Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

20 Jun 2023, 6:54pm
SUTTORADOOC: Girls and guys which can be usually seen at bar-when do you plan return to it? I (ugh, my character) have big announcement which can be interesting. Totaly OOC: I passed all my exams in last week so that mean more time for other thing. So of course, more time for RP. But I wont be active at this weekend and half of next week, since I will be offline (in High Tatras).

Cass (might) come back to the bar, but they’re a bit busy right now, Recording logs
20 Jun 2023, 9:29pm
SUTTORADOOC: Girls and guys which can be usually seen at bar-when do you plan return to it? I (ugh, my character) have big announcement which can be interesting. Totaly OOC: I passed all my exams in last week so that mean more time for other thing. So of course, more time for RP. But I wont be active at this weekend and half of next week, since I will be offline (in High Tatras).[/

will be dropping in there soon drop me a pm with any ideas

Ok, no problem, you are welcome but i meant like people which were in bar in the last days. But check that quote, it seems like something is off.

But the bar's dead! Citi gateway is taken by goids!
20 Jun 2023, 9:42pm
The general assumption/consensus appears to be that this is a lightly altered version of the universe but with the same rules. Just don't ask too many questions about it and let it slide for the sake of the RP section(s).

Anyway, still not sure I got much of a reason for my character to show at the bar again. Guess maybe if it had something to do with Willow, but I figure there's already plans in place there and I don't feel like interrupting that. And those two aren't exactly on good terms, while there's been enough trouble around the station lately, anyway.
21 Jun 2023, 1:21am
LawrenceRUS But the bar's dead! Citi gateway is taken by goids!

Kira GotoThe general assumption/consensus appears to be that this is a lightly altered version of the universe but with the same rules. Just don't ask too many questions about it and let it slide for the sake of the RP section(s)...

Yeah, sometimes you have to let things slide for the sake of RP, especially in a circumstance like this. As for Vasil, he is back home and about to deal with family, but based on what he is doing in Cemiess there are plenty of RP reasons for him to get to the station for RP. His main focus at the moment is transporting Imperial citizens fleeing the Thargoids to Emerald and transporting slaves to damaged stations to aid in repairs. Both of those serve as reasons to visit the station.

For the sake of RP I can overlook the fact that the map in game shows the system to be enemy controlled. Maybe in the slightly altered reality where the RP boards exist the station has managed to hold out against Thargoid attacks, which is a huge morale boost for humans. Kind of like the Battle of Thermopylae, only this time the Spartans live.
21 Jun 2023, 1:27am
Well, I personally looked at it as more of a case of ‘It’s just in a different place’. Just far enough that it wouldn’t be impossible to have retaken or defended the system from a Thargoid force.

As to reasons to be there, well, I do occasionally have Kira venturing around near the front, just not as much as a few months ago when it started. Occasionally brings in supplies but is currently more focused on rescues and behind-the-lines work. The port provides a decent stop that isn’t too associated to the war while not being far, but recent visits haven’t proven to be very… mh, relaxing, let’s say.

(I didn’t see what the above/second-to-last post that’s now deleted said, if there was anything important to it.)

Last edit: 21 Jun 2023, 2:32am
21 Jun 2023, 1:28am
Ya in this slightly altered version the station is being rebuilt by Willow and and group of people working in shifts to repair the station. It is in a state of limbo in which a portion of the station is habitable and other parts are in disrepair.

Silvia is currently only in the Bar right now as a passing through ordeal. Her ship is badly damaged and she is still trying to cope with the fight she had in the maelstrom nearby
23 Jun 2023, 10:02pm
Ignore this, no longer has a point as I added what I pointed out here to the entry. Just leaving the post here for the sake of record.

