Elite: Game talk

01 Mar 2016, 1:12pm
hello guys! i've a question abount background sim:

my faction are involved in a war to take control of an outpost in a system! that system have only medium pad, if i says to my wingmate to fight in CZ here and they use a large ships, can they sell the bonds to another our system with large pad for win the war?
01 Mar 2016, 3:59pm
Finally reached the rank of Baron, and was able to buy my 1st Clipper. Boy was I not disappointed, this thing is a sexy excuse of a ship. Not only does it look good, but it is also a sexual attack on the hearing lol. Gonna use this bad boy as my power play ship.
01 Mar 2016, 4:19pm
Kira Mikamyhello guys! i've a question abount background sim:

my faction are involved in a war to take control of an outpost in a system! that system have only medium pad, if i says to my wingmate to fight in CZ here and they use a large ships, can they sell the bonds to another our system with large pad for win the war?

As far as my knowledge goes, once a Civil War or War is triggered, it only depends on how much and how fast you kill in the appearing CZ's to turn the tide of War to your favor. The place to turn in the Combat bonds shouldn't matter. Just remember who first passes the +5% threshold after the fights started will take over the Station in question.

If the opposing Minor faction holds multiple Space Stations and / or planetary Ports, it may very well be that upon victory your Minor faction will take over all of their property, but we're in the experimental phase of that ourselves.

Last edit: 01 Mar 2016, 4:27pm
01 Mar 2016, 4:37pm
Kira Mikamyhello guys! i've a question abount background sim:

my faction are involved in a war to take control of an outpost in a system! that system have only medium pad, if i says to my wingmate to fight in CZ here and they use a large ships, can they sell the bonds to another our system with large pad for win the war?

As far as my knowledge goes, once a Civil War or War is triggered, it only depends on how much and how fast you kill in the appearing CZ's to turn the tide of War to your favor. The place to turn in the Combat bonds shouldn't matter. Just remember who first passes the +5% threshold after the fights started will take over the Station in question.

If the opposing Minor faction holds multiple Space Stations and / or planetary Ports, it may very well be that upon victory your Minor faction will take over all of their property, but we're in the experimental phase of that ourselves.

Really thanks about your info! that's all I need to know
01 Mar 2016, 9:39pm
Kira Mikamy
Kira Mikamyhello guys! i've a question abount background sim:

my faction are involved in a war to take control of an outpost in a system! that system have only medium pad, if i says to my wingmate to fight in CZ here and they use a large ships, can they sell the bonds to another our system with large pad for win the war?

As far as my knowledge goes, once a Civil War or War is triggered, it only depends on how much and how fast you kill in the appearing CZ's to turn the tide of War to your favor. The place to turn in the Combat bonds shouldn't matter. Just remember who first passes the +5% threshold after the fights started will take over the Station in question.

If the opposing Minor faction holds multiple Space Stations and / or planetary Ports, it may very well be that upon victory your Minor faction will take over all of their property, but we're in the experimental phase of that ourselves.

Really thanks about your info! that's all I need to know

Worst case scenario, your friend can dock nearby, buy a sidewinder, and bring it in system to turn in the bonds.
02 Mar 2016, 5:18pm
I think I messed up

I may have screwed up and killed the wrong person, in the process.

We were in I 3 thirupathy with my no experience there instead of attacking only the purple, attacked a wanted in my scnanner.

If I did, I apologize

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Mar 2016, 7:17pm
02 Mar 2016, 9:47pm
Hi guys, I think I may have a problem.
Just been in combat with a viper and got a bit too close to a sun. My cargo hatch has malfunctioned and at 25% health. I can't get it to close so can't super cruise. The nearest port oc call is 322 day away at my current speed. Any suggestions, apart from self destruct?
02 Mar 2016, 10:01pm
First try "Restart and Repair" (or something similar, don't remember exactly) option (it's right next to self destruct). If that doesn't help, try going back to menu, and then back to game. This should help.
02 Mar 2016, 10:10pm
Pavel ZuparaFirst try "Restart and Repair" (or something similar, don't remember exactly) option (it's right next to self destruct). If that doesn't help, try going back to menu, and then back to game. This should help.

Cheers, I'm giving it a go now.
03 Mar 2016, 10:57am
@Beechwalker - try disabling it in power management AFIK it should default to the closed position

@Beechwalker & Toupee with the vulture think of it purely as a combat ship for bounty hunting or conflict zones and you won't be disappointed, if you put an interdictor on a vulture it can also be a very capable assassins ship. To boost your earnings, try stacking "clear trade routes" missions from bulletin boards of neighbouring systems to the pirate infested space. Basically if you do that you'll get some credits from the bounties for each pirate kill, and after you've killed your targets you can hand in the completed mission at the station you got the mission from for more credits. A vulture when used purely as a combat bird very quickly pays for herself. Even if it doesn't you have such good fun with it that you end up building another ship to keep along side it as a cash earner. I'm kind of new to the game as well so I'm still building my wealth, do you know about Robigo system which is good for boosting your credits using its highly paid slave smuggling missions?

