Elite: Game talk

12 Mar 2016, 7:39pm
ED_RecluseSometimes this appears to happen when you leave a gravity well. When you come out of FSD near a star and then you start Supercruising toward a station, it takes some time to get out of the star's gravity well, or the gravity of any close planets.  Keeping throttle maxed, you can see your speed/top speed starting to increase and sometimes it is an abrupt jump that seems like a "TURBO BOOST" when you are out of any gravitational influence.  There is no BOOST mode in Supercruise so I doubt it is anything to do with your throttle.

If not in SUPERCRUISE and approaching a station, are you going into AUTO DOCK? That will take over and boost to get you lined up with the station for docking.

I agree and thought the same before his response about moving the key bind. We often don't pay a lot of attention to the grav well of the planet as we approach and some planets have more pull than others especially if you approach mail slot from the planet [you know, too line up and get in if you are, ahem, carrying questionable cargo]. One can also experience the 'boost phenomenon' for lack of a better term on planets with higher gravity as you descend/approach a base and the gravity is higher than you notice/expect. I was lost in thought a few weeks a go and not paying too much attention to the decent and approach in my python and caught it in time otherwise I would have been buried to to my corn hole in the side of a crater wall, lol. Gravity...it's over rated :-).
12 Mar 2016, 7:58pm
Jack Dekerdt
ED_RecluseSometimes this appears to happen when you leave a gravity well. When you come out of FSD near a star and then you start Supercruising toward a station, it takes some time to get out of the star's gravity well, or the gravity of any close planets.  Keeping throttle maxed, you can see your speed/top speed starting to increase and sometimes it is an abrupt jump that seems like a "TURBO BOOST" when you are out of any gravitational influence.  There is no BOOST mode in Supercruise so I doubt it is anything to do with your throttle.

If not in SUPERCRUISE and approaching a station, are you going into AUTO DOCK? That will take over and boost to get you lined up with the station for docking.

I agree and thought the same before his response about moving the key bind. We often don't pay a lot of attention to the grav well of the planet as we approach and some planets have more pull than others especially if you approach mail slot from the planet [you know, too line up and get in if you are, ahem, carrying questionable cargo]. One can also experience the 'boost phenomenon' for lack of a better term on planets with higher gravity as you descend/approach a base and the gravity is higher than you notice/expect. I was lost in thought a few weeks a go and not paying too much attention to the decent and approach in my python and caught it in time otherwise I would have been buried to to my corn hole in the side of a crater wall, lol. Gravity...it's over rated :-).

Absolutely all of this discussion makes sense, and it makes me appreciate the attention to detail and those "intangibles" like gravity on FD's part. Still, I'm confused by the acceleration phenomenon I experience when charting a system. The ship just feels sluggish in SC going from orbit to orbit, then on approach to planet for mapping, it seems to lurch ahead even while I'm backing off on the throttle to decelerate. I'm not buying that it's gravity in that case since the planet or moon is typically a small one, and I'm still 30-100 ls away from it when this happens. Again, it *feels* as if the ship "knew better" in the inter-orbital space, and was deliberately slower than it could be, i.e. on account of asteroid clusters or something, and then on clearing that area could speed up, even though I'm getting closer to a planet and should be slowing.

What's really weird is that this seems to happen more often and more noticeably when I've been exploring for a while - in a subsequent of several systems, with multiple bodies to scan it seems to happen more intensely - which makes me think that it's not a deliberate game mechanic but rather some counter that clears only on docking or restart of the game.
12 Mar 2016, 9:33pm
Does it actually speed up or is it an effect of your FoV? Like, the way the camera simulates acceleration.

I ask because that's what it was for me. The effect of deceleration pulls your pilot forward and you get the feeling of 'rushing toward' whatever's in front of you.
12 Mar 2016, 11:07pm
James Hussar
Jack Dekerdt
ED_RecluseSometimes this appears to happen when you leave a gravity well. When you come out of FSD near a star and then you start Supercruising toward a station, it takes some time to get out of the star's gravity well, or the gravity of any close planets.  Keeping throttle maxed, you can see your speed/top speed starting to increase and sometimes it is an abrupt jump that seems like a "TURBO BOOST" when you are out of any gravitational influence.  There is no BOOST mode in Supercruise so I doubt it is anything to do with your throttle.

If not in SUPERCRUISE and approaching a station, are you going into AUTO DOCK? That will take over and boost to get you lined up with the station for docking.

