Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

18 Jan 2017, 10:07am
@M. Lehman in a universe of over 400 billion systems how can you be sure that there are not any of the items or creatures I mentioned that you claim to not be of the Elite universe. As a man of science I am convinced it would be naive to believe that a "Pip-Boy" would only be in one single fragment of existance, but for your satisfaction we can assume that my character has attained the capability to travel between different dimensions and therefore may make reference or mention of objects and beings that are simply unfathomable to yourself and like minded individuals.

There's a little info box right next to the InGaBa board. It states in the second sentence:

Respect the universe settings!

A character who attained the "capability to travel between different dimensions" is doing everything but that.

Is it so difficult to accept that this is a RP set in Elite and not in Fallout?
18 Jan 2017, 10:38am
Rebecca Hail
@M. Lehman in a universe of over 400 billion systems how can you be sure that there are not any of the items or creatures I mentioned that you claim to not be of the Elite universe. As a man of science I am convinced it would be naive to believe that a "Pip-Boy" would only be in one single fragment of existance, but for your satisfaction we can assume that my character has attained the capability to travel between different dimensions and therefore may make reference or mention of objects and beings that are simply unfathomable to yourself and like minded individuals.

There's a little info box right next to the InGaBa board. It states in the second sentence:

Respect the universe settings!

A character who attained the "capability to travel between different dimensions" is doing everything but that.

Is it so difficult to accept that this is a RP set in Elite and not in Fallout?

Planet Earth is in Elite correct? Fallout takes place on Earth. Case closed imo.

I am fully respecting the universe settings I never said in RP that my character can jump dimensions I said we could assume that for his convenience. In any event the only thing ruinging the RP experience are the constraints on your own imagination. In a universe so vast with such advanced technology literally anything is possible. Is it so hard to accept that you may not have the knowledge of every single thing in existance in this universe? If something as trivial as the name of my wrist computer on a fictional character bothers you Im sorry, but that sounds like a personal problem.

Im over talking about this.

CMDR Crane out.

P.S. what do you do when you see in game names of things like the Warren Buffet space station or NPCs named Hobbit, Elvis, or Robinhood? Those names suggest that the Elite universe coincides with our own as well the LotR universe. Do they ruin your playing experience as well?

Last edit: 18 Jan 2017, 10:55am
18 Jan 2017, 10:54am
Planet Earth is in Elite correct? Fallout takes place on Earth. Case closed imo.

I am fully respecting the universe settings I never said in RP that my character can jump dimensions I said we could assume that for his convenience. In any event the only thing ruinging the RP experience are the constraints on your own imagination. In a universe so vast with such advanced technology literally anything is possible. Is it so hard to accept that you may not have the knowledge of every single thing in existance in this universe? If something as trivial as the name of my wrist computer on a fictional character bothers you Im sorry, but that sounds like a personal problem.

Im over talking about this.

CMDR Crane out.

Elite has a pretty detailed timeline, and it doesn't fit the timeline or events of Fallout at all. So much for "Planet Earth is in Elite, therefore Fallout is in Elite."

I just don't get why you need to inject something from another game into Elite.
18 Jan 2017, 10:56am
The fact that his character ordered ice in his Old Sol bothers me more!
18 Jan 2017, 10:56am
See above edit. The game devs & community injected names from other universes not just me.
18 Jan 2017, 10:59am
Marra MorganThe fact that his character ordered ice in his Old Sol bothers me more!

And I sympathize with you more than whoevers complaing about my Pip-Boy, but I'll still continue to take my whiskey on the rocks.
18 Jan 2017, 11:02am
Marra MorganThe fact that his character ordered ice in his Old Sol bothers me more!

And I sympathize with you more than whoevers complaing about my Pip-Boy, but I'll still continue to take my whiskey on the rocks.

Fair enough - ruining whisky is a legit RP preference, but Pip-Boy in ED is just bullshit.
18 Jan 2017, 11:08am
Marra Morgan
Marra MorganThe fact that his character ordered ice in his Old Sol bothers me more!

And I sympathize with you more than whoevers complaing about my Pip-Boy, but I'll still continue to take my whiskey on the rocks.

Fair enough - ruining whisky is a legit RP preference, but Pip-Boy in ED is just bullshit.

Then George Lucas station is bs too. Sorry bout it. Hostile aliens are busy jumping in and out of the universe through a manufactured wormhole and mfs worried about the name of my wrist computer...

*shakes head solemnly*
18 Jan 2017, 11:12am
Offer to give CMDR Crane a new wrist computer. Maybe he'll take it and then you wont ever have to hear about his Pip-Boy again. Unless he recalls it in a distant and narrated memory for some reason or another.

Creativity is part of what RPs about. If it bothers you then RP around it.
18 Jan 2017, 11:12am
It's not about my game experience or immersion ... It's about the experience in the RP.

