Elite: General talk

21 Feb 2022, 9:05am
I'mma go with this.

My guess for Sappho: is this.
21 Feb 2022, 2:11pm
Burstar or something
Daddy O
Burstar or something
"entertained" is stretching it. 80% of the game is grind, busy work or gratuitous time wasting via things like travel. 600 hours of actual entertainment is more accurate and still respectable.

Then why did you play it for so many hours?
Really, that's just crazy. You gave up years of spare time to play a game you weren't that into?
Who does that?*
*yes, yes. apparently you did...but why? Life is short. Play better games.

The point was the flawed premise in your statement: 100% of the time spent is not entertainment so your numbers lie like statisticians only can. I may spend a day visiting family, but the trip one way takes 5 hours and really it ends up being a dinner and drinks on the patio for 2 hours. Do I tell everyone I visited my family for twelve hours? No. Do I still visit them even though it's only a couple hours of face time? ofc. You are confusing total time with quality time. There is a HUGE difference and game companies hope we're dumb enough not to understand that. Like, who is really? Oh, right...

[Sigh] You are obfuscating now.
Just admit it; you still do the grind because you have to in order maintain your ranking, and you want to maintain your ranking because you like being BMOC.
You spent years getting to your position and you hate the idea of just throwing it away...but you have to keep grinding to stay there because it's competitive at the top.
...and Elite Dangerous is fucking addictive.
21 Feb 2022, 9:51pm
Daddy O [Sigh] You are obfuscating now.
Just admit it; you still do the grind because you have to in order maintain your ranking, and you want to maintain your ranking because you like being BMOC.
You spent years getting to your position and you hate the idea of just throwing it away...but you have to keep grinding to stay there because it's competitive at the top.
...and Elite Dangerous is fucking addictive.

No, I'm not. You need to seriously improve your vocabulary if you find the word 'statistician' intimidating. You however, are kicking the goalpost. The point is simple: 3000 hours of the game loaded does not equal 3000 hours of amaz0rs entertainment. The irony is that now you're arguing against yourself. You've just admitted you can see reasons why someone would play a game that isn't perfectly entertaining. The only thing now is for you to justify how you could possibly find 3 minute load and prep time, a minute of docking standby, 2 minutes of running back and forth to and from the concourse, 8 minutes of uneventful supercruise in a straight line per trip amazing entertainment? Tell me, do beads of sweat form on your forehead as you nervously click roll for your uber engineering upgrades?

There is a lot to like about Elite. The grind and gratuitous time wasting are huge parts of this game and are definitely not on that list. Unless, ofc, you're the kind of person that enjoys staring at water heating to a boil. If that's the case, then yes, for you, the game is amaz0rs entertainment 100% of the time!
21 Feb 2022, 9:56pm
I'm alternating ED with the Borderlands series right now. Hey-O!
21 Feb 2022, 10:01pm
I have about 2500hrs of playing and must admit, 80% of them were enjoyable. On the other hand, my playstyle is quite unorthodox and I'm minimising the grind by not requiring much of it.
22 Feb 2022, 3:12am
Burstar or something
Daddy O [Sigh] You are obfuscating now.
Just admit it; you still do the grind because you have to in order maintain your ranking, and you want to maintain your ranking because you like being BMOC.
You spent years getting to your position and you hate the idea of just throwing it away...but you have to keep grinding to stay there because it's competitive at the top.
...and Elite Dangerous is fucking addictive.

No, I'm not. You need to seriously improve your vocabulary if you find the word 'statistician' intimidating. You however, are kicking the goalpost. The point is simple: 3000 hours of the game loaded does not equal 3000 hours of amaz0rs entertainment. The irony is that now you're arguing against yourself. You've just admitted you can see reasons why someone would play a game that isn't perfectly entertaining. The only thing now is for you to justify how you could possibly find 3 minute load and prep time, a minute of docking standby, 2 minutes of running back and forth to and from the concourse, 8 minutes of uneventful supercruise in a straight line per trip amazing entertainment? Tell me, do beads of sweat form on your forehead as you nervously click roll for your uber engineering upgrades?

There is a lot to like about Elite. The grind and gratuitous time wasting are huge parts of this game and are definitely not on that list. Unless, ofc, you're the kind of person that enjoys staring at water heating to a boil. If that's the case, then yes, for you, the game is amaz0rs entertainment 100% of the time!

My previous post still stands; you are doing it for your vanity and hubris.
My evidence? You have changed your avatar 3 times since I have been here. Preen much?
Not only that, but you grind every day just to stay ahead of the other kids.
One time you actually tried to pretend like you were older than me ("I'm from a generation that...")
Dood, admit it; you are still here because you fear being the newb in another forum.
You like being BMoC...and I get that.

So either shit or get off the pot; either go play a game that makes you happy, or STFU already.
All the complaining about ED is boorish.
That goes for the resta you too.
22 Feb 2022, 7:55am
We all call it like we see it and we all see it differently.
22 Feb 2022, 9:34am
Daddy O So either shit or get off the pot; either go play a game that makes you happy, or STFU already.
All the complaining about ED is boorish.
That goes for the resta you too.

Dude, your pitiful attempts at an ad hominem, obvious trolling, and refusal to actually respond to the queries posed to you, only provide evidence of how wrong you are and that you KNOW this. So how about you STFU for your sake. You've embarrassed yourself too much already. I'd also recommend you take some math classes so you can grasp the concept of "<100% =/ 100%".
22 Feb 2022, 9:40am
Nice shitstorm ya have here Soooo baaadaaaasssss
22 Feb 2022, 10:41am
Burstar had not changed his avatar in a long time, it was overdue!
22 Feb 2022, 4:55pm
o7 cmdrs, are they not giving out the dark water cg awards yet
22 Feb 2022, 7:38pm
They usually come on the Thursday reset or a lil after.
23 Feb 2022, 11:18am
Not far of 10,000 hrs game time

Greetings fron the Åsgard
23 Feb 2022, 11:13pm
BilisknerNot far of 10,000 hrs game time

Greetings fron the Åsgard

Have you named one of your ships "The O'Neill"?
24 Feb 2022, 7:33pm
Oh, I realized that I can check the concourse of my FC. At least the stern part including the bridge and ready room. It is just another concourse. And the holo display do not even have the proper FC model. I bet I will need to invest arx in customizing that thing too.

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