Elite: General talk

24 Mar 2021, 10:00pm
Risca YinI've been running missions back and forth between stations and every now and then in SOLO mode I get refused landing, so after 1 or many tried they let me land, why does this happen?

a) presence and vacancy of landing pads of needed size (solo or not, if they don't have L-pads for big ships, or it's an outpost with one S-pad and NPC pilot is using it - they'll refuse);
b) overall non-hostile attitude.
24 Mar 2021, 10:33pm
Uh, this is really awkward to ask, but is there a place here on Inara where i can ask around for other PS4 CMDRs to assist me with a mission?
24 Mar 2021, 11:25pm
Rebecca Hail
Thanatos au GrimmusWhich is one of many reasons why English is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.

I very much doubt that.

It must be, there are many natives that have yet to master the language... Many non-English speakers learn, and speak, better English - with better grammar structure, than those who call it their "Mother Tongue"...
24 Mar 2021, 11:28pm
EpisparhEnglish - pineapple
The rest of the world - Ananas

Nuff said!

Well, not the entire rest of the world... but a surprising number!
Interestingly both Japanese and Chinese use Pineapple (so most of the population of the world, including the English speaking part actually say Pineapple) - but many languages say "ananas" or a close derivative - curious!
24 Mar 2021, 11:34pm
Rat CatcherIt must be, there are many natives that have yet to master the language... Many non-English speakers learn, and speak, better English - with better grammar structure than those who call it their "Mother Tongue"...

English is "easy to learn, hard to master", from my opinion. One can pretty soon understand unsophisticated texts, such as in most games or simple books, do simple chat/voicecomm with people in games, etc. You don't need to know it like two Shakespeares to do your basic stuff. But digging deeper is some bloody hell.
25 Mar 2021, 1:36am
I'd encourage everyone to learn English and get as proficient in it as possible.

Because if we abandon English as a lingua franca, the one to replace it will be Mandarin. And if you think English is hard, Mandarin will make your head explode.
25 Mar 2021, 1:59am
tlhIngan Hol
25 Mar 2021, 4:54pm
Odyssey Alpha phases:

25 Mar 2021, 6:27pm
EpisparhOdyssey Alpha phases:

<< Show less

i am really excited by all this. I do not care that i am testing at the same time as playing. Hopefully Frontier will make bug reporting fairly easy.

Though I am quite keen on playing with other players over this - so who ever here has access ping me. I am on UTC time in IRL.

25 Mar 2021, 6:33pm
SakashiroI'd encourage everyone to learn English and get as proficient in it as possible.

Because if we abandon English as a lingua franca, the one to replace it will be Mandarin. And if you think English is hard, Mandarin will make your head explode.

I learnt a bit of Mandarin but that does not even cover all the many Chinese vocal dialects (different languages almost) Cantonese for an example has something like 7 different tones for each character of written Mandarin.

The English language is an amazing language because it will just steal whatever language says that thing best... Hence it is made up of so many other languages and with the dawn of the internet the language is changing again and expanding as it does every year. No other language does this really - when in China, if local language did not have the word, they would use English words.

Also the English language is not that fussy when you speak it, thou it can be a nightmare to write/right/rite.....

Last edit: 25 Mar 2021, 6:39pm
25 Mar 2021, 8:06pm
Sir SprockettI learnt a bit of Mandarin but that does not even cover all the many Chinese vocal dialects (different languages almost) Cantonese for an example has something like 7 different tones for each character of written Mandarin.

There's no such thing as written Mandarin. You probably mean Hanzi, the Chinese writing system which is universal for all the languages spoken in China. Mandarin and Cantonese are indeed entirely different languages, which is why people from Beijing need subtitles or dubbing to understand movies produced in Hong Kong (and vice versa). People around Shanghai speak yet another language.

Chinese people in Taiwan speak mostly Mandarin but use an older variant of Hanzi ("traditional" vs. "simplified"). Oh, and of course Taiwan also has other languages which are entirely different from Mandarin, such as Hokkien and Hakka. The methods to enter Hanzi characters into computers and smartphones also differ between China and Taiwan. China uses Pinyin, which is based on the Latin characters we use in the West, while Taiwan uses Zhuyin aka. "Bopomofo", which is a phonetic character set somewhat similar to the Japanese Hiragana. The proliferation of touchscreens also allowed drawing Hanzi directly, without the help of a "keyboard". In Taipei's metro for example you'll frequently see older people draw characters on their smartphones instead of tapping them.

Long story short: It's a giant clusterf**k, and a pain in the ass to learn. It also leads to the strange situation that almost no one is 100% proficient in "Chinese". English and the Latin character set are a walk in the park by comparison.
25 Mar 2021, 9:24pm
Where can i find all rank inara-medals requirements list ?
29 Mar 2021, 2:40am
Well, my new & improved/upgraded interweb connection should make relatively short work of that Alpha Odyssey release download tomorrow.
29 Mar 2021, 2:49am
Synthya WylderWell, my new & improved/upgraded interweb connection should make relatively short work of that Alpha Odyssey release download tomorrow.

ohhh shiny
29 Mar 2021, 5:48am
As this is an alpha, expect frequent updates every other day or so. Not necessarily re-downloads of the entire 60 GB package, but certainly parts of it.

Oh, and be ready to report bugs when you find them. Let's help FDev polish this game, so we can all enjoy the final release.

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