Elite: Game talk

01 Feb 2016, 5:04am
Decisions, decisions. . . . . .

I had my heart set on an ASP EXPLORER. . .. that was until I saw a FEDERAL DROPSHIP.

Which to choose????

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I need something big enough to trade with, do the odd planetary landing. And if anyone should get too close, I can chase them off. (I'm not one for running unless I really have to).

01 Feb 2016, 6:59am
BeachwalkerDecisions, decisions. . . . . .

I had my heart set on an ASP EXPLORER. . .. that was until I saw a FEDERAL DROPSHIP.

Which to choose????

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I need something big enough to trade with, do the odd planetary landing. And if anyone should get too close, I can chase them off. (I'm not one for running unless I really have to).


Well, the drop ship is pretty slow, has an atrocious jump range and is twice the mass which will matter depending on the gravity of the planet you land on... It's also far more expensive. The Asp Explorer is probably your best bet there (just my opinion).
01 Feb 2016, 7:25am
I find it an odd read because I keep having to remind myself it's not loose fiction on some lonely cooks website

Yeah it feels eerie a lot too. But very very interesting, just btcause it's CIA official site! And very old but legit documents.
Only reading that much from PC screen is a bit hard. I think i'll save them on my tablet and read 'em from there.
01 Feb 2016, 7:30am
BeachwalkerDecisions, decisions. . . . . .

I had my heart set on an ASP EXPLORER. . .. that was until I saw a FEDERAL DROPSHIP.

Which to choose????

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I need something big enough to trade with, do the odd planetary landing. And if anyone should get too close, I can chase them off. (I'm not one for running unless I really have to).


Well, the drop ship is pretty slow, has an atrocious jump range and is twice the mass which will matter depending on the gravity of the planet you land on... It's also far more expensive. The Asp Explorer is probably your best bet there (just my opinion).

I'm enjoying the python. A little idiosyncratic shield-wise but once you kit properly still a good ship for multi-role.
01 Feb 2016, 8:59am
Jack Dekerdt
BeachwalkerDecisions, decisions. . . . . .

I had my heart set on an ASP EXPLORER. . .. that was until I saw a FEDERAL DROPSHIP.

Which to choose????

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I need something big enough to trade with, do the odd planetary landing. And if anyone should get too close, I can chase them off. (I'm not one for running unless I really have to).


Well, the drop ship is pretty slow, has an atrocious jump range and is twice the mass which will matter depending on the gravity of the planet you land on... It's also far more expensive. The Asp Explorer is probably your best bet there (just my opinion).

I'm enjoying the python. A little idiosyncratic shield-wise but once you kit properly still a good ship for multi-role.

Python has been my main ship for a little while now for that very reason. It's also the only ship that fits on a medium landing pad and can pack so much cargo (mine has 160 tons allocated). This means that there are certain bulletin missions that can literally only be taken by Python pilots. I tend to use mine for those missions, Haz Rez hunting/farming and planetary landings/SRV joyriding/element collecting. The price for a Python that does all that reasonably well is substantially higher than FDS or AE though. This is my ship and while I could make it tougher, it feels just right for those tasks: Nemesis X
01 Feb 2016, 9:16am
Greetings fellow CMDRs I'm here to announce a community led galactic exploration specifically for xbox players.

We will be taking a route around the outer rim of the galaxy starting from maia and ending at barnards loop with many waypoints along the way, you will pass through many nebulas and unexplored regions of our galaxy on the way in this expedition. To sign up send your gamertag to me via my gamertag which is nathanc213. More information to be posted at this link soon : https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=229259&p=3510680#post3510680
Fly safe out there Commanders o7

Last edit: 02 Feb 2016, 3:16am
01 Feb 2016, 9:49am
Allowing only a day seems a bit quick. Seems like something you'd want to devote a week to.
01 Feb 2016, 9:50am
XeknosAllowing only a day seems a bit quick. Seems like something you'd want to devote a week to.

I would but my Internet runs out soon, probably got about 2 weeks left maybe less. I can always change the starting date because at the moment im going through the finalisation of the route and times
01 Feb 2016, 9:56am
I'm tempted, but I'll admit I'm a little unsure how things are supposed to work... and also if I have any chance at all of being able to afford a suitable ship and loadout for it this quickly
01 Feb 2016, 10:02am
Depending on the way other CMDRs feel I can always extend the date.
01 Feb 2016, 10:09am
Phrae VetriI'm tempted, but I'll admit I'm a little unsure how things are supposed to work... and also if I have any chance at all of being able to afford a suitable ship and loadout for it this quickly

Diamondback Explorers and Asp Explorers are the best exploration ships. You can use a Hauler in a pinch, but it isn't ideal. You can also use this site to play around with fittings and get a sense or prices. This site also gives a good idea of what different ships are suited for in relation to each other.
01 Feb 2016, 10:12am
Haulers, Diamondback Explorers, and Asp Explorers are the best exploration ships. You can use this site to play around with fittings.

Yeah, looking at the Hauler... still gonna take a serious cash infusion to gear it
01 Feb 2016, 10:13am
Aw, you responded too quickly. XD
01 Feb 2016, 10:15am
That said, take your time with it. Personally, I think the early ship progression in ED is some of the more fun experiences with the game.
01 Feb 2016, 11:03am
Phrae Vetri
Haulers, Diamondback Explorers, and Asp Explorers are the best exploration ships. You can use this site to play around with fittings.

Yeah, looking at the Hauler... still gonna take a serious cash infusion to gear it

Heres a link to a relatively cheap exploration cobra build http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/02A4D4A3D1D3D4C----0202350q43-2i2f.AwRj4tmlRI==.Aw1-kA==

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