Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jan 2017, 11:50pm
NsiteYou all seem to assume that you can say whatever you want, accuse, inflame and then just move on from it like it didn't happen. I'm in a different time zone. This is a forum. When I checked in much had been said after I had gone to sleep. Its logical I would have a response. Anyone would if they were in my position.

Perhaps, but judging how you've conducted yourself on this forum, I'm beginning to see why denying your membership into the IWG was probably the correct move. This will be where my interaction with you ends, though I do hope that you have a good rest of your day.

You didn't deny me. And if you're talking about having a backbone, I can understand why that might be threatening to you.

You're right, and the random insults aren't really helping your case. Let me fix that: your request to join the IWG has been denied.
04 Jan 2017, 11:52pm
Thanks but I already withdrew yesterday if I'm not mistaken... That was so long ago.. why are you bringing it up now?
04 Jan 2017, 11:53pm
NsiteThanks but I already withdrew yesterday if I'm not mistaken... That was so long ago.. why are you bringing it up now?

You didn't mention your withdrawal in our PMs yesterday, so I just wanted to clarify that for you.
04 Jan 2017, 11:54pm
I said I have a backbone, you found that insulting. If that's how you wish to interpret it, then I guess you are insulted pretty often. You can twist it all you like. I have an opinion, you don't like it and take it personally. Not my problem. I think you aren't used to someone defending themselves- it's obvious when someone does in RP it doesn't go over so well, does it?

I'm not going to let you or anyone else here push me around. If half of you leave, fine, if you think it's driving people off.. So be it.

Personally attacking someone in RP is wrong, and I'll have this response everytime someone does it. Welcome to your new world.

Last edit: 05 Jan 2017, 12:00am
05 Jan 2017, 12:00am
Can we just cut it out here?

It's annoying and doesn't lead anywhere.
05 Jan 2017, 12:01am
Agreed. Again, I hope you have a good rest of your day.
05 Jan 2017, 12:02am
You as well Xeknos
05 Jan 2017, 12:11am
Yes, this is a repost. But since the argument was dredged up again to no end (and for literally no reason as far as I can tell, and no, I don't want a response saying "I brought it up because he/she said. Just drop it. Leave it alone. Stop mentioning it.), I feel it best to repost it here lest it be lost several pages back. My sentiment and feelings still ring strong through this entire wall of text.

Speaking of which, I'm feeling a little lost now too.

I had hoped that Lilith would meet up with Stryker at some point, as that interaction could have been a very interesting clash of personalities. I was looking to bring Luke in to see Ten again, and meet Mhera at the same time.

Perhaps in the future Lilith and Luke could have met in the bar, which may well have instigated a very widely inclusive story with peoples loyalties being tested, for example, (without making presumptions of course), Jacob and Ten I imagine would take the side of Luke, Stryker may feel obliged to stand by Lilith for whatever reason, and Isaiah and Cait would be stuck wondering what side to take given Lilith is essentially a career criminal while Luke prefers to keep his nose clean.

However with the wave of people announcing their departure, some of those seeds have now been lost. Fortunately the Lilith/Glaboski story has met something of a conclusion, with a possibility of a 'sequel' of sorts. But a sequel seems like nothing more than a pipe dream at this point.

This isn't me saying I am leaving. I want to stay and contribute. But sadly, I really don't know how to proceed at this point.

Nsite, I hope you will continue your RP despite everything. I sense something interesting could come from it, it was an interesting way to initiate an RP. I would have joined in myself had I realised your intention was to hook whoever took the bait.

Rowen, I hope you'll continue also as despite feeling initially uncertain about a character with emotes on his face, I have grown to enjoy following him. Although if Lilith comes along, don't expect a similar response from her of course.

Mhera, I hope you'll see this as simply a hazard of multiple personalities converging to write one big story. It was, and is, refreshing to see someone play a character that isn't a 'gun-ho, stern, no nonsense pilot who only wants credits'. And play it well I might add.

