself around those Engineers. Ibbanez. They drink their own home brew!

Seriously tho. Always switch to SOLO if jumping into an engineer system. Gankers love a new pilot bearing bribes.

20 Oct 2020, 10:38pm
Hi Everybody! I play ED a few months now and its great!
Since always a sci-fi fan, of course I played a lot of space-sim /-action games... like Frontiers:Elite2, Wing Commander, Freespace, Freelancer, some of the X Universe games, Star Trek Online...
So of course ED grabed my attention when it was released, but wasnt realy convinced to buy it back then. But this year the steam offer and many reviews that stated NOW would be the best time to start, I couldn't resist!

Jumped right into the Game, didn't check the internet for guides or tipps. Learned the basics, earned credits -> the usual;)
After some many play-hours, like many other players I started to wonder where is everyone, so i started to check out the forums.

->Amazing the ED Community! So much stuff to discover in the Elite Universe!

Hope to find a few Friends here, to explore the milky way together!
20 Oct 2020, 11:00pm
Greetings & Welcome!
21 Oct 2020, 2:10am
21 Oct 2020, 6:59am
These discussion sections remind me how much I love this community  :D
21 Oct 2020, 10:09am
Greeting commanders,

DragonArcadius here, returning to the ED world after a break.
21 Oct 2020, 10:15am
Welcome back Dragon

Time off isn't a bad thing in this game. It's nice to come back fresh and eager.
21 Oct 2020, 1:36pm
welcome back...

i got back after little pause... but again last night find myself wondering about game's current state....
21 Oct 2020, 2:15pm
I'll probably should have posted here before the general topic.

Soooooo.... Hello!

I'm (also) a long-time lover of Elite, having played the first opus on an amstrad cpc, and as a children unable to understand a single english word on screen, and what was the purpose of this strange game where I had to find a way not to die on this strange cube : in the firsts seconds of the game, you were on a trajectory to enter a coriolis station, and any mistake means instant death. I probably died 20 or 30 times before I understood what was expected, fortunately childrens are stubborn. Then Elite : Frontier II on my Amiga.

I backed the game on kickstarter, I had a beta key, I played it in the beta, stopped in order to wait for a couple more features, and that stop was a probably longer than expected. I only recently came back on this galaxy, and a lot of things changed since the last time I played.
21 Oct 2020, 2:22pm
Welcome fellow Amiga owner. Did you play Elite Plus on Amiga as well?

My first interaction with Elite was article in news paper about BBC micro new game with space pirates (just read it again other day, printed in February 1985) followed with C64 version of the game. Similar to you, it was struggle to get that docking computer, but once done, it was much easier...

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