Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

18 Jan 2017, 10:06pm
I'm new here Maschil, but experienced in internet forum communities and have been exposed to a lot of storytelling.  Two thoughts from that perspective:

1) Like with most things, you know it when you see it.  For me, the Pip Boy doesn't work because it's very jarring.  I'm a huge Fallout fan, and would be immensely annoyed if I stumbled upon a crashed Asp Explorer instead of the normal flying saucer-type ships of Mothership Zeta fame. See what I mean?

2) Coming into any group of people, especially a long established one such as this, it is more wise to defer to their preferences and way of being until you are established and then can organically suggest change to the status quo.  Heck, you might not even want to by that point.  Thing is, every group has it's own vibe, it's own way of living.  Learn about it first.  I humbly suggest that you have not made this effort.

Last edit: 18 Jan 2017, 10:15pm
18 Jan 2017, 10:09pm

Im not going to waste my time quoting everybody or researching for links and dates to make my argument more valid because in all reality or realities, its not that serious.

What sort of scientist are you that you can't be bothered to find evidence to support you claim?


So, it is established that our timeline coincides with the elite to some extent yes? On Earth a game called "Fallout" was created. Fallouts timeline also coincidently falls into that of our own you that is evident based on Fallouts lore & history. So, you are telling me that it is ok for a permanent space station or system to pay homage to an event or thing that is, according to most of yall, not of this world, yet simeultaneously, on the same timeline, but I cant call my wrist computer a Pip-Boy?

You can call your wrist computer whatever you want, that's not the issue. The issue stems from you trying to convince us that it originated in the Fall Out universe and trying to blow smoke up our asses and hiding behind the faulty logic of "multi-verses" and "because its big, anything is possible."


Btw time travel is possible. I am travelling through time as I type this. So are you. [...]

A careful review of your Quantum Mechanics is in order.


[...] it has been proven that percetion creates reality... Schrodingers Cat. So, tell me again how everything is not possible. Possibly not very probable, but nearly indefinitely possible.

Quantum mechanics really isn't your forte is it? Schrodinger's thought experiment was simply that, a thought experiment and it had nothing to do with "perception" and how "our minds create our realities."  That's a course in philosophy.

As a scientist, you know that the "P" word is forbidden. Nothing has even been Proven. Only evidence to support or reject the null hypothesis.

Last edit: 18 Jan 2017, 11:36pm
18 Jan 2017, 10:21pm
Rebecca HailPolitics are less fun.

Right? For one, in Elite, you're much better armed.
18 Jan 2017, 10:37pm
Rebecca HailPolitics are less fun.

Right? For one, in Elite, you're much better armed.

On the contrary. In Elite you only get to command one ship.
18 Jan 2017, 11:50pm
I never said I was a scientist I said I was a man of science and I wont be bothered with trying to find supporting evidence because it is a trivial claim and actually the problem is stemming from what I decided to call my wrist computer. I didnt say my character was in fact able to jump dimensions I said for your convenience you can assume that if you'd like. Just offering a suggestion that might help you and anyone else that has a problem with my RP.

@Phisto, the reason you'd be annoyed by an asp in Fallout is because 1. It didnt exist by that time and 2. That would actually be copyright infringement. Are you jarred or annoyed by the names of space stations that are named after real things because that is perfectly relateable to my mention of a "Pip-Boy."

Does Frontier lack creativity because they named a planet "Earth" instead of coming up with their own name? Does it pull you out of RP because it familiarizes you with your actual reality or do you just keep playing and enjoy the game all the same? If so why can you not do the same in RP. Irl when something annoys you or takes you away from what youre doing do you stop everything and request whatever it is be stopped because it threatens the fragments of your reality or do you keep on keeping on and either fix, ignore, or let the problem keep getting to you?

I am a man of my own and I refuse to conform to your ways simply because we dont see eye to eye on something or something Im doing is unnacceptable to you. Regardless of how long you claim to have been established in this wholly intangible space. I am doing no physical harm or stealing anyones property.

Get a hold of Frontier and tell them to remove anything that references our reality from the game and I will succeed.

If you admit that the Elite universe exists within our own then you admit that Fallout exists within the Elite universe. As someone mentioned above maybe my character is a retro video game fan. I saw someone argue "when was the last time you read or saw something 1000 years old, except the bible." First of all you cant ask a question like that and exclude something from the choice of answers. Secondly, again, you are not taking into consideration technological advancements. Rest assured that, given the level of technology and our ability to store massive amounts of data in a fractional physical space: stories, games, movies, and anything that can be stored virtually, possibly even conciousness, will be archived and available somewhere in the universe. If you deny that claim then that is exactly what it is. Simply denial and nothing more.

