Elite: General talk

29 Mar 2021, 7:20am
SakashiroAs this is an alpha, expect frequent updates every other day or so. Not necessarily re-downloads of the entire 60 GB package, but certainly parts of it.

Oh, and be ready to report bugs when you find them. Let's help FDev polish this game, so we can all enjoy the final release.

I'm a Software QA professionally and planning on putting in 10 hours a week of actual testing. I'm sure their internal QA is fine but I have a knack for breaking things in horrible ways
29 Mar 2021, 8:02am
This will be our chance to do all the stupid stuff we'd never do on our own accounts.
29 Mar 2021, 9:06am
SakashiroThis will be our chance to do all the stupid stuff we'd never do on our own accounts.


29 Mar 2021, 10:12am
SakashiroThis will be our chance to do all the stupid stuff we'd never do on our own accounts.

Good option, but not when your life is already full of doing stupid stuff. :p
29 Mar 2021, 12:03pm
Considering the comments I see on Twitter and Steam, I wonder if FDev made a communication mistake by calling the DLC "deluxe". Many people seem to expect to be granted priority access to a finished product today. I see a shitstorm coming once they realize what "alpha" actually means. There'll be comparisons to CDPR for sure.
29 Mar 2021, 12:40pm
SakashiroConsidering the comments I see on Twitter and Steam, I wonder if FDev made a communication mistake by calling the DLC "deluxe". Many people seem to expect to be granted priority access to a finished product today. I see a shitstorm coming once they realize what "alpha" actually means. There'll be comparisons to CDPR for sure.

Wait, becoming an unpaid QA assistant isn't a deluxe experience? I feel lied to.
29 Mar 2021, 12:42pm
Steam users, FYI: The Odyssey alpha client gets installed not by Steam but by FDev's own launcher. Start the game as usual, select the Odyssey public alpha entry from the list, then click install.
29 Mar 2021, 5:52pm
29 Mar 2021, 6:47pm
EDO playable ETA Q4 2022.
30 Mar 2021, 12:50am
Anyone who is looking to join a squadron, I would heavily advise to stay away from the 227 Deep Space Regimen.
Commander TITAN Regiis AKA JC Walls Jr runs this dictatorship of the 227, if you read his terms and conditions page
he will tell you it's compulsory under Inara to abide by these rules yet he doesn't follow his own code.
He accuses people of following the orders that he gives, when they follow them correctly and don't understand what has happened
or something goes wrong he accuses them of not listening or disobeying orders yet he's the one who's teaching these new players
coming from game pass who have never even played the game and he runs it like a military regime.
He accuses people when they're new to the game that they should know certain aspects when they've never been shown how to carry out
or how to even understand the game's fundamentals.
He tells players that they can't be inside a clique either with their own friends or making new friends, they must be always up to date
and in chat with Titan himself so Titan is not left out of the loop and he is worried about players discussing things behind his back,
but this is why I'm posting this because he pushes you into these discussions, because when you confront him over certain things;
A. He refuses to answer them or
B. makes it out to be you with the problem.
So far he has lost up to 6 members in the period of less than 2 weeks and still has the cheat to say that it was them and
will not take fault for his own actions.
So if you are looking for a squadron, look around first. If you don't believe me go to the 227 Deep Space regimen and read
his terms and conditions yourself and when you find out the rules and regulations and red tape that you must read
before you even get accepted into the 227, it's just too outrageous and asks too much from a simple gamer just to play a game.
30 Mar 2021, 1:56am
I guess it depends on the squadron. The one I'm in, the members have been nothing but helpful.

My advice, check around, review their squadron overview page, talk to some of the prospective squadron members. Get second & third opinions.

It's not like it costs anything to join, or leave.
30 Mar 2021, 9:54am
Mr Jedininja72Anyone who is looking to join a squadron, I would heavily advise to stay away from the 227 Deep Space Regimen.
Commander TITAN Regiis AKA JC Walls Jr runs this dictatorship of the 227, if you read his terms and conditions page
he will tell you it's compulsory under Inara to abide by these rules yet he doesn't follow his own code.
He accuses people of following the orders that he gives, when they follow them correctly and don't understand what has happened
or something goes wrong he accuses them of not listening or disobeying orders yet he's the one who's teaching these new players
coming from game pass who have never even played the game and he runs it like a military regime.
He accuses people when they're new to the game that they should know certain aspects when they've never been shown how to carry out
or how to even understand the game's fundamentals.
He tells players that they can't be inside a clique either with their own friends or making new friends, they must be always up to date
and in chat with Titan himself so Titan is not left out of the loop and he is worried about players discussing things behind his back,
but this is why I'm posting this because he pushes you into these discussions, because when you confront him over certain things;
A. He refuses to answer them or
B. makes it out to be you with the problem.
So far he has lost up to 6 members in the period of less than 2 weeks and still has the cheat to say that it was them and
will not take fault for his own actions.
So if you are looking for a squadron, look around first. If you don't believe me go to the 227 Deep Space regimen and read
his terms and conditions yourself and when you find out the rules and regulations and red tape that you must read
before you even get accepted into the 227, it's just too outrageous and asks too much from a simple gamer just to play a game.

I recognize the name you're talking about. You must be on Xbox.

Well my squadron, The Unseen is nothing like that and we're always open to new members. Not to turn it into a sales pitch, but we have absolutely NO participation requirements or rules except one: No combat logging or harmless ganking. I spend much of my time helping all of the new folks in my squadron, so if you ever need help hmu
30 Mar 2021, 1:35pm
Vice President Jerome Archer has successfully proposed a new public surveillance law designed to prevent future terrorist attacks in the Federation.

The Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act was debated in Congress before being approved by a majority vote. It is considered to be emergency legislation that replaces all previous laws regarding monitoring civilian activity and intercepting personal communications.

Vice President Archer, who personally drafted much of the new statute, announced:

“This will allow the government to actively seek out any terrorist agents and sympathisers lurking within our communities. We will never again allow so many families and friends to be taken from us.”

Shadow President Felicia Winters responded:

“Nobody wants another ‘Nine Martyrs’, and it’s vital that security is increased across the Federation. But this is an outrageous violation of civil liberties. For this administration to grant itself access to every citizen’s private life makes it resemble a dictatorial regime.”

I have to say I'm with Felicia on this one.
30 Mar 2021, 2:10pm
aka, the E:D version of PRISM & the Patriot Act.
30 Mar 2021, 2:12pm
Synthya Wylderaka, the E:D version of PRISM & the Patriot Act.

I'm not familiar with PRISM, but, unfortunately, I'm quite familiar with the so-called Patriot Act.

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