Elite: General talk

14 Feb 2021, 9:29pm
-"Let's do this combat CG"

-other players fight for the other side and bring better ships

-surprised Pikachu face, goes to Solo

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:36pm
14 Feb 2021, 10:47pm
[To Solo or not to Solo. Two hours playing today for 12 mil in bond. Left the zone in bad shape, no shields, 40% hull. Ganked, destroyed! I don’t want to Solo and I do like the open game and one day I might even indulge in a little ganking myself. But from now on, just for the community goals I’m going Solo.[/quote]

well as i started with zero combat bonds, ever. 28 confirmed now - sweet. Flying the courier and having a lot of  fun with rail gun and seeker missiles, targeting big ship drives. Sniping. Played solo as tried open and was ganked twice even before getting to the CZ.  Anyway I am not good enough for PVP yet still learning combat and all those things... No shame in SOlo especially if it means the BSG gets pushed!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:36pm
14 Feb 2021, 11:16pm
Igneel Prime-"Let's do this combat CG"

-other players fight for the other side and bring better ships

-surprised Pikachu face, goes to Solo

You are right, and generally this little Pikachu loves a good ganking. It adds a great edge to the game. To run  or to fight? But......

For example a few weeks back I was delivering food to the Marlanists every time I jumped into the Marlinist system I was ganked. Every time. Run ,jump, try again, ganked (often more than one CMDR).I couldn’t get through with my fruit and veg no matter what ship or tactic.

Don’t get greedy you Gankers or the Pokemon all go Solo and you will be left alone!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:37pm
15 Feb 2021, 3:24am
Rho TefnutetWe can always argue about the CGs and their rewards and how they are basically shaping the story like FDev wants. Because, let's be honest, if Jupiter Division offered 20% on all sold ships and modules for a few weeks - it would be already Tier 4 by now.

Thats How I Feel as well, I mean look how they framed the CG it's basically a choice between a corrupt government and douchebag corporate buttheads. But that does seem to be fdev's MO lol. It's kinda like voting every 4 years... lol!

"Small choice in rotten apples."
15 Feb 2021, 4:36am
Fatty Bum Bum
Igneel Prime-"Let's do this combat CG"

-other players fight for the other side and bring better ships

-surprised Pikachu face, goes to Solo

You are right, and generally this little Pikachu loves a good ganking. It adds a great edge to the game. To run or to fight? But......

For example a few weeks back I was delivering food to the Marlanists every time I jumped into the Marlinist system I was ganked. Every time. Run ,jump, try again, ganked (often more than one CMDR).I couldn’t get through with my fruit and veg no matter what ship or tactic.

Don’t get greedy you Gankers or the Pokemon all go Solo and you will be left alone!

It's common for CG. No matter if it's combat, delivery or AX CG you will encounter a lot of gankers. Sometimes several full wings. Depends on your time zone. You can add gankers to a black list so they will not be instanced with you again, but it's a tricky thing especially if you are in the wing.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:37pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:33am
It's obvious choice for someone who plays alone. In open you can just run in encounters with wings or ganks.

And running is not a game play that will lead to any progress.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:37pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:53am
Technically it's not ganking if it happens in the context of a combat CG.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:37pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:59am
SakashiroTechnically it's not ganking if it happens in the context of a combat CG.

You are right for encounters in CZ, but jumping in and out of CZ to just shoot hollow triangles in a wing of 4 definitely is.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:37pm
15 Feb 2021, 11:22am
Could you have logged out of open and done it in solo?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:37pm
15 Feb 2021, 1:09pm
SakashiroTechnically it's not ganking if it happens in the context of a combat CG.

You are right for encounters in CZ, but jumping in and out of CZ to just shoot hollow triangles in a wing of 4 definitely is.

I saw few people multiple times in CZ, always on jupiter's side.
I think, that technically it isn't gank, if I'm against jupiter, and I will kill his supporters outside CZ War is hell, and we are demons.

About other CG, let's say about delivery food for marlinist.
If someone think, that they are enemies of empire- again, in my opinion he has right to destroy ships with their supply.

So maybe last mining CG? If any player not supported ryder during war in Eurybia again- he has right to destroy cargo ships.

You must stop see at CG in categories "supporters and bad evil gankers".
If you can support marlinist/engineer/any faction other people can interrupt your support by killing you. For me it is simple. Any initiative has supporters, and opponents.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 1:50pm
For me it's all about the imbalance in the play styles.  Let's see, to win a CG I can show up in open, risk getting focus fired by wing(s) of fully pvp engineered opponents and at best waste huge amounts of time not earning anything except the respect of faceless peers and risking all current contributions and rebuy, or, I can partake in solo/PG in a ship optimized for the task at hand without interference and straight up compete with opponents doing the exact same thing.

Frankly, they could multiply the contributions of open play to CGs tenfold and I still think it wouldn't be worth it from an 'actual' CG participants perspective.  The comedic farce of it all being that not only are open contributions not multiplied, but are almost always zero'd because exploits.

For me, the entire PVP aspect of this game was mishandled from the beginning.  Players should not be indicated by either a CMDR flag or triangular icons on the HUD, PVP contributions should absolutely contribute as much, or ideally more, than solo or PG play considering the risk involved, and the crime and punishment system should have been designed to be an unexploitable c&p system that hurts the perpetrator more than rewards others.

Alas, this is unlikely to ever happen because in for a penny, in for a pound.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 2:07pm
Heilrider,  sorry but people that just enter CZ and choose side to legitimate their kill and then refresh the instance without actually carrying for CZ completion are not supporters or guardians of a cause - they are known as gankers.

As Burstar said this is the result of half baked PvP model in this game. There is no actual benefit of doing something in open nor mechanism exist to prevent people to just refresh instances for a hope of easy kill for the gank.

I am playing a game which reward PvP x5 of PvE.  But then if you leave  the pvp battle your asset stays there and you are just someone else frag.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 2:42pm
Seeing the difference of Open vs PG or Solo, I just can't see the intelligence of running any CG in Open, especially as CGs are known for attracting Ganker-types.

Knowing the difference that I assume players do running CGs, despite what I think of combat (personally, not the combat type) & Gankers, I have little to no sympathy for those who get killed in Open running CGs.

Play in Open, accept the risks. Simple as that. There's a reason that PG & Solo exists.

So, no moaning & groaning, no bitchin' & whinin'...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 3:03pm
Synthya WylderSeeing the difference of Open vs PG or Solo, I just can't see the intelligence of running any CG in Open, especially as CGs are known for attracting Ganker-types.

Knowing the difference that I assume players do running CGs, despite what I think of combat (personally, not the combat type) & Gankers, I have little to no sympathy for those who get killed in Open running CGs.

Play in Open, accept the risks. Simple as that. There's a reason that PG & Solo exists.

So, no moaning & groaning, no bitchin' & whinin'...

It is probably a 'male' thing to play in open because, stuff...

CG's give the PvP players somewhere to congregate and have their fun - although, as you suggest, why anyone not in for PvP doesn't play in PG (or solo if they must) and actually be able to participate in the CG and progress is beyond my understanding.  I've been playing the latest CG with a couple of friends, in PG and having plenty of fun.  Which is all one could ask.

But, we each play as we wish, that is the best thing about the game.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 3:11pm
Igneel Prime-"Let's do this combat CG"

-other players fight for the other side and bring better ships

-surprised Pikachu face, goes to Solo

Gotta say that I'm really feeling this one.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:39pm

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