
09 Oct 2020, 8:48pm
QuillmonkeyJust wanted to drop by and say hi.

Like many people here, I played the original in the 80s and was intrigued with the reboot. Bought into it a month back or so and love what it has become. Okay, so every system is now bumper to bumper full of billionaire carrier fleets and every chokepoint system is heavily ganked to make solo play essential throughout the bubble. But once you get off the beaten track it is just a beautiful game. Generally I love the community and the feel of the galaxy that Frontier have created. I'm totally immersed and still get that catch of breath when I jump out on a new and wondrous cosmic sight.

Swing by and say Hi Commanders, I'm in Open as often as I can!

Welcome back!
10 Oct 2020, 3:29pm

Just joined the squadron. Although I have done lots of combat (and lots of dying) I still have so much to learn of the other careers, powerplay, aliens exploration and engineers. I am currently combat expert and 20% into the next rank

10 Oct 2020, 3:36pm
Ello Karl.

You got plenty more to see before you find your "thing" in ED
10 Oct 2020, 3:41pm
Hi Creamy

I have 150 hours logged but due to work had to take time off on many occasions so only really got to do combat. Although I still have to work, I am able to spend more time on ED

So much to do and so much to learn. I am enjoying being back and of course there has been a large number of changes and improvements


14 Oct 2020, 5:15am
Hello there, fellow commanders! I have just begun playing this game and I'm learning in the ins and outs of it.

Looking forward to making memories here!

14 Oct 2020, 5:59am
Nathaniel MatthewsHello there, fellow commanders! I have just begun playing this game and I'm learning in the ins and outs of it.

Looking forward to making memories here!


14 Oct 2020, 6:24am
Hey Nathaniel, the start is the best part.
Don't be too eager to become an old hand.
14 Oct 2020, 6:27am
14 Oct 2020, 6:38am
14 Oct 2020, 9:12am
Nathaniel MatthewsHello there, fellow commanders! I have just begun playing this game and I'm learning in the ins and outs of it.

Looking forward to making memories here!


Welcome Commander. There's a lot to learn and may we never stop learning.
14 Oct 2020, 9:40am
Greetings Nathaniel and welcome,

I was you 6 short weeks ago, fresh faced and looking forward to my adventures.
So far I haven't been disappointed, and as someone told me "The game is what YOU make it"
14 Oct 2020, 2:09pm
Flimley welcomes everyone \o/
14 Oct 2020, 4:13pm
Nathaniel MatthewsHello there, fellow commanders! I have just begun playing this game and I'm learning in the ins and outs of it.

Looking forward to making memories here!


15 Oct 2020, 2:16am
saying hello. came over from xbox. Looking for more peeps to do pews pews with
15 Oct 2020, 8:05am
I didn't say hello yet.

Hello there, I'm a brand new commander that picked up the game on a Steam sale. I've always had a sweet spot for space simulators, I've been playing Eve, No Man's Sky, X4 series, Freelancer when I was a kid and after 10 hours, Elite seems to scratch my itch perfectly fine. It's really a good game with nice community and tons of stuff to discover and explore. I'm definitely buying Oddysey expansion when it comes out.

See you on the space highway.

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