Elite: Game talk

29 Mar 2016, 7:05pm
Darkstar Lord i wasnt the one crying about a few words in another language

You tell me to chill when you were the one moaning, Language nazi

One little wish and you come straight to "crying" and "moaning" and "nazi"? Wow that reply was soaked with rage. Calm down, i'm not the enemy, nobody is, take the rage out on pirates in Elite Also with the number of speakers I believe Chinese are winning. That doesn't mean we're all now going to type in chinese. Spanish and English are easiest, but english is the most officially used language so why not use it everywhere. Again, i'm NOT against a few comments in another language, what the hell I just saw this kind of start on other forums where it blew up to the proportions when the forum was unreadable.

But this has nothing to do with the Elite so, let's stop it right here and forget about it
29 Mar 2016, 8:07pm
Be glad that I am not answering all the questions here in Czech, that would be... ehm... fun?!
29 Mar 2016, 8:17pm
ArtieBe glad that I am not answering all the questions here in Czech, that would be... ehm... fun?!

29 Mar 2016, 9:21pm
ArtieBe glad that I am not answering all the questions here in Czech, that would be... ehm... fun?!

For me it certainly would be. Some czech words sound hilarious for polish readers (and vice versa).
29 Mar 2016, 9:31pm
ArtieBe glad that I am not answering all the questions here in Czech, that would be... ehm... fun?!

I'm from SVK i would be ok but not glad
29 Mar 2016, 10:24pm
at the end of the day all languages are the same after 20 beers
29 Mar 2016, 10:57pm
Greeboskiat the end of the day all languages are the same after 20 beers

so are all the faces lol
29 Mar 2016, 10:57pm
I need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.
29 Mar 2016, 11:28pm
BeachwalkerI need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.

I have never, ever, ever used a docking computer.

I have a pet hypothesis that docking computers have killed or inconvenienced far more pilots than bad piloting.
29 Mar 2016, 11:30pm
M. Lehman
BeachwalkerI need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.

I have never, ever, ever used a docking computer.

I have a pet hypothesis that docking computers have killed or inconvenienced far more pilots than bad piloting.

When I was flying a T9, and when I finally upgrade to a Cutter, I will be using a docking computer.
30 Mar 2016, 12:02am
I need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.
30 Mar 2016, 4:06am
30 Mar 2016, 5:27am
Greeboskiat the end of the day all languages are the same after 20 beers

so are all the faces lol

and beds , strange how you can mistake that bush for your 4 poster ...

i typo'd i ment to type 10 , even so tis all true enough at that point im sure .
of course never having had more than one or 2 i have no idea
30 Mar 2016, 8:16am
And I'm always using docking computer on trading ships. Never was destroyed because of it.
I was destroyed while docking only two times - fist when I was leaving letterbox from inside station and collided with an Eagle resulting in it's death and second one when i fell asleep undocking and got stuck in the station's insides.
Good for me both times were not in Cutter
30 Mar 2016, 9:27am
BeachwalkerI need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.

I would rather scrape the Anaconda along the slot than use a docking computer (and I do).

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