Elite: General talk

30 Mar 2021, 2:37pm
Thanatos au Grimmus
Synthya Wylderaka, the E:D version of PRISM & the Patriot Act.

I'm not familiar with PRISM, but, unfortunately, I'm quite familiar with the so-called Patriot Act.

Allow me to present: PRISM

I had a family member who worked for the NSA, rather high-level (GS-33).

It's a major reason I don't use a USA-based browser; it's ironic that other countries outside the USA have laws, policies & procedures that honor a number of the Constitutional amendments (specifically, in this case, the 4th) more than the "supposedly freest" nation.

I do have a WikiLeaks account.

Anyway, I've most likely wandered too far off into the weeds for this section.

Last edit: 30 Mar 2021, 2:55pm
30 Mar 2021, 9:25pm
Synthya Wylder
Thanatos au Grimmus
Synthya Wylderaka, the E:D version of PRISM & the Patriot Act.

I'm not familiar with PRISM, but, unfortunately, I'm quite familiar with the so-called Patriot Act.

Allow me to present: PRISM

I had a family member who worked for the NSA, rather high-level (GS-33).

It's a major reason I don't use a USA-based browser; it's ironic that other countries outside the USA have laws, policies & procedures that honor a number of the Constitutional amendments (specifically, in this case, the 4th) more than the "supposedly freest" nation.

I do have a WikiLeaks account.

Anyway, I've most likely wandered too far off into the weeds for this section.

Please don't tell people on the internet such specific details. It paints a target on yourself and them. You really can't ever be too careful.
30 Mar 2021, 10:02pm
op vigilant eagle too
30 Mar 2021, 10:08pm
That's the main reason I always use an online avatar.
30 Mar 2021, 11:07pm
Synthya WylderThat's the main reason I always use an online avatar.

You’re operating under a false sense of security. You’re not as anonymous as you think. Those details you just posted helps narrow down who you are. Google anyone’s online alias and you will find information about them, myself included. Have you Googled yourself?
30 Mar 2021, 11:22pm
Synthya WylderThat's the main reason I always use an online avatar.

You’re operating under a false sense of security. You’re not as anonymous as you think. Those details you just posted helps narrow down who you are. Google anyone’s online alias and you will find information about them, myself included. Have you Googled yourself?

4 data points are all that's needed to unmask 90-95% of people. 4 temporal spatial datapoints from google, 4 PII datapoints from marketing data, 4 transactions from a credit card. It's less if you combine sources. The best way to hide is in the noise.
30 Mar 2021, 11:58pm
Ok, I've been playing for a while (in open, but doing my own thing), but not involved in squadrons or arranged player groups. Is it fun? Granted, that is about the dumbest question I can think of asking - but there it is. I hear about gankers, but only run into a few, and either run or won the conflict, ship dependent. I can see about 10 frillion different squadrons to join, but how would someone pick?

31 Mar 2021, 12:03am
Synthya WylderThat's the main reason I always use an online avatar.

You’re operating under a false sense of security. You’re not as anonymous as you think. Those details you just posted helps narrow down who you are. Google anyone’s online alias and you will find information about them, myself included. Have you Googled yourself?

I've never worried about doing a Google search on myself, but now that you mentioned it, I gave it a try. I don't use Google though; it's tied into the US Gov't. & data-harvesting (see PRISM above).

I'm unsure you understood my meaning when I used the term, 'Avatar'. It's not just a name & a picture; it's an entirely fictional artificial 'person'.

I did find a dozen or so things that included my name, but none of them included any relevant data aside from that same artificial name.

I trust you'll find it a challenge to cross-reference all the data I've provided though... time zone, NSA, WikiLeaks... beyond that, I'll offer no more clues. I take great pains to keep Synthya's identity completely separate from my RL identity.
31 Mar 2021, 12:09am
MarshakOk, I've been playing for a while (in open, but doing my own thing), but not involved in squadrons or arranged player groups. Is it fun? Granted, that is about the dumbest question I can think of asking - but there it is. I hear about gankers, but only run into a few, and either run or won the conflict, ship dependent. I can see about 10 frillion different squadrons to join, but how would someone pick?


I got to know a number of members via interaction here, & got a general idea of what kind of people they were, took a peek of their squadron, & read the overview page.

Same deal in the game to confirm if needed.

Take your time & be picky. Find the group that fits you best.
31 Mar 2021, 3:44am
Synthya WylderThat's the main reason I always use an online avatar.

You’re operating under a false sense of security. You’re not as anonymous as you think. Those details you just posted helps narrow down who you are. Google anyone’s online alias and you will find information about them, myself included. Have you Googled yourself?

You might have a point there. I'm sure I recognize Synthya from the profile picture....
31 Mar 2021, 3:44am
Yeah I wasn't kidding when I said you only need 4 data points. It's super easy, more so if you have access to big data and the tools.
31 Mar 2021, 6:35am
MeicynEverything we post on the internet leaves a trail of breadcrumbs. I recommend not bragging about how well you’ve secured your identity, it works against your own interests.

Unless of course most of the breadcrumbs she leaves behind are fake. In that case what you just did would only reassure her.
31 Mar 2021, 7:23am
MeicynEverything we post on the internet leaves a trail of breadcrumbs. I recommend not bragging about how well you’ve secured your identity, it works against your own interests.

Unless of course most of the breadcrumbs she leaves behind are fake. In that case what you just did would only reassure her.

Makes for an interesting thought experiment, at least.

Honestly, the real fun begins in a few years (or nowish?) when deepfakes become truly indistinguishable to untrained rabble such as myself. Brave new world ahead.
31 Mar 2021, 12:28pm
You say it’d be a challenge, but it took less than ten minutes to figure out details.

Do me!!! Do me!!! Kidding, of course, but then I'm not afraid of the British Government. I've been paying the wrong council tax and dodged paying tax on my *ahem* private enterprises for the last seven years even though I was openly promoting through Facebook.

Last edit: 01 Apr 2021, 8:16pm
01 Apr 2021, 2:03pm
Bragging about how good a cyber-stalker you are isn't the flex you think it is.

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