I agree and thought the same before his response about moving the key bind. We often don't pay a lot of attention to the grav well of the planet as we approach and some planets have more pull than others especially if you approach mail slot from the planet [you know, too line up and get in if you are, ahem, carrying questionable cargo]. One can also experience the 'boost phenomenon' for lack of a better term on planets with higher gravity as you descend/approach a base and the gravity is higher than you notice/expect. I was lost in thought a few weeks a go and not paying too much attention to the decent and approach in my python and caught it in time otherwise I would have been buried to to my corn hole in the side of a crater wall, lol. Gravity...it's over rated :-).

Absolutely all of this discussion makes sense, and it makes me appreciate the attention to detail and those "intangibles" like gravity on FD's part. Still, I'm confused by the acceleration phenomenon I experience when charting a system. The ship just feels sluggish in SC going from orbit to orbit, then on approach to planet for mapping, it seems to lurch ahead even while I'm backing off on the throttle to decelerate. I'm not buying that it's gravity in that case since the planet or moon is typically a small one, and I'm still 30-100 ls away from it when this happens. Again, it *feels* as if the ship "knew better" in the inter-orbital space, and was deliberately slower than it could be, i.e. on account of asteroid clusters or something, and then on clearing that area could speed up, even though I'm getting closer to a planet and should be slowing.

What's really weird is that this seems to happen more often and more noticeably when I've been exploring for a while - in a subsequent of several systems, with multiple bodies to scan it seems to happen more intensely - which makes me think that it's not a deliberate game mechanic but rather some counter that clears only on docking or restart of the game.

I think this may be related to the dodgy modelling of super cruise approach to a given destination. If you're approaching a locked destination like a station and you get the speed warning, closing your throttle will do nothing UNLESS you can lock something else (like another distant planet). Often this will cause you to rapidly decelerate (in proportion to the lack of throttle) so that you can re-lock the station and arrive at the right speed. Why? It's not gravity.
13 Mar 2016, 3:20am
Lazar WrathDoes it actually speed up or is it an effect of your FoV? Like, the way the camera simulates acceleration.

I ask because that's what it was for me. The effect of deceleration pulls your pilot forward and you get the feeling of 'rushing toward' whatever's in front of you.

Oh it's definitely a "physical" acceleration. it's as though the ship just broke loose of something that was holding it back - the time to target speeds up and results in overshooting the destination.

Or, put another way, it's as though the ship suddenly stopped feeling sluggish and livened up.
13 Mar 2016, 11:28am
Hi all!
I've just moved VA to a USB flashdrive from C: and all sounds to (like H:/*.mp3 on the same USB) - and VA stared to play very nicely. GL!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2016, 8:39pm
14 Mar 2016, 8:01am
Well trading Palladium and/or Slaves in a Cutter is definitely more profitable than mining could ever be
But when you are in ASP I think it's either mining or smuggling.

Lazar Wrath Thanks for the guide!
14 Mar 2016, 11:47am
MerinidWell trading Palladium and/or Slaves in a Cutter is definitely more profitable than mining could ever be
But when you are in ASP I think it's either mining or smuggling.

Lazar Wrath Thanks for the guide!

Smuggling in an Asp is definitely the way to go!
I got myself a Asp with a mining setup yesterday, Maybe I'm doing it wrong, or was in the wrong location, but it was hard work for little return.
After a couple of hours, I'd managed 91 tons, mostly minerals and a few metals. All told, just under 200,000.
Smuggling and long distance missions pay a lot better.
I'm not saying I'm giving up on the mining, just not relying on it to get rich.
14 Mar 2016, 12:08pm

Smuggling in an Asp is definitely the way to go!
I got myself a Asp with a mining setup yesterday, Maybe I'm doing it wrong, or was in the wrong location, but it was hard work for little return.
After a couple of hours, I'd managed 91 tons, mostly minerals and a few metals. All told, just under 200,000.
Smuggling and long distance missions pay a lot better.
I'm not saying I'm giving up on the mining, just not relying on it to get rich.

You are definitely mining in the WRONG place!!  I will grant that mining is not as profitable as smuggling or even Bounty Hunting, but mining in a METALLIC Asteroid cluster or better yet a Pristine Metallic Ring will get you a lot more money for a 91 ton payload.

You do have to be somewhat selective, tossing the cheap stuff (INDITE, GALLITE, BERTANDITE) so you save space for the high ticket items.  Specifically aim for Platinum, Palladium, Osmium and Painite.  Platinum, Osmium and Painite are often in Bulletin Board missions for 3-5x or more their commodities market price.

