Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Jun 2023, 8:19pm
It was certainly… interesting, that’s for sure.

Currently at a bit of a loss for what to do with my character, though. Nothing’s really coming to mind that would be meaningful to developing her story or, uh, character. Right now at least.
14 Jun 2023, 12:26am
So, now that I have been lurking for a while, I take it there is little to no actual in-game RP. This being things like typical MMORPG in-game interactions, say by using in-game RP to set up in-game scenarios. For example through RP (in-game or otherwise), setting up a "pocket carrier duel" where some Type 9's are loaded with hangar bays, crewed up (preferably with PCs), and engage in combat within a private group instance. The goal, for example being for one carrier to traverse a certain distance while fighters from the opponent attack, and friendly fighters defend, maybe with one group pf players standing in for NPCs or whatever.

Hell, I am not even sure there are enough actual RPers in ED for something like this. I mean, this game is not like the old SWG where you could have several dozen players RPing in a cantina, on player's ship, or at some point of interest like Jabba's Palace. In the end, it was not about letting the game mechanics determine the outcome of RP, but using game mechanics to enhance RP and provide RP hooks.

Wow, I intended this to be a short "Does this type of thing happend in ED" and ended up rambling.

Feel free to insert any Viagra jokes about "ED" and old guys here.
14 Jun 2023, 12:39am
No wonders. ED might look vast, but game engine limitations won't let you do as much as you may want.

And, maybe, too many arseholes in Open.
14 Jun 2023, 1:02am
MeowersNo wonders. ED might look vast, but game engine limitations won't let you do as much as you may want.

And, maybe, too many arseholes in Open.

Yeah, that is why you go with group instances. I had hoped that Odessey would have facilitated more player-to-player interactions even though ED is not a MMORPG in the sense of something like WOW and games like it.
14 Jun 2023, 1:51am
Instancing and P2P connectivity certainly don’t (always) make it as easy as it could/should be to organize something.

And the aforementioned game limitations, too, of course.

(I mostly play in solo to avoid having to bother with those that are simply looking to screw with someone’s day/play session - not really counting those who do piracy on RP grounds or what have you, though.)
14 Jun 2023, 8:58am
I spent the past few months roleplaying in Conan Exiles, and that had me wonder why RP in ED doesn't work that well. I think the lack of customization options is the problem. Sure, pilots can have distinguishable faces, but the suits pretty much differ only in color. And of course, no ship interiors, no customizable carriers. In Conan Exiles there are no two players looking alike, and base building is a feature of the base game. Mods add plenty of other stuff to the mix. So that's a world you can really make your own, while in ED everything is generic, off the shelf. It's sad, because in-game RP would really benefit ED.
14 Jun 2023, 1:06pm
Along with very little window dressing, the content for more then one person in Elite is very reputative. It doesn't lend its self to interpersonal exchanges beyond "Shoot that thing" very much.

Standing beside ya mate in a battel nappy while using primitive weapons is a big help, along with being able to go to more than a cookie cutter location.

Elite lets you write a good time, not so much play it.
14 Jun 2023, 1:12pm
Half of the suit cosmetics also look hella out of place, if you ask me. Like that weird one with a gas mask and asian field worker thingy(I have no better word/description for it) on top of the helmet. It just makes me go “Why?”.

Minor other gripe about helmets : Unless this is only affecting NPCs, they literally just pop into/out existence when going out of/into a safe environment. Really jarring.
14 Jun 2023, 1:14pm
Substandard design and programming, done with a lack of passion and imagination.
14 Jun 2023, 1:49pm
Guess that’s just what happens when shareholders tell you to shove FPS with main focus on the shooty bits into a space-based game… and then not only half-do it, but release it in absolute shambles to appease those same shareholders.

Most of Odyssey certainly doesn’t scream passion project at me.
14 Jun 2023, 1:50pm
I'd be all over Star Citizen if it wasn't a cash grab and you know, worked.

Elite has lots of problems, but you can mostly do what it says you can do.
14 Jun 2023, 3:20pm
Wouldn’t go as far as to say that for myself, but I could certainly have imagined a number of things to fix before deciding that Odyssey was what Elite needed.

Frontier dropping it like a cold steak when it inevitably flopped due to the horrid state at release didn’t help things much. U13 felt like it started picking things up a little, then the glacial story pace of 14/15(so far) put a big dampener on that.
14 Jun 2023, 4:53pm
Yuna SakashiroI spent the past few months roleplaying in Conan Exiles, and that had me wonder why RP in ED doesn't work that well. I think the lack of customization options is the problem. Sure, pilots can have distinguishable faces, but the suits pretty much differ only in color. And of course, no ship interiors, no customizable carriers. In Conan Exiles there are no two players looking alike, and base building is a feature of the base game. Mods add plenty of other stuff to the mix. So that's a world you can really make your own, while in ED everything is generic, off the shelf. It's sad, because in-game RP would really benefit ED.

I played Age of Conan for a while. Never got into Exiles, though. And yes, the customization was crazy awesome in AoC as well.
17 Jun 2023, 11:10pm
Do people mind long(er) log entries? Might seem like a random question, but I feel like I went a little overboard on the one I threw out just now.

Also, I'll... uh, try to provide visual reference to the weapon in it at some point.
17 Jun 2023, 11:28pm
Kira GotoDo people mind long(er) log entries? Might seem like a random question, but I feel like I went a little overboard on the one I threw out just now.

Also, I'll... uh, try to provide visual reference to the weapon in it at some point.

I dont know if there is anything about a longer or shorter entry. If the first bit hooks the reader people are sure to read through it all. I have have mixed results on my stuff. And Meowers stuff which is typically longer has had lots of success. I suppose it really depends on if it's entertaining.

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