
19 Dec 2016, 11:32am
Greetings Commanders o7

I've been playing ED on and off since new-year 3001 and love it. Been taking some breaks between then and now because of work and crashing an explora-cobra with hundreds of systems of data in. Back now and just sold off 38 millions worth of data and invested it into some ships (check out my fleet screen).

I have used Inara for engineers and looking for modules mostly, never used the social side of it until now

Never realised how active this side of the site is, hey there everyone o/

CMDR Iniaes signing off o7
19 Dec 2016, 3:12pm
It only took 2.5 years (or whenever this game was released) but I finally have an Anaconda.

Oh how this adventure is going to unfold now.

See you out there commanders. 2
19 Dec 2016, 4:13pm
IniaesGreetings Commanders o7

I've been playing ED on and off since new-year 3001 and love it. Been taking some breaks between then and now because of work and crashing an explora-cobra with hundreds of systems of data in. Back now and just sold off 38 millions worth of data and invested it into some ships (check out my fleet screen).

I have used Inara for engineers and looking for modules mostly, never used the social side of it until now

Never realised how active this side of the site is, hey there everyone o/

CMDR Iniaes signing off o7

19 Dec 2016, 4:16pm
IniaesGreetings Commanders o7...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
19 Dec 2016, 4:25pm
NsiteIt only took 2.5 years (or whenever this game was released) but I finally have an Anaconda.

Oh how this adventure is going to unfold now.

See you out there commanders. 2

Congratulations Nsite, not quite there yet, hoping the next big exploration run gets me there or close. Let us know what you get up to in your new pride and joy!
19 Dec 2016, 5:36pm
19 Dec 2016, 6:43pm
NsiteIt only took 2.5 years (or whenever this game was released) but I finally have an Anaconda.

Oh how this adventure is going to unfold now.

See you out there commanders. 2

It also took me about a month of grinding, then another month of
testing and frustrations to realize i don't need the cutter. Then
i went and bought an Anaconda... and the rest will be written in the
history books. Someday...

Welcome to the team, commander.
20 Dec 2016, 12:26pm
New wing Member saying hey. hoping to meet people and fly with this wing.

Am 47 ex british military and war disabled.

can some kind bod tell me how to take pics from inside the sim and post them here in profile etc
20 Dec 2016, 12:57pm
Antman247 can some kind bod tell me how to take pics from inside the sim and post them here in profile etc

Hey there, welcome!

F10 will take a standard-resolution screenshot, Alt-F10 will take a high-resolution one, if you're playing on PC. You can find the resulting screenshots in your Pictures folder under the "Frontier Developments" folder.
20 Dec 2016, 1:46pm
Antman247New wing Member saying hey. hoping to meet people and fly with this wing.

Am 47 ex british military and war disabled.

can some kind bod tell me how to take pics from inside the sim and post them here in profile etc

Hello commander, and welcome.

If you're wanting to upload a screen shot of a view you've seen on your travels, you'll need to first go into your own Overview page and then select Gallery from your Overview menu. There you will find an option to Add New Image.

If it's a profile picture you're looking for, like the ones which accompany all of our posts, there's currently no way to get one from the game itself. Many of us have used the character generator in another game called Eve, or alternatively "borrowed" a suitable image from elsewhere on the Internet.

ED will be introducing its own character generator within the next few months, however, so we will all probably be changing our profile pictures then!

Apologies if you already know all of this.

Take care out there.
20 Dec 2016, 2:11pm
Isaiah Evanson[quote=Antman247] can some kind bod tell me how to take pics from inside the sim and post them here in profile etc

Hey there, welcome!

F10 will take a standard-resolution screenshot, Alt-F10 will take a high-resolution one, if you're playing on PC. You can find the resulting screenshots in your Pictures folder under the "Frontier Developments" folder.[/quote

rgr ur last tango for that]
20 Dec 2016, 2:12pm
Jemine Caesar
Antman247New wing Member saying hey. hoping to meet people and fly with this wing.

Am 47 ex british military and war disabled.

can some kind bod tell me how to take pics from inside the sim and post them here in profile etc

Hello commander, and welcome.

If you're wanting to upload a screen shot of a view you've seen on your travels, you'll need to first go into your own Overview page and then select Gallery from your Overview menu. There you will find an option to Add New Image.

If it's a profile picture you're looking for, like the ones which accompany all of our posts, there's currently no way to get one from the game itself. Many of us have used the character generator in another game called Eve, or alternatively "borrowed" a suitable image from elsewhere on the Internet.

ED will be introducing its own character generator within the next few months, however, so we will all probably be changing our profile pictures then!

Apologies if you already know all of this.

Take care out there.

rgr ur last tango for that
20 Dec 2016, 7:41pm
Hello all!

Just getting into E:D RP, and enjoying the heck out of what I'm seeing thus far. I've been involved in online RP for... over a decade now in total, and the world of Elite is just ripe for it. The character I'm trying to run is Matthew Pritchard, a courier who's attempting to run a legitimate business and not doing all that well. Basically a decent guy who's run on hard times, and is trying to get his life together.

I'm looking forward to conversing with all of you more, and hopefully RPing in future!
20 Dec 2016, 7:49pm
20 Dec 2016, 9:55pm
Hi! New here as well, playing in the mobius pve group.. Just bought my first Cobra MK III, loving the cargo space upgrade to 40 tons as I'm currently playing as a trader. Really like this websites market system, super helpful. I'd love to contribute to it by keeping market demand/supply up to date for every station I pass through. I saw something about uploading a .csv file, but I can't find how to create one directly from the gamescreen. For now doing manual input. Any tips on this?

Still figuring out my weapon setup as I'm not any good at fighting yet. I've bought two torpedoes but I have the feeling they are not really going to help me that much, at least not at 15K a pop . Too bad you can't sell ammo once bought. Guess I'll just stick to running away for now

Last edit: 20 Dec 2016, 10:01pm

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