Elite: Game talk

02 Feb 2016, 9:56am
Nathanc213 Xbox one release date
Ahh sorry, missed that in previous messages.
02 Feb 2016, 9:58am
Nathanc213 Xbox one release date

Ahh sorry, missed that in previous messages.

No problem those messages were a few pages back
02 Feb 2016, 3:16pm

I was wondering if anyone could help with updating my flight log? I have followed the suggestions in the little tab of updating the VerboseLogging enabled. I then tried to upload but this did not work saying "ERROR: NO *.LOG FILE PROVIDED." I then tried to use the full scrip described
Saving then uploading with the same result.

Finally I ziped the file and tried it that way but no luck.

Im sorry if I have missed somehtin relly obvious. A noob step by step would be appreciated
02 Feb 2016, 3:22pm
Imarhil: You are probably uploading the wrong files. But if it is not the case, please send me your log files to elite@inara.cz and I will take a look where the issue is...
02 Feb 2016, 3:40pm
ArtieImarhil: You are probably uploading the wrong files. But if it is not the case, please send me your log files to elite@inara.cz and I will take a look where the issue is...

Many thanks for the offer however I think I have figured it out now I got it to upload my current port... and yes your right I was uploading the wrong file
02 Feb 2016, 5:21pm
Better way for logging, and Frontier's preferred method now:

Create a new file named AppConfigLocal.xml in the same folder as the normal AppConfig.xml and in the new file you can set your custom options. The *Local file will not be overwritten with each patch.
The game loads AppConfig first then looks for AppConfigLocal and sets those options.


That's mine, I only have VerboseLogging enabled currently. Easy peasy and I don't have to worry about re-editing the regular AppConfig.xml every time there's a patch.
02 Feb 2016, 7:12pm
Attention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known

02 Feb 2016, 7:32pm
FrankfortAttention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known


If you're gonna name and shame, perhaps a few more details would be useful. What were they doing that justifies the moniker of "greifer"? What ships were they in? Were they winged up?
That sort of thing.
02 Feb 2016, 8:01pm
FrankfortAttention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known


If you're gonna name and shame, perhaps a few more details would be useful. What were they doing that justifies the moniker of "greifer"? What ships were they in? Were they winged up?
That sort of thing.

For the last few days there are commanders interdicting and attacking players in Shinrarta dezhra .
Some players try to stop them but they keep coming back.

I left Jameson memorial this evening and got attacked right outside the stations. no fire zone.
he was flying an assault ship I was flying an combat anaconda so it would not be a problem I tried to communicate with him no response again I tried to communicate with him no response .
Then a local security ship was hit by one of my turreted weapons end blew me up afterwards

But that's beside the point since the launch of the game there was the unwritten rule no fighting in the founders system.

They broke this rule .

The commander Ramon44 was flying an assault ship
and commander Warfare a Keelback

So I feel I am entitled to warn other players about them.
02 Feb 2016, 8:28pm
Nathanc213Now that the exploration has been delayed until distant worlds is finished im now worried that FD will announce a release date for horizons which could coincide with the trip meaning ppl might self destruct to go play it.

Horizons release? How Iong you planning on being gone for?
02 Feb 2016, 8:38pm
FrankfortAttention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known


If you're gonna name and shame, perhaps a few more details would be useful. What were they doing that justifies the moniker of "greifer"? What ships were they in? Were they winged up?
That sort of thing.

For the last few days there are commanders interdicting and attacking players in Shinrarta dezhra .
Some players try to stop them but they keep coming back.

I left Jameson memorial this evening and got attacked right outside the stations. no fire zone.
he was flying an assault ship I was flying an combat anaconda so it would not be a problem I tried to communicate with him no response again I tried to communicate with him no response .
Then a local security ship was hit by one of my turreted weapons end blew me up afterwards

But that's beside the point since the launch of the game there was the unwritten rule no fighting in the founders system.

They broke this rule .

The commander Ramon44 was flying an assault ship
and commander Warfare a Keelback

So I feel I am entitled to warn other players about them.

