Elite: General talk

24 Sep 2024, 10:25pm
a bit (lot) derivative but.....

We are the Freedom Squad
We read Galnet every day
We fly where we like
We fight 'goids a lot
and the gankers are gonna get slayed

We are the Freedom Squad
We think salvation is our fate
The Feds are a mess
The Empire we detest
but we'll take whatever they pay.
today, 4:13pm
"It's a danger pretty here in Night City
Here in Night City, got me up alright, here in Night City..."

So I did a thing and bought the thing. The official home of NEON FRONTIER and all misfits, chrome heads, edgerunners, and fans of Johnny Silverhand's Samurai (yes, we party like it's 2020). Come along for great drinks in our soon to be open bar, the "Afterlife".

today, 4:43pm
Might hitch a ride wherever you choose to go. Bring a ship or two with me. Keep me posted with your plans.
today, 4:54pm
DescartesMight hitch a ride wherever you choose to go. Bring a ship or two with me. Keep me posted with your plans.

So far, I'm staying a bit in the Thargoid war in the bubble. But when the Mandalay hits the ARX store, I'm going on an exploration tour. Haven't made up my mind yet, but was thinking about the Formidine Rift. Went to Beagle Point last year, and that's not a journey I'm going to make soon again (even with an FC).

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...