Rant corner
12 Apr 2024, 3:45pm
17 Apr 2024, 10:18pm
Would give something for a little more body fat to keep me warm. Maybe. In certain places, if I had a different body. As is, I’m having to do with extra bed covers to hide under(including a wooly one for cold temps like this).
17 Apr 2024, 10:20pm
19 Apr 2024, 11:19am
MeowersPizza is the best solution for gaining body fat. It gives you fat and you're going to like the process.
The fat isn't what makes you fat though.
19 Apr 2024, 11:27am
SakashiroThe fat isn't what makes you fat though.Ah. I'd like to go for both. Fat and muscles. Lol. After I'm done with that 'move my sorry arse and settle down' IRL situation I have to deal with now. Having two full-time jobs doesn't make it any easier but damn do I need the money. :p
24 Apr 2024, 5:09pm
Meowers. Having two full-time jobs doesn't make it any easier but damn do I need the money. :p
You can always just print money. That is what governments do.
26 Apr 2024, 5:28pm
26 Apr 2024, 6:07pm
MeowersDammit, people just keep crapping the gallery with that zero-effort AI-generated rubbish.
Hahaha the golden age of prompt generation is upon us. Bow down to our overlords the almighty autocomplete bot
26 Apr 2024, 7:08pm
The three aspects I took away - it sucks, I am not used to cold water showers in the slightest(and why should I be), and it was cold. My mother reported halfway through that nothing was happening with the water temperature downstairs and that it was apparently still near zero.
So, yeah, I’m all clean, but I don’t think I’m going to use it again until that damn heater is fixed. Brr.
08 May 2024, 9:21pm
My group does not do ANYTHING Powerplay related and it's COMPLETELY unfair that a group of 1,900 players can just come into our home system, take it, and keep it because we don't have NEARLY the numbers we have. My group only has 3-5 active players. We couldn't keep up with their influence even if we tried.
Not to mention, this large group holds roughly 70 systems. We've tried talking to them but they're so hellbent driven on their stupid "RP" that they aren't allowing us our system back. No matter what we do, they're always going to have the numbers to keep their influence high enough that we won't even reach war, even if we WANTED TO. This was our home since we got our names in the game YEARS ago and for it to simply be taken away and have NO ability to do anything about it is ridiculous.
We can't even expand out of our system even if we wanted to, because again, they have the numbers and we don't. It just isn't right and we're frustrated as a group because we did get ahold of them and asked if they could give us our system back - and we got some dumb "RP" response essentially saying no.
Kinda not right for a large player faction like this to take high advantage of failed mechanics to allow this to happen.
08 May 2024, 9:26pm
08 May 2024, 9:33pm
Just seem like bullies to me and take advantage of us small groups for their own RP benefit. Kinda crap.
08 May 2024, 10:41pm
If you want to take a look for yourself :
09 May 2024, 5:48am
KCPunk... it's COMPLETELY unfair that a group of 1,900 players can just come into our home system, take it, and keep it because we don't have NEARLY the numbers we have [...] Not to mention, this large group holds roughly 70 systems. We've tried talking to them but they're so hellbent driven on their stupid "RP" that they aren't allowing us our system back.
One can hazard a pretty good guess on which squadron and power that would be, based on numbers and "roleplay". But that's a discussion for another day.

You could reach out to a squadron from an opposing faction (for example, Feds or Kumo if your opposition is Empire; or Imperial squadrons if you are fighting Feds). Most of the BGS-focused squadrons are happy to work with smaller independent squadrons, since dozens of them working together are required to counter the sheer numbers of some of the larger outfits.
A few weeks ago there was one of Elite's largest player vs player wars in B2 Carinae. An Empire faction (Imperial Enforcement Division) attempted to take a system that had long been governed by Federation-allied Ice Storm Squadron. There were a few Reddit posts about it, lots of activity in-game, and I can tell you from seeing it with my own eyes that there were Empire-aligned commanders fighting their own in B2 Carinae, because they felt IED had no legitimate claim to ISS's territory.
Results can't be guaranteed, of course, and I can't say that you're going to get an all-hands-on-deck response like B2, but you'll stand a better chance when there's allies working with you.
There's also the somewhat unpalatable idea of working with your enemies. I know of an independent PMF and squadron that were "allowed" to expand into formerly Federation systems after the Empire took them from us, on the understanding that they would fight Federals if/when they attempted to reclaim those systems. It's a bit of a vassal/protectorate situation, but it gave that group an opportunity to expand that they wouldn't otherwise have had.
If you're having problems with a PMF or squadron that is supposed to be allied, well... There are typically avenues of group coordination and discussion. You may find it beneficial to talk to larger squadrons pledged to your powerplay leader, and see if they can offer advice on how to handle the "allied" troublemakers. They might recommend another avenue of expansion, away from the "problem" group.
None of these might be ideal for you and your squadron, depending on your own allegiances and inclinations, but they are examples of options that can be pursued.
Last edit: 09 May 2024, 5:54am