Stryker, I hope you stick with us. Stryker is a very interesting blend of serious story and comic relief, the Marybelle incident, while utterly ridiculous and nonsensical, was funny and served its purpose. But most importantly, and selfishly, Glaboski vs Lilith was the single most entertaining interaction I've had with anyone. (Obviously not a slight at anyone else, I have fun interacting with everyone of course)

Rebecca, I hope that even if you don't continue RP, you at least continue to put out Logbook stories. Perhaps in the near future, things will settle down into a nice equilibrium and you'll feel like coming back. I think it goes without saying that your input would be missed.

Ryan, I hoped to see more of you in the RP but sadly, in between RL and my own escapades I never had much of an opportunity. It disappoints me that you would leave before I had a chance to get to know the character a bit better.

Yes, I am begging. I may have only been here since September, and only began RPing since October I think, but I've had fun with it and on a personal note, doing this has helped me through a difficult period of my life. I'm not just invested in the site through stories, but genuinely emotionally attached to the RP section in particular. There are many talented writers here. Unfortunately, that means there is also creative differences. You show me a site where people all write different stories within the same universe and get along, I'll show you a dictatorship where opinions are punished.

Do I think we, as a group, are occasionally a bit heavy handed with what is and isn't acceptable? Yes.
Do I think I am responsible for at least occasionally contributing to the heavy handedness? Yes.
Do I think this singular discussion has escalated way beyond proportions? Yes.

There is an underlying issue. That much is obvious. As far as I can tell, that issue is partly not knowing 100% what may or may not exist in Elite Dangerous. Be it, Emoji visors or genetically modified pilots who look like Khajit. The other part is that a new person coming in with a different idea, is often met with multiple people swarming in saying "This is unacceptable". Each person might only say it once, but that newcomer is hearing it 3, 4, 5 times. To them, that simple sentence changes from saying " Sorry, that doesn't fit here" to "Your kind ain't welcome in these parts".

The intention is always good. I'd be hard pushed to find someone here who is actively and deliberately chasing people off. But even the best intentions can have the worst results.

So I suggest this. We, as a group, put our heads together and nominate a sort of, ambassador if you will. The job of that person will be to recieve the complaints about a users RP, collate them, and address the issues by posting the issue on the OOC forums and/or either PMing the user who sent the issue, or the user causing the issue. This way, a newcomer who has entered the bar via jetpack, doesn't get inundated with loads of people saying the same thing. He/she gets one voice stating that jetpacks don't fit the universe setting. It ought to garner a more consistent positive result than what we've been experiencing recently.

It should be stressed that an ambassadors position does not enable them to dictate what is or isn't allowed. They simply act as a bottleneck to prevent a newcomer, or indeed anyone else, being swamped with people complaining that x y or z is inappropriate. It's not a position of power. It's essentially customer service.

As I said, I am scraping the barrel in the hopes of keeping this community from splintering, as it already has begun to do so. I may be desperate here, or emotional, but I truly, and honestly want what is best for the community.
05 Jan 2017, 12:11am
Thank you.

Markus Omni

(Sorry to whatever's going on previously, just wanna finish my bit then duck out) My idea for background purposes was not to give myself the "commander" title yet, since I don't have the game. Be a little amusing I think, you know, to go for a couple of months, read up on talks points and, apparently learn how to roleplay.. something that I'm open to, and looking forward to my character development!

I really like this idea. I can see it going along with some logbook entries about your character's time in pilot school, or apprenticing as a ship's mate on someone else's Cutter. Logging some flight hours, taking some competency exams, "earning his (Harmless) wings" so to speak.

I can't give any pointers on forum roleplay - I've never done it and generally stay clear of it, but if you want to talk logbook entries and writing stories, get in touch!
05 Jan 2017, 12:15am
Tisiphone MoreauThank you.

Markus Omni

(Sorry to whatever's going on previously, just wanna finish my bit then duck out) My idea for background purposes was not to give myself the "commander" title yet, since I don't have the game. Be a little amusing I think, you know, to go for a couple of months, read up on talks points and, apparently learn how to roleplay.. something that I'm open to, and looking forward to my character development!