The RP here is largely unconnected to the actual gameplay and focuses more on the lore. That's why you won't see Khajit, Hobbits or Spacegolum in here.
18 Jan 2017, 11:13am
Maschil_CraneOffer to give CMDR Crane a new wrist computer. Maybe he'll take it and then you wont ever have to hear about his Pip-Boy again. Unless he recalls it in a distant and narrated memory for some reason or another.

Creativity is part of what RPs about. If it bothers you then RP around it.


But ripping something out of a game and introducing it into another is hardly creative.
18 Jan 2017, 11:32am
The thing is that our real timeline up until now is shared with the Elite universe, so people like George Lucas, Tolkien and everything else you mentioned are known in the year 3303. The fact that stations and characters share their name is just a homage, much like we name streets and monuments after historical people. Shoehorning a device that is clearly part of another universe makes zero sense and trying to justify it saying that the universe is vast and it's totally possible that someone somewhere has invented The Pip Boy makes even less sense.
18 Jan 2017, 1:53pm
Have I been calling Borggy's character the wrong name this entire time? My apologies, I must be drunk I mean my character must be drunk.
18 Jan 2017, 3:55pm
Here's a nice middle ground.

It is in fact, just a run of the mill wristpad. But in the same way Luke has a taste for 20th & 21st Century Rock, Maschil has played Fallout via emulator or whatever and that's why he refers to the wristpad as a Pip-Boy.
18 Jan 2017, 3:58pm

As a fellow man of science, there are a few things that have me concerned about your posts that I would like clarification on.


@M. Lehman in a universe of over 400 billion systems how can you be sure that there are not any of the items or creatures I mentioned that you claim to not be of the Elite universe. As a man of science I am convinced it would be naive to believe that a "Pip-Boy" would only be in one single fragment of existance, but for your satisfaction we can assume that my character has attained the capability to travel between different dimensions and therefore may make reference or mention of objects and beings that are simply unfathomable to yourself and like minded individuals.

The argument here,
1) The universe is big...
2) And because it is big, anything is possible...
3)So therefore in our big universe anything is possible,
is based on faulty logic. I would very much like to see scientific evidence that supports your claim.

In the meantime, I will present scientific evidence that states otherwise.
Two scientist by the names of Enrico Fermi and Michael Hart postulated the question "Where is everybody?" Using the Drake Equation they set out to answer that question.

The results, were not what anyone expected. The Fermi Paradox was born. In summery is states that the likelihood of extraterrestrial life in a galaxy of 400 billion stars, is astronomically remote (pun intended). That size actually works against the argument that more means a higher probability, but in fact that larger sizes means less likelihood of meeting other extraterrestrial races. Now I know this is based on the likelihood of meeting other races, and not scientific advancement. But here is the deal. Time travel is not possible. Stephen Hawkings has thoroughly explored this idea, and there are physical limits to what is possible, and not in this universe. The idea of a multiverse, is just that, a theory with no real scientific justification for its existence. If you can provide me some for review, I would be most gracious.

If I missing something, please correct me.


Then George Lucas station is bs too. Sorry bout it. Hostile aliens are busy jumping in and out of the universe through a manufactured wormhole and mfs worried about the name of my wrist computer...

*shakes head solemnly*

Since Elite dangerous takes place in 3300-ish, it would be quite conceivable that there was once a 1964. And in that year, a man by the name of Gene Roddenberry produced a fictional television show called Star Trek.

It would also stand to be reasonable that in the Elite Dangerous time line there was also a 1954, where the British Author J. R. R. Tolkein published the first of his multipart book entitled Lord of the Rings.

Since Elite History includes our history, would it also be conceivable that engineers and politicians would draw inspiration from historical figures, both fictional and non-fictional in naming their stations?

As a scientist, I would have thought you would know the difference from drawing inspiration for naming things, verses injecting said named things into existing lore. That is, there is a difference between naming a space station "Enterprise" verses, a constitution class ship roaming the Elite Dangerous Universe fighting Klingons. So, yes, there is Leonard Nimoy station, orbiting a planet in game called Vulcan. How is that any different then us naming the moons of Jupiter and Saturn after mythological figures?

Am I missing something here as well?

Maschil_CraneOffer to give CMDR Crane a new wrist computer. Maybe he'll take it and then you wont ever have to hear about his Pip-Boy again. Unless he recalls it in a distant and narrated memory for some reason or another.

Creativity is part of what RPs about. If it bothers you then RP around it.

This one has me baffled. Help me understand how Plagiarism is considered creative?

An ending note. Yes Wikipedia is not considered a peer reviewed source, but I couldn't be arsed with finding all of figures and theories in text books, scanning them in and linking them.

I await you rebuttal,

Stryker Aune

Last edit: 18 Jan 2017, 4:16pm

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