@Dragon Darko, I've also just gotten myself my first clipper, and spent a couple of days play grinding credits to pretty much a spec it, with the A spec thrusters though - wow - she becomes a big fighter - even more agile than a cobra mark 3, almost as fast as a cobra 3 on boost and packing a lot more fire power. As well as powerplay you'll find your clipper to be a great bounty hunting ship - I hope you enjoy your clipper as much as I'm enjoying mine....
03 Mar 2016, 8:18pm
Jack Dekerdt
William LordlandHi,

Why when I am approching a station, my engines get turbo without any action from me ?
Note I have a X55 RHINO Hotas, but I don't observe this kind of behavior in other games.
So I don't think that it is a default of the joystick or throttle


Interesting. I use the X55 and do not observe this issue. I do use controlled engine, thrusters, boost, to maneuver about with more precision and at times it seems like i am travelling fast  as I approach the station, a much larger object. Is it possible it is just that illusion for you or are you forgetting to reduce engines as you maybe go to thrusters and boost as you approach the slot? Just some things to check.

Thank you for your answer.

No I am absolutely sure that it is an unexpecting effect.
It is exactly as if I sould have press the "turbo" command.
But I am sure I didn't press it because it is configured on the "E" button on the throttle.
For those who know the X55 throttle it is situated on the right throttle, in a place where I can't press it by mistake.

But in spite of everything the reaction is that the turbo start...
Very difficult when you are approching a landspace .. !!!

To be sure I will change the setup and remove the action "turbo" for a moment...
I will see if the phenomenon disappear

04 Mar 2016, 1:11am
William Lordland
Jack Dekerdt
William LordlandHi,

Why when I am approching a station, my engines get turbo without any action from me ?
Note I have a X55 RHINO Hotas, but I don't observe this kind of behavior in other games.
So I don't think that it is a default of the joystick or throttle


Interesting. I use the X55 and do not observe this issue. I do use controlled engine, thrusters, boost, to maneuver about with more precision and at times it seems like i am travelling fast  as I approach the station, a much larger object. Is it possible it is just that illusion for you or are you forgetting to reduce engines as you maybe go to thrusters and boost as you approach the slot? Just some things to check.

Thank you for your answer.

No I am absolutely sure that it is an unexpecting effect.
It is exactly as if I sould have press the "turbo" command.
But I am sure I didn't press it because it is configured on the "E" button on the throttle.
For those who know the X55 throttle it is situated on the right throttle, in a place where I can't press it by mistake.

But in spite of everything the reaction is that the turbo start...
Very difficult when you are approching a landspace .. !!!

To be sure I will change the setup and remove the action "turbo" for a moment...
I will see if the phenomenon disappear


I experience something similar, when approaching an in-system destination in supercruise. As I get almost close enough to begin slowing down, the ship accelerates without my having touched the controls at all. It feels as though it had been straining against resistance and suddenly that resistance is gone - like climbing out of the gravity well of a planet, but there wasn't one.

I have an X52 pro, FWIW.

I notice this more when exploring or mapping a system than I do when just casually supercruising point to point and dropping out of SC.
04 Mar 2016, 1:49am
MerinidJust curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.

Other than giving me flashbacks of the Dynasty Warriors games and Romance of The 3 Kingdoms - the Kingdoms of Shu, Wei and Wu - I have no idea.
04 Mar 2016, 3:38am
I think the Shui Wei name comes from the catalog where the stars where drawn.... many stars ingame have names drawn from the actual star catalog in existance...
04 Mar 2016, 7:52am
Ronin Vakris
MerinidJust curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.

Other than giving me flashbacks of the Dynasty Warriors games and Romance of The 3 Kingdoms - the Kingdoms of Shu, Wei and Wu - I have no idea.

uhm, you quoted a post from more than 10 pages ago and there was already some kind of explanation for it in the following posts:

MerinidJust curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.

I don't know for sure, but sector names are randomly generated seven-letter words. Using 26 letters, we have some 8 billion possible sector names. SHUI WEI is just an accidental one of these names.

I wonder if they use all the seven-letters words with some meaning in any language, though 'shui wei' means 'water level' according to this Chinese dictionary: here Must be a coincidence

MerinidProblem is SHUI could mean: water, someone, sleep, tax, handkerchief
and WEI could mean: do, place, preserve... etc.
depending on which hanzi is used
But yeah if SHUI WEI is 水位 then it is water level

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