I really like this idea. I can see it going along with some logbook entries about your character's time in pilot school, or apprenticing as a ship's mate on someone else's Cutter. Logging some flight hours, taking some competency exams, "earning his (Harmless) wings" so to speak.

I can't give any pointers on forum roleplay - I've never done it and generally stay clear of it, but if you want to talk logbook entries and writing stories, get in touch!

Hmm, I hadn't thought of that little idea. I was going to origionally start off with me flying a viper illegally, but since I wouldn't have my "license" so to speak to begin with, that does make a bit of sense to be an assistant to, whatever it is I'm doing. Thanks! Another idea
05 Jan 2017, 12:19am
Markus, I'm super interested in your idea as well. You should run with it for sure (your choice, of course ).
05 Jan 2017, 12:20am
Luke3107Yes, this is a repost. But since the argument was dredged up again to no end (and for literally no reason as far as I can tell, and no, I don't want a response saying "I brought it up because he/she said. Just drop it. Leave it alone. Stop mentioning it.), I feel it best to repost it here lest it be lost several pages back. My sentiment and feelings still ring strong through this entire wall of text.

Yes, I am begging. I may have only been here since September, and only began RPing since October I think, but I've had fun with it and on a personal note, doing this has helped me through a difficult period of my life. I'm not just invested in the site through stories, but genuinely emotionally attached to the RP section in particular. There are many talented writers here. Unfortunately, that means there is also creative differences. You show me a site where people all write different stories within the same universe and get along, I'll show you a dictatorship where opinions are punished.

Do I think we, as a group, are occasionally a bit heavy handed with what is and isn't acceptable? Yes.
Do I think I am responsible for at least occasionally contributing to the heavy handedness? Yes.
Do I think this singular discussion has escalated way beyond proportions? Yes.

There is an underlying issue. That much is obvious. As far as I can tell, that issue is partly not knowing 100% what may or may not exist in Elite Dangerous. Be it, Emoji visors or genetically modified pilots who look like Khajit. The other part is that a new person coming in with a different idea, is often met with multiple people swarming in saying "This is unacceptable". Each person might only say it once, but that newcomer is hearing it 3, 4, 5 times. To them, that simple sentence changes from saying " Sorry, that doesn't fit here" to "Your kind ain't welcome in these parts".

The intention is always good. I'd be hard pushed to find someone here who is actively and deliberately chasing people off. But even the best intentions can have the worst results.

So I suggest this. We, as a group, put our heads together and nominate a sort of, ambassador if you will. The job of that person will be to recieve the complaints about a users RP, collate them, and address the issues by posting the issue on the OOC forums and/or either PMing the user who sent the issue, or the user causing the issue. This way, a newcomer who has entered the bar via jetpack, doesn't get inundated with loads of people saying the same thing. He/she gets one voice stating that jetpacks don't fit the universe setting. It ought to garner a more consistent positive result than what we've been experiencing recently.

It should be stressed that an ambassadors position does not enable them to dictate what is or isn't allowed. They simply act as a bottleneck to prevent a newcomer, or indeed anyone else, being swamped with people complaining that x y or z is inappropriate. It's not a position of power. It's essentially customer service.

As I said, I am scraping the barrel in the hopes of keeping this community from splintering, as it already has begun to do so. I may be desperate here, or emotional, but I truly, and honestly want what is best for the community.

I think pieces of this will work. I do agree with you (and I'm certainly guilty of this myself) that we, as a community, are guilty of the "shoot first ask later" style of addressing RP issues as they arise. I'm not entirely sure the ambassador position is needed, but we should probably strive to be more respectful when we come across a RPer who - though no fault of their own - may have a character concept that may not jive the best in an Elite setting, and then point our our issues in a respectful manner.

Some of you have noticed that I've been struggling with this a lot - my experiences come from RPing on WoW for the past 6-7 years, and I watched that community slowly tear itself apart. My intention was to try and prevent that same thing from happening here, and I admit (and apologize for) that I was too extreme or heavy-handed in trying to deal with things that didn't seem to fit.

