Elite: General talk

07 Mar 2022, 1:59pm
Knightstalker29Current BGS info on INARA is incorrect, I've managed to deliver 22,756 tonnes ofgoods, which I'd expect to be in the top 10% as stated. Yet I'm only in the top 25%, this isn't the first time that this has happened that the infor on INARA is incorrect.

The information on Inara is correct, at least in a respect to the data provided by the journal at the time of the update (yesterday). Please import your journal again to update your data with the more recent information.
07 Mar 2022, 6:54pm
Knightstalker29Current BGS info on INARA is incorrect, I've managed to deliver 22,756 tonnes ofgoods, which I'd expect to be in the top 10% as stated. Yet I'm only in the top 25%, this isn't the first time that this has happened that the infor on INARA is incorrect.

The information on Inara is correct, at least in a respect to the data provided by the journal at the time of the update (yesterday). Please import your journal again to update your data with the more recent information.

I started to use EDMC and have noticed that my stats on inara are updated right away.
Try it.
07 Mar 2022, 6:58pm
Or manually load data each time you want to update. Pretty uncomfy.

Last edit: 08 Mar 2022, 5:10pm
07 Mar 2022, 7:17pm
for current cg, how is it possible for one cmdr to deliver 148k, I am running cutter with 688 per trip and I got 26k, do you need to be a superhuman aka deliver 24/7 no sleep no food ?
07 Mar 2022, 8:20pm
Tomciopalecfor current cg, how is it possible for one cmdr to deliver 148k, I am running cutter with 688 per trip and I got 26k, do you need to be a superhuman aka deliver 24/7 no sleep no food ?

I was wondering same thing... I guess they are using Fleet Carriers and parking in the source system, then running in and out the station til their carrier is loaded, then dropping everything off at once, and repeat.... I stopped at 20k, started falling asleep behind the wheel on all those 7k light second runs back to back in VR.
08 Mar 2022, 3:06am
Tomciopalecfor current cg, how is it possible for one cmdr to deliver 148k, I am running cutter with 688 per trip and I got 26k, do you need to be a superhuman aka deliver 24/7 no sleep no food ?

I was wondering same thing... I guess they are using Fleet Carriers and parking in the source system, then running in and out the station til their carrier is loaded, then dropping everything off at once, and repeat.... I stopped at 20k, started falling asleep behind the wheel on all those 7k light second runs back to back in VR.

I have nodded out doing Robigo runs while grinding for mats, although I was pre-gaming a hangover at the time.
09 Mar 2022, 2:57pm
People who can enter the squadron?(You need 9 people to register)then you can leave.I will be grateful Union of Pioneer Pilots-UPIP

I would like more connection with others in game play but I am on the dreaded Xbox ... does that matter?

I'm on xbox. Also in a squadron called The Stellar Cartographers Guild. Always looking for new members that like exploring.
20 Mar 2022, 4:50pm
Anyone know how to change the commander of a squadron? Our commander wants to relinquish the role to someone else
20 Mar 2022, 6:37pm
Just promote sb else to that rank as a squadron leader.

So you say the leader of Retired Insomniacs wants to retire?
20 Mar 2022, 8:07pm
He's moving on to a different game. Still wants to be in the squadron, just not as the commander.

I can't promote or delete anyone that's my level or above and he says he can't promote anyone to commander. Does he have to leave the squadron and then one of us move up?
Johnny Jetstream is taking his place.
20 Mar 2022, 8:24pm
Shogun19533He's moving on to a different game. Still wants to be in the squadron, just not as the commander.

I can't promote or delete anyone that's my level or above and he says he can't promote anyone to commander. Does he have to leave the squadron and then one of us move up?
Johnny Jetstream is taking his place.

What happens if the Squadron leader leaves?
20 Mar 2022, 9:16pm
Sorry I wasn't talking about in-game, I was talking about in Inara
20 Mar 2022, 9:19pm
As far as I know, it is possible in inara to do that.
20 Mar 2022, 11:04pm
Got it, there's a button on the bottom of the Inara squadron page
25 Mar 2022, 2:59pm
Current Community Goal is a classic example of how FDev steers the storyline. The conclusion is obvious before it even begins.

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