Get over it.

Last edit: 18 Jan 2017, 11:58pm
19 Jan 2017, 12:01am
On a side note: it is slightly comical to me that no one seems to have a problem with my Star Wars mentions in my RP.
19 Jan 2017, 12:04am
Honestly, this is your best roleplay yet.
19 Jan 2017, 12:05am
Maschil_CraneI never said I was a scientist I said I was a man of science and I wont be bothered with trying to find supporting evidence because it is a trivial claim and actually the problem is stemming from what I decided to call my wrist computer. I didnt say my character was in fact able to jump dimensions I said for your convenience you can assume that if you'd like. Just offering a suggestion that might help you and anyone else that has a problem with my RP.

@Phisto, the reason you'd be annoyed by an asp in Fallout is because 1. It didnt exist by that time and 2. That would actually be copyright infringement. Are you jarred or annoyed by the names of space stations that are named after real things because that is perfectly relateable to my mention of a "Pip-Boy."

Does Frontier lack creativity because they named a planet "Earth" instead of coming up with their own name? Does it pull you out of RP because it familiarizes you with your actual reality or do you just keep playing and enjoy the game all the same? If so why can you not do the same in RP. Irl when something annoys you or takes you away from what youre doing do you stop everything and request whatever it is be stopped because it threatens the fragments of your reality or do you keep on keeping on and either fix, ignore, or let the problem keep getting to you?

I am a man of my own and I refuse to conform to your ways simply because we dont see eye to eye on something or something Im doing is unnacceptable to you. Regardless of how long you claim to have been established in this wholly intangible space. I am doing no physical harm or stealing anyones property.

Get a hold of Frontier and tell them to remove anything that references our reality from the game and I will succeed.

If you admit that the Elite universe exists within our own then you admit that Fallout exists within the Elite universe. As someone mentioned above maybe my character is a retro video game fan. I saw someone argue "when was the last time you read or saw something 1000 years old, except the bible." First of all you cant ask a question like that and exclude something from the choice of answers. Secondly, again, you are not taking into consideration technological advancements. Rest assured that, given the level of technology and our ability to store massive amounts of data in a fractional physical space: stories, games, movies, and anything that can be stored virtually, possibly even conciousness, will be archived and available somewhere in the universe. If you deny that claim then that is exactly what it is. Simply denial and nothing more.

Get over it.

I see. You come over here, shit all over the place. Defile the established rules and because, your your own man, and I have to get over it.

No problem.

19 Jan 2017, 12:06am
Maschil_CraneOn a side note: it is slightly comical to me that no one seems to have a problem with my Star Wars mentions in my RP.

No one else noticed until you pointed it out.

Should I bother reposting my argument as to why even with the game fallout existing in the elite universe it would likely be long forgotten by this point in time, and therefore invalidates half his hair-brained arguments?

Or should we just mark this as a lost cause and Ignore Maschil's posts from now on?
19 Jan 2017, 12:06am
Nevermind Stryker already beat me to it.
19 Jan 2017, 12:14am
Tisiphone Moreau
Rebecca HailPolitics are less fun.

Right? For one, in Elite, you're much better armed.

On the contrary. In Elite you only get to command one ship.

19 Jan 2017, 12:16am
Tisiphone Moreau
Rebecca HailPolitics are less fun.

Right? For one, in Elite, you're much better armed.

On the contrary. In Elite you only get to command one ship.


Wrong! As of the update you can have a fighter bay, and therefore can command two ships!
19 Jan 2017, 12:17am
Maschil_CraneOn a side note: it is slightly comical to me that no one seems to have a problem with my Star Wars mentions in my RP.

No one else noticed until you pointed it out.

Should I bother reposting my argument as to why even with the game fallout existing in the elite universe it would likely be long forgotten by this point in time, and therefore invalidates half his hair-brained arguments?

Or should we just mark this as a lost cause and Ignore Maschil's posts from now on?

I'm convinced that Macshil is beyond appeals to observing the rules of both a community to which one is a newcomer and the basics of decent roleplay.

Last edit: 19 Jan 2017, 2:04am
19 Jan 2017, 12:32am
Two ships?! My political dynasty is assured!  Muahahahaha!
19 Jan 2017, 12:51am
SonofMacPhistoHonestly, this is your best roleplay yet.

Now I'm offended.

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