
21 Oct 2020, 2:58pm
Welcome! o7
21 Oct 2020, 3:27pm
Welcome all!
21 Oct 2020, 3:30pm
I don't remember if I played Elite Plus... maybe, my memory is blurred. I played a lot on Elite II, and I haven't played Elite III.

SuperFrogX My first interaction with Elite was article in news paper about BBC micro new game with space pirates

You knew what the game was about, it's better than me. I had this strange game because I was able to get it (we pirated absolutely everything that we were able to find), and I didn't knew what it was. It was just so strange, in wireframe 3D, it was so different than the 2D colorful sprites of all the other games, it was a real curiosity. I had no clue what the game was about, I knew almost no english words (I'm french), and obviously as it was a pirated copy, no manual. So, I pushed everything on the keyboard and tried everything. It was frustrating dying into this cube for a long time, until some day (months after the first try), I succeeded.... and then, another thing, a menu, with words and numbers (the station market)... and I managed to get out, and ... mind-blown ! This is huge !!! This game is not about dying on a spinning cube, it's about sailing the stars, fighting, buying low, selling high!


Ps: I still hate the Coriolis station design! I have visions of that spinning wireframe cube every time I have to get in one!
21 Oct 2020, 9:12pm
22 Oct 2020, 1:36pm
Hi all, I'm a returning player after a long hiatus.

Decided to restart my save/character.

Looking to get back in to Elite and EXO
22 Oct 2020, 3:19pm
22 Oct 2020, 3:34pm
Enjoy the trip The Real.
23 Oct 2020, 8:13am
Hello there,

After a long pause going to start a new character here I hope I can stay occupied longer now
23 Oct 2020, 8:18am
Greetings fellow commanders,

I have been playing for about 2,5 years now, and Inara has been an integral part of my journey, recently passing 1000h in game. So I figured it was time for an introduction.

I purchased the game during a Steam sale, but never got to testing it (50% of my library is untouched, but you know how it is when there's a Steam sale on...).
Getting a bit bored with my other games (mostly RPGs incl MMOs, ARPGs, BF and the likes), an urge to pilot a spaceship was slowly building.

Surprising myself with a rare case of quick thinking, I went through my Steam library, remembering I had a few space games in storage.
My eyes locked onto something called Elite: Dangerous. From what I was after, this seemed to meet my every requirement:

1. Get in a ship.
2. Fly around, look at cool stuff and explore at my leisure.

Luckily I had purchased the version including Horizons, so I could also race around in a buggy on low gravity planets (wiee).

Then my brain almost broke when I opened the galaxy map and zoomed out for the first time.
Needless to say, I was scratching my head in the beginning to get to grips with it all.

After spending "some time" on YouTube doing research, I got out of the starting blocks and into the game and I was firmly hooked.

However, I had no previous knowledge of the Elite games, so I knew nothing about the lore.
I picked up bits and pieces, but mostly I was just chugging around, enjoying the game.

Fortunately I struck gold when I stumbled over Drew Wagar's YouTube-channel this spring and his Lore Tour and Spectrum playthrough.
I highly recommend everyone to check out his Twitch or YouTube-channel, even if you already know most of the history.

Now, time to get back to to tinker w.. um, I mean back to WORK of course!

Stay safe everyone, and well met.

23 Oct 2020, 9:58am
Greetings & Welcome!
23 Oct 2020, 11:15am
Welcome everyone!


Fortunately I struck gold when I stumbled over Drew Wagar's YouTube-channel this spring and his Lore Tour and Spectrum playthrough.
I highly recommend everyone to check out his Twitch or YouTube-channel, even if you already know most of the history.

Thanks for the recommendation! I've been wanting to get into the lore a bit more, and the Lore Tour seems like the perfect opportunity for that.
23 Oct 2020, 1:38pm
Greetings all
23 Oct 2020, 3:29pm
Spud_Greetings all
Cosmic greetings, Spud_!
24 Oct 2020, 3:54pm
Greetings Commanders.

I picked up Elite: Dangerous on Steam Sale just a week ago.
The last space sim I've played was long ago - Independence War 2.

I'm reliving a lot of good memories and slowly finding my way around the universe.
I appreciate the presence of mentors in the Pilots Federation and wish I can tune in to Dromi system chat.
24 Oct 2020, 4:19pm
Lakshmi BaiGreetings Commanders.

I picked up Elite: Dangerous on Steam Sale just a week ago.
The last space sim I've played was long ago - Independence War 2.

I'm reliving a lot of good memories and slowly finding my way around the universe.
I appreciate the presence of mentors in the Pilots Federation and wish I can tune in to Dromi system chat.

Welcome, and if you need anything just give a shout!

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