Elite: Game talk

20 Mar 2016, 1:23am
Jack DekerdtCurious how many of us fly with/without orbital rings? Any benefits either way? Sometimes I appreciate them but coming on a system with too much going on really clutters the a[[roach at times.

I tend to keep them on when "working" since they help me orient when mapping a system or when I overshoot my destination.

But when I just want to float about and enjoy the sights, I definitely turn them off.

Is there a simple way to turn off the HUD entirely? I have it as low as it goes, but I've seen screenshots and videos with them entirely gone. How does that work?
20 Mar 2016, 1:25am
James Hussar
Jack DekerdtCurious how many of us fly with/without orbital rings? Any benefits either way? Sometimes I appreciate them but coming on a system with too much going on really clutters the a[[roach at times.

I tend to keep them on when "working" since they help me orient when mapping a system or when I overshoot my destination.

But when I just want to float about and enjoy the sights, I definitely turn them off.

Is there a simple way to turn off the HUD entirely? I have it as low as it goes, but I've seen screenshots and videos with them entirely gone. How does that work?

Ctrl+Alt+G works for me. I think it's a standard setting.
20 Mar 2016, 1:32am
Jack DekerdtCurious how many of us fly with/without orbital rings? Any benefits either way? Sometimes I appreciate them but coming on a system with too much going on really clutters the a[[roach at times.

It'd be nice if we could press a button to turn them on or off without having to go through the menus.
Maybe I'm just being lazy

I dunno if I can have VA do it since I don't believe tere is an established keybind
20 Mar 2016, 1:23pm
I started with them on, but now have them off all the time for that added realism thing Although I supposed you could argue it would be realistic to assume the HUD would be able to show orbits.

20 Mar 2016, 3:25pm
JacknyfeUKI started with them on, but now have them off all the time for that added realism thing Although I supposed you could argue it would be realistic to assume the HUD would be able to show orbits.


I was going through my options settings and noticed that you can bind a key to the orbital rings on/off. Set this and you can have the best of both worlds.
20 Mar 2016, 9:20pm
If I start playing power play will this give me more pvp
20 Mar 2016, 9:42pm
ValdineIf I start playing power play will this give me more pvp

To a degree. It gives you more excuses to participate in pvp. The general thought that SHOULD be shared is that if you're in PP and in another faction's territory, you're fair game. However, there will always be those who gripe and groan how someone is griefing their game (when it's just part of the game).

To you I say this; PP gives you an excuse. It's honestly just a matter of you going out and finding pvp. If you'd really like a steady supply of the experience, I highly recommend joining with a wing that has regular PVP encounters. For example, on one side of the fence, you have the Smiling Dog Crew, Adle's Armada (though they claim differently) and CODE making up the 'bad guys' side of pvp. On the other, you have Paladin Consortium, Diamon Frogs, Dark Echo, and multiple other smaller wings making up the 'good guys' side of things. Of course, good and bad is all a matter of perspective and idealism. I digress. That's my recommendation. I personally can give you multiple systems that are common pvp hotspots. if you'd like.
20 Mar 2016, 10:14pm
JacknyfeUKI started with them on, but now have them off all the time for that added realism thing Although I supposed you could argue it would be realistic to assume the HUD would be able to show orbits.


I was going through my options settings and noticed that you can bind a key to the orbital rings on/off. Set this and you can have the best of both worlds.

I am on Xbox so I need to use the menu to switch them on/off. I prefer them off now tbh.

20 Mar 2016, 10:48pm
Jack DekerdtCurious how many of us fly with/without orbital rings? Any benefits either way? Sometimes I appreciate them but coming on a system with too much going on really clutters the a[[roach at times.

I'm usually flying without orbital rings, but sometimes I like to enable this option when exploring.


It'd be nice if we could press a button to turn them on or off without having to go through the menus.
Maybe I'm just being lazy

20 Mar 2016, 10:56pm
I see what you mean about the orbit lines cluttering things up, but I find it easier to locate other planets within the system.
Now that I've figured how to turn them on and off, I have the best of both worlds.
21 Mar 2016, 9:06am
Hi all,

I have decided to mine on the surface of planets.
Yesterday I landed on one of them, and take my SRV.
Even though I shoot on rocks, never one of the target explode.
And I came back to my Adder with my cargo rack empty...

Does I need a particular laser for minig on planet ?


21 Mar 2016, 9:13am
BeachwalkerI see what you mean about the orbit lines cluttering things up, but I find it easier to locate other planets within the system.
Now that I've figured how to turn them on and off, I have the best of both worlds.

Correct. Orbit lines of course.
21 Mar 2016, 10:53am
William LordlandHi all,

I have decided to mine on the surface of planets.
Yesterday I landed on one of them, and take my SRV.
Even though I shoot on rocks, never one of the target explode.
And I came back to my Adder with my cargo rack empty...

Does I need a particular laser for minig on planet ?



You need to use your SRV scanner (above the radar) to locate rocks that can be mined. Once you find an outcrop or a meteorite, lock onto it and shoot it.
21 Mar 2016, 3:29pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
William LordlandHi all,

I have decided to mine on the surface of planets.
Yesterday I landed on one of them, and take my SRV.
Even though I shoot on rocks, never one of the target explode.
And I came back to my Adder with my cargo rack empty...

Does I need a particular laser for minig on planet ?



You need to use your SRV scanner (above the radar) to locate rocks that can be mined. Once you find an outcrop or a meteorite, lock onto it and shoot it.

Thanks for answer.

I try to do what you explain.
I go on a planet, take my SRV and move away from the base.

I well see on the radar some lines, more or less intense, and not on all the width of the radar.
I drive headed for the point where are lines.

But I only can see rocks and stones, black or grey, someone was glowing.

I try to lock them, without success, and try to shoot them.
Nothing happend..

There is surely somethink I don't understand..

21 Mar 2016, 3:38pm
William Lordland
Ozmundo Vasqualez
William Lordland


You need to use your SRV scanner (above the radar) to locate rocks that can be mined. Once you find an outcrop or a meteorite, lock onto it and shoot it.

Thanks for answer.

I try to do what you explain.
I go on a planet, take my SRV and move away from the base.

I well see on the radar some lines, more or less intense, and not on all the width of the radar.
I drive headed for the point where are lines.

But I only can see rocks and stones, black or grey, someone was glowing.

I try to lock them, without success, and try to shoot them.
Nothing happend..

There is surely somethink I don't understand..


You need to be patient. It can take a while to get to the target. It will look different and will have a grey diamond showing that it can be locked.

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