Just a minor clarification for the "considering the name they gave me" remark from Kira in my last entry... dunno if it makes much sense to anyone else, but I thought it would if the nutjobs(this is just taking a light jab at them... though I do think they've breathed in a few too many ammonia fumes) at the Far God cult called her the 'Acolyte'(the first definition for which in the almighty search machine is 'a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession', along with the words 'assistant' or 'follower').

It originates from this entry. Since it's a bit older at this point, I don't necessarily expect people to still know this. Maybe I should point this out in the entry itself too, come to think of it...

Last edit: 24 Jun 2023, 11:47am
23 Jun 2023, 10:30pm
Kira GotoJust a minor clarification for the "considering the name they gave me" remark from Kira in my last entry... dunno if it makes much sense to anyone else, but I thought it would if the nutjobs(this is just taking a light jab at them... though I do think they've breathed in a few too many ammonia fumes) at the Far God cult called her the 'Acolyte'(the first definition for which in the almighty search machine is 'a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession', along with the words 'assistant' or 'follower').

It originates from this entry. Since it's a bit older at this point, I don't necessarily expect people to still know this. Maybe I should point this out in the entry itself too, come to think of it...

Could possibly do with adding it into the entry.
23 Jun 2023, 10:36pm
Well, went and did that too. While I’m here, any thoughts on that slightly different, message coversation-type format?

Not a thing I’ll do often(if again), but still curious how it is for someone else to read.
23 Jun 2023, 10:41pm
It was an interesting read. a bit long in to read,(that is just me with reading conversations lol) but it gives a bit more character to a prominent individual we don't have a whole lot of information on.

---- Sidebar here

Creamy mentioned a station coordinator for Citi. Do we by chance have a name for said individual? being as Creamy is off on a rather precarious adventure i planned on having the coordinator bring Silvia in to cover his shift at the bar.
23 Jun 2023, 10:52pm
but it gives a bit more character to a prominent individual we don't have a whole lot of information on.

While true, I usually like to say that my stuff is obviously not canon(and like to use it as a way to throw out some theories of mine), so I have to make some assumptions for stuff… that said, I think I’m usually not too far off on where characters and personalities are concerned.

(Also partly based off of latest GalNet > https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/galnet/audience-preceptor… that said, I’ve had the impression for a while that Seo isn’t too fond of the cult due to their worshipping of her when she isn’t particularly fond of her situation. This latter bit was not too hard to pick out of the data logs where the Nemesis device was revealed.)

Anyway, I don’t recall seeing that station controller being mentioned, but I suppose it’s down to Creamy to answer that anyway so eh.

Last edit: 23 Jun 2023, 11:32pm
23 Jun 2023, 11:02pm
Kira Goto
Anyway, I don’t recall seeing that station controller being mentioned, but I suppose it’s down to Creamy to answer that anyway so eh.

it was in this specific logbook entry though they are mentioned as the overseer. dont know if it has ever been mentioned before. if not maybe we could decide on a name for them.
23 Jun 2023, 11:07pm
Silvia Sharpedont know if it has ever been mentioned before. if not maybe we could decide on a name for them.
I guess you don't exactly have to create a 'NPC character', you may just mention receiving a message with 'coordinator' or 'overseer' or whatever else administrative in 'Sender' field, and make your character respond to that.
23 Jun 2023, 11:10pm
Silvia Sharpedont know if it has ever been mentioned before. if not maybe we could decide on a name for them.

I guess you don't exactly have to create a 'NPC character', you may just mention receiving a message with 'coordinator' or 'overseer' or whatever else administrative in 'Sender' field, and make your character respond to that.

Thats what I was thinking was going to be the best idea. just wasnt sure if we had a named NPC already or not. Though i just answered my own question. They literally mentioned them by name in that same logbook entry linked. maybe i should just pay attention to what i read
23 Jun 2023, 11:12pm
Silvia SharpeThats what I was thinking was going to be the best idea. just wasnt sure if we had a named NPC already or not. if not then they shall remain anonymous.
I guess they're most likely working in shifts, so, more than one character of that role.

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