A Keelback? Well that's just semi suicidal, lol. FAS can be problematic. Either way, thanks for the details.
02 Feb 2016, 9:00pm
FrankfortAttention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known


If you're gonna name and shame, perhaps a few more details would be useful. What were they doing that justifies the moniker of "greifer"? What ships were they in? Were they winged up?
That sort of thing.

For the last few days there are commanders interdicting and attacking players in Shinrarta dezhra .
Some players try to stop them but they keep coming back.

I left Jameson memorial this evening and got attacked right outside the stations. no fire zone.
he was flying an assault ship I was flying an combat anaconda so it would not be a problem I tried to communicate with him no response again I tried to communicate with him no response .
Then a local security ship was hit by one of my turreted weapons end blew me up afterwards

But that's beside the point since the launch of the game there was the unwritten rule no fighting in the founders system.

They broke this rule .

The commander Ramon44 was flying an assault ship
and commander Warfare a Keelback

So I feel I am entitled to warn other players about them.

A Keelback? Well that's just semi suicidal, lol. FAS can be problematic. Either way, thanks for the details.

The founders world is some what of the holy grail in the elite lore and game and it should be respected as s place of honour .
02 Feb 2016, 9:07pm
FrankfortAttention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known


If you're gonna name and shame, perhaps a few more details would be useful. What were they doing that justifies the moniker of "greifer"? What ships were they in? Were they winged up?
That sort of thing.

For the last few days there are commanders interdicting and attacking players in Shinrarta dezhra .
Some players try to stop them but they keep coming back.

I left Jameson memorial this evening and got attacked right outside the stations. no fire zone.
he was flying an assault ship I was flying an combat anaconda so it would not be a problem I tried to communicate with him no response again I tried to communicate with him no response .
Then a local security ship was hit by one of my turreted weapons end blew me up afterwards

But that's beside the point since the launch of the game there was the unwritten rule no fighting in the founders system.

They broke this rule .

The commander Ramon44 was flying an assault ship
and commander Warfare a Keelback

So I feel I am entitled to warn other players about them.

A Keelback? Well that's just semi suicidal, lol. FAS can be problematic. Either way, thanks for the details.

The founders world is some what of the holy grail in the elite lore and game and it should be respected as s place of honour .

Trouble is that killing within no fire zones only incurr fines. If there was a "station ban" for the duration of the bounty, that might make for a more effective deterrent.
02 Feb 2016, 9:10pm
FrankfortAttention all commanders there are commanders that commit the ultimate sin of grieving in SHINRARTA DEZHRA

Comander names known


If you're gonna name and shame, perhaps a few more details would be useful. What were they doing that justifies the moniker of "greifer"? What ships were they in? Were they winged up?
That sort of thing.

For the last few days there are commanders interdicting and attacking players in Shinrarta dezhra .
Some players try to stop them but they keep coming back.

I left Jameson memorial this evening and got attacked right outside the stations. no fire zone.
he was flying an assault ship I was flying an combat anaconda so it would not be a problem I tried to communicate with him no response again I tried to communicate with him no response .
Then a local security ship was hit by one of my turreted weapons end blew me up afterwards

But that's beside the point since the launch of the game there was the unwritten rule no fighting in the founders system.

They broke this rule .

The commander Ramon44 was flying an assault ship
and commander Warfare a Keelback

So I feel I am entitled to warn other players about them.

A Keelback? Well that's just semi suicidal, lol. FAS can be problematic. Either way, thanks for the details.

The founders world is some what of the holy grail in the elite lore and game and it should be respected as s place of honour .

Trouble is that killing within no fire zones only incurr fines. If there was a "station ban" for the duration of the bounty, that might make for a more effective deterrent.

Yes and with repeated violations a permanent ban from the founders world
03 Feb 2016, 1:44am
Nathanc213Now that the exploration has been delayed until distant worlds is finished im now worried that FD will announce a release date for horizons which could coincide with the trip meaning ppl might self destruct to go play it.

Horizons release? How Iong you planning on being gone for?

Our planned trip is around the outer rim so it will probably be longer than DW

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