Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

23 Jan 2017, 1:06am
Logan Darklighter
John "Xeknos" Mathurin
Logan DarklighterStuff

So what are you getting at?

What are YOU getting at?

Well, I'm trying to figure out what it is you want, exactly.

Tisiphone MoreauMaybe the idea is that there are enough similarities between Elite and Traveler that the source material from the latter could be used to sort of fill in the gaps of the lore of the former?

Oh. Well, why didn't you just say this from the beginning?
23 Jan 2017, 1:25am
I'm still confused about the Harry Mudd / Lando Calrisian bloke.

Can you choose one of the following.

A) I want somebody to play this NPC character for me.
B) I want to play this NPC for someone else, offering hooks for RP.
C) I want this NPC to be used by the player community as a way to create hooks for their characters.

Sorry, I'm very tired and having a hard trying to figure out what it is you want.

All you have to do is ask. I've been know to play npcs for others to help drive their story along

I'm not trying to be condensending, I am curious as to what you are trying to achieve.

Edit: if xeks post below is the case, please disregard this one.

Last edit: 23 Jan 2017, 2:15am
23 Jan 2017, 1:40am
After re-reading his initial post a few times, I think he's just pointing out how something could be used as inspiration for NPC creation in RP. Though that seemed a mite strange as I've never noticed anyone struggling with it, but I suppose the more sources of inspiration we have, the better.

As noted above, though, the only issue with drawing from other forms of lore is that you need to make sure you don't trod too heavily upon Elite lore to do it.
23 Jan 2017, 2:37am
I don't really get your intent, Logan Darklighter.

It just seems like one too many steps, that you'd take the concept for your friend's character from another universe entirely and rework it for E:D and pitch it to us, not for you yourself to use, but for us to use as an NPC in our own RP? And to credit her and visit her blog if we do so? It's just a little odd.

I feel like myself, and most of the other RPers here, would rather create our own NPCs from scratch instead of reworking a concept created by a friend of a friend from a different series, especially when we don't even know if your friend Erin would even condone it.
23 Jan 2017, 4:48am
Logan DarklighterI deleted the posts. Go back to what you were doing. Nothing to see here.

If all you see when a guy like me tries to post something humorous that MIGHT be a bit of inspiration to you as a THREAT to your PRECIOUS LORE. (Not at ALL what I intended) Than maybe... just MAYBE... you might want to take a step back and re-evaluate your point of view.

I think I'll just stay away from posting anything at all here at Inara - on ANY forum - from here on out.

I even think I just lost a LOT of enthusiasm for the game itself. Thanks guys. Peace out.

I don't think anyone saw it as a threat to lore. I don't have much experience with Traveler to make a call on that either way - it just seemed like a strange request. I mean, if YOU wanted to use her character in a logbook or RP, I mean, all the more power to you - seems like Traveler and Elite are compatible enough to where a character concept could survive the transition. I think we're just wondering why you want us to do it and not do it yourself.
23 Jan 2017, 5:23am
Logan DarklighterI'm just going to post this one last time and then that's it.

You're still not getting it. I was requesting nothing. I wanted nothing in return. I didn't want anyone to do anything for me. The whole thing was a GIFT. Nothing more. Nothing less.

There was NO hidden agenda. I wanted NOTHING for it. The most I wanted was to make people laugh. That's ALL.

And that's fine. We thank you for the inspiration, then.
23 Jan 2017, 5:37am
I have not seen more butthurt at people asking someone to clarify something in my entire life.

That was interesting
23 Jan 2017, 5:55am
I am so confused right now.
23 Jan 2017, 9:11am
Marra showed up to work today (Still working on textures)

Stryker's next
23 Jan 2017, 9:17am
* swoon *


Thank you!
23 Jan 2017, 9:22am
Nowhere close to finished
23 Jan 2017, 2:10pm
Can something be called a gift if none of the recipients want it?
23 Jan 2017, 2:48pm
Sure, then its just an unwanted gif... Im sorry, I'll see myself out.
23 Jan 2017, 3:01pm
Logan DarklighterI'm just going to post this one last time and then that's it.

You're still not getting it. I was requesting nothing. I wanted nothing in return. I didn't want anyone to do anything for me. The whole thing was a GIFT. Nothing more. Nothing less.

There was NO hidden agenda. I wanted NOTHING for it. The most I wanted was to make people laugh. That's ALL.

What happened here?

Sorry, I was too busy marvelling at Nsite's fantastic rendition of my character...
23 Jan 2017, 3:32pm
Marra MorganWhat happened here?

Sorry, I was too busy marvelling at Nsite's fantastic rendition of my character...

Something weird.

Guy posted a huge description for a character named Keith Richards who's unpoisonable and related to Aisling Duval, because apparently he thought we'd find it funny, explaining that the character was made by a friend of his for another game entirely, and offering for us to use it as an NPC if we wanted as long as we credit the creator, and getting genuinely upset when we said we didn't.

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