Tisiphone Moreau
Markus Omni

(Sorry to whatever's going on previously, just wanna finish my bit then duck out) My idea for background purposes was not to give myself the "commander" title yet, since I don't have the game. Be a little amusing I think, you know, to go for a couple of months, read up on talks points and, apparently learn how to roleplay.. something that I'm open to, and looking forward to my character development!

I really like this idea. I can see it going along with some logbook entries about your character's time in pilot school, or apprenticing as a ship's mate on someone else's Cutter. Logging some flight hours, taking some competency exams, "earning his (Harmless) wings" so to speak.

I can't give any pointers on forum roleplay - I've never done it and generally stay clear of it, but if you want to talk logbook entries and writing stories, get in touch!

To echo this (and to expand upon my point further) a lot of us are perfectly willing/happy to answer any and all questions that newer RPers may have - and if an answer doesn't exist within lore, then working together to find a reasonable solution that everyone can live with.
05 Jan 2017, 3:14am
Look, after a bit of time (and galaxy hopping) to reflect, I want to apologize for the intensity I introduced. What started out as a general conversation ended up escalating in to so much more. The irony of it is believe it or not Xeknos, Stryker, Luke, Isaiah, I have grown to respect all of you without even knowing you, simply on your stories alone. I wasn't trying to be the bad guy, but I also don't enjoy seeing people get pushed around- and lately my response has been a lot more dramatic than most.

I'm far from perfect, but I am not a bad person, not even close. So in the interest of transparency, something I am not afraid of I'll offer this community an explanation as to why maybe I overreact when I see this behavior lately, take it or leave it.

The past six months I've been travelling back and forth from North Dakota. My team and I have been working on a lot of things for the Native American people here in the States, two things namely being the pipeline, and the repatriation of their artifacts that the Smithsonian has had in their basement for 150 years, not on display, and now is requesting that these Sioux provide justification as to why these people should be able to see their own history.

So in brief, lately I have been immersed in environments where people are treated less than. I've watched with my own eyes civil liberties completely ignored, first amendment rights violated, unlawful process, violent treatment of peaceful demonstrators. I've watched the 'powers at be' walk all over the little guy for months now. So everytime I see the 'little guy' get stepped on, I have a human, emotional reaction. It makes me angry. I don't always respond 'perfectly' but I don't think it's in my nature to not respond. I am not an activist or a protester, I am a filmmaker, so I understand the importance of well articulated substance rather than name calling. Maybe I could have handled it better, for that I am sorry, but my motives were in the right place- never once was I thinking "Im going to crush this individual so they never want to role-play again."

I am sure Simon will want to chip in here... "riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight", so in case that isn't believable, here are two pieces of work we are currently developing for said purpose. I wrote, produced, and shot this content so obviously I'm far more than a little immersed. When you are around verbal, physical, emotional, mental, and cultural abuse enough, you start to see it in unexpected places. You also see it in places where the people doing it aren't even aware. I'm not going to break it down again, but I will say that it is important, to me, people have a fair and legitimate chance to be themselves, not be afraid of who that is, or embarrassed by it. That's what I was getting at, and I apologize, once again, if the notion is I could have done it a different way or more appropriately.

I will consider that, and I am always open minded to change and growth.

Hopefully nobody leaves, and we can get to know each other at a different capacity than simply this.

Mitakuye Oyasin,



Last edit: 05 Jan 2017, 3:52am
05 Jan 2017, 3:38am
Although this may be to late, or interpreted as being insincere, I truly am being sincere. And I regret my poor behaviour both in RP and out of it. I do not wish to run anyone off, especially people new to roleplay.

I will swallow my pride, take responsibility for my actions and I am asking the community and Rowen for forgiveness.

Last edit: 05 Jan 2017, 3:52am
05 Jan 2017, 3:50am
I think everybody just needs to relax, take a breath, and remember we're all friends here. I like everyone here. I'd like to see everyone get along with each other too. 

So, can we put all this stuff behind us and get back to RPing together?

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