Palladium commands a fair price in most places,  13K and up, so 50 tons of Palladium already gets you up to 650K.

Typically if I can get 3-4 tons of Painite and 5-6 tons of Platinum, I can turn it around on the Bulletin Boards for at least a million depending on how "CRAZY" the credits are.  Of course, as James Hussar says:

James Hussar.

I'm sure it's just my perception but whenever I'm holding a mission for mining, that item seems exceedingly elusive.

Seems to work the other way too.  When my hold is empty, I see numerous "CRAZY CREDITS...." and "RESOURCE EXTRACTION SPECIALISTS SOUGHT".  When my hold is full of the stuff, the missions seem farther and fewer between.  When I pre-stack the missions, the commodity required seems scarce.  The other night I was desperate for 2 tons of Painite to add to the one ton I had in the hold. FINALLY found a Painite rich asteroid but was down to my last 2 collector limpets, both of which spectacularly failed before expiration by smacking ton the asteroid. Managed to collect 3 tons and satisfy the contract,  and another one besides, but I left chunks of Painite/Gallite floating around wasted.  My Cargo Scooping skills are not the best
14 Mar 2016, 10:19pm
Pristine Mettalic Rings are definitely the way to go for mining. And get yourself some prospector and and collector limpets. I have 96t cargo in my AspX and generally take 40 limpets out with me for a load. You may need to do a little juggling of these as they take up cargo space, but you can dump them by firing prospectors off jnto space

In a PMR you should be able to get towards 1 million Cr per 91 tonne load.

15 Mar 2016, 12:44am
In desperate need to re-purchase an Annaconda, however cant seem to find a dock that actually sells them....help please???

Currently @ Rominger Terminal in the SAMKYHA system (Federation)

Kindest Regards,


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Mar 2016, 11:15am
15 Mar 2016, 11:58am
Dj-slt-ukIn desperate need to re-purchase an Annaconda, however cant seem to find a dock that actually sells them....help please???

Currently @ Rominger Terminal in the SAMKYHA system (Federation)

Kindest Regards,


Have you tried looking for it in the shipyard?
15 Mar 2016, 3:43pm
Hmm I have been getting wing offers from ghost squadron, but I dont know if there's anything for me. Do you guys have any experience in big fleets? is it worth to join one or does it make any difference? I have found it quite hard to co-op with this game since no you cant share missions with wingmates. I dont want to join any fleet just for resigning soon after joining. Pros? cons?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Mar 2016, 6:08pm
15 Mar 2016, 4:14pm
PikkuMikaHmm I have been getting wing offers from ghost squadron, but I dont know if there's anything for me. Do you guys have any experience in big fleets? is it worth to join one or does it make any difference? I have found it quite hard to co-op with this game since no you cant share missions with wingmates. I dont want to join any fleet just for resigning soon after joining. Pros? cons?

Its your choice. Btw it is awesome way to make friends worldwide, get a lot more info about whats happening in galaxy now and who doin what, and take part in somth more than just solo progress or CG, though we have our events just for fun and thy are very useful for your piloting and fighting skills.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Mar 2016, 6:08pm
16 Mar 2016, 12:09am
PikkuMikaHmm I have been getting wing offers from ghost squadron, but I dont know if there's anything for me. Do you guys have any experience in big fleets? is it worth to join one or does it make any difference? I have found it quite hard to co-op with this game since no you cant share missions with wingmates. I dont want to join any fleet just for resigning soon after joining. Pros? cons?

I'll try and not make this sound like I'm trying to recruit you.
I too was recruited by Cmdr Veyder in Oct. of 2015. I normally play games by myself or with friends, it's just my preference. After I decided to join Ghost Legion I've had a blast ever since. All of us have a single goal and that is to have fun playing Elite, and as a group help make a great game better. I have yet to see any trolling or BS not only in the group but also Inara. Which to me is fantastic and makes in my experience the best gaming community I've ever seen or been a part of. The two most important rules my wing commander has issued is 1. Play the way YOU want [within reason] and 2. Have fun!

The honest truth here, is without the Wing I wouldn't have learned as much as I have or would have taken me longer, and a great group of folks that are willing and able to help other in time of need, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If you decide you don't want to join Ghost Legion, at least give a wing a try, hopefully your time there will be as cool as mine has been. o7

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