Elite: Game talk

07 Sep 2023, 2:47pm

Speaking of which? What's the matter with the gnome liberation front Roomba liberation army? They still getting emotional over poor hurt mobs? They are quite a joke indeed, and the punchline is they taking themselves seriously.

Er… you’ll have to explain yourself on that one. I’m not getting it.
07 Sep 2023, 3:30pm
Nor it's for you. It's about a bunch of i'd rathernotsayingwhats from the G problem i had the bad luck to know.
And yes, it's entirely serious. Some peoples really are this much of a bonkers.
07 Sep 2023, 3:36pm
Well, I guess the person that does know can answer you then? If anyone does…

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go back to figuring out why my head is full of noise.
07 Sep 2023, 3:47pm
No idea... Honestly, i just can't imagine.
07 Sep 2023, 5:37pm
Kasumi GotoMoving the rescue ships closer to the front? Why do I feel like that will result in disaster sooner rather than later?…

Oh, you mean like the Thargoids attacking a rescue ship and getting thousands of new meat puppets at once? Much more efficient than interdicting individual pilots and stealing people a few at a time.
07 Sep 2023, 7:03pm
Thargoids? Like a big room full with peoples, and all of em chatting. Many many voices to speak at once... Sometimes the resolution is to narrow your focus, or go with the flow, and try to pick the impressions what the whole gives you. Same as reading the matrix, so to speak.

( I had to assemble my thoughts at this matters )
07 Sep 2023, 7:31pm
MinonianThargoids? Like a big room full with peoples, and all of em chatting. Many many voices to speak at once... Sometimes the resolution is to narrow your focus, or go with the flow, and try to pick the impressions what the whole gives you. Same as reading the matrix, so to speak.

( I had to assemble my thoughts at this matters )

Funny you should say that, I’ve had the idea of focusing making whatever information comes out of the hivemind even before Frontier officially confirmed that with those logs we got from Seo last week. And that trying to resist it makes it harder to pick anything out(because, well, you’re trying not to listen to it).

But I guess those are natural considerations to have if you’re trying to write a character that has the voices of an entire alien species in their head.

Vasil Vasilescu
Oh, you mean like the Thargoids attacking a rescue ship and getting thousands of new meat puppets at once? Much more efficient than interdicting individual pilots and stealing people a few at a time.

Pretty much, yeah. Not sure if Frontier would do that from a gameplay point, but from a lore perspective, I could totally see that happen. Or there’ll be some funky stuff occurring once we start to bring in the rescued people from the Titans… as I (might have) said already, I’m not quite convinced we shouldn’t have some questions about them.
07 Sep 2023, 7:57pm
To not listen it just like to pretend the wind don't blows, the waves does not washing the shore and all of those tiny water droplets not falling. That's a no go, the only way is to somehow make any sense of it, or go with ignoring it. And that's the trick! Ignore the parts matters not and listen the ones whom does, and try to capture the overall picture. Or just let the whole thing washes over you leaving with an impression to the question you seek.

And sorry, but this? Really hard to talk about, just like any matters over our usual senses and understanding. Any analogy, can only be a pale shadow of the real thing. And yeah, i'm exactly knowing what i'm talking about. Just never needed to put my thoughts together.
07 Sep 2023, 8:27pm
Kasumi Goto Pretty much, yeah. Not sure if Frontier would do that from a gameplay point, but from a lore perspective, I could totally see that happen. Or there’ll be some funky stuff occurring once we start to bring in the rescued people from the Titans… as I (might have) said already, I’m not quite convinced we shouldn’t have some questions about them.

Once people are rescued, and to make sure things are safe, maybe the human governments could separate these people from the regular populace for a while. You know, maybe concentrate them somewhere, like a camp or something. Just until it is shown they are not a threat.

Or, have senate hearings on the matter. "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the commie thargoid meat-puppet party?"
07 Sep 2023, 8:32pm
And that's the thing to think nothing happened with them is just stupid. Which means security measures are necessary.
07 Sep 2023, 8:47pm
Not taking safeguards would be a pretty terrible idea here. I just hope that Aegis leadership overall is aware of the potential risks at play here.

But even if we begin to recover people from the Titans, it’s been months since some of them have been on there, and there’s millions of people apparently caught by the Thargoids. Some might not be recoverable, and any that we do might as well just be a drop in the ocean.

And regarding any potential connection to the Thargoids for those that may or may not already have it… well, I’m just gonna say, if you’ve got their voices in your head you might not necessarily want to listen to them all the time. I sure doubt that it’s very pleasant of a thing to have going.
07 Sep 2023, 9:42pm
The main reason why they have to be recovered, to exactly know what's going on but yeah. they have to placed far away from the battlefront not anywhere near to Colonia or anything important from the bubble. If just one of em experimented on, than we should assume all of em experimented on. And considering the implications and consequences of it for their own and our behalf they must be safeguarded and we must know what how and why happened with them to have any chance to deal with the consequences and help on them.

And speaking of escape pods and pilots gone missing? I have a hunch with a very serious underlying picture, im just starting to notice. What makes one thing crystal clear the only way we can do this, if we give em the mother of all ownages without any dirty tricks backstabbing unethical weapons and so on. Everything else results complete destruction. I think you peoples know what i'm thinking of. obboy! This will be a long day shifting trough old galnet articles, if i ever will be to the mood of it...

Not like *i* need it. The slightest clue speaks volumes to me, and one thing i read made the picture crystal clear, the rest of it? just the details, and provability to the public. We shall see...
08 Sep 2023, 2:02am
SkrzetuskiHey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Last time that I played the game, I docked into a random player's carrier and left the game. I logged back in today and found that he essentially carried me a huge distance closer to the galactic core from where I was before. I was originally doing some mining in an area that was more dense in star systems and I didn't require long distance jump capabilities, so my Python is now too heavy to make the journey back to where I was because the distance between star systems is much too large for me to be able to make those jumps myself. I also have a cargo hold full of expensive minerals but dumping the cargo didn't help much, as I still cannot make jumps that are larger than 16 light years.

I already checked the player who owns the carrier but he didn't check into the game for almost 2 months now so I'm not sure if he'll even respond if I approach him about dropping me off at some space station.

What would you guys suggest that I do? Would anyone be able to help out and pick me up from where I am right now or am I basically screwed and have to self-destruct? Will that even return me to an actual space station or am I just gonna respawn back at the same carrier?

Good to hear, I would've sent my alt's carrier out to bring you back, welcome home Cmdr 07

What system are you in?

So... I realize that it's been a while but just in case you were curious, I ultimately ended up waiting it out and logged back into the game about a month later when its owner jumped halfway across the galaxy and back into a populated system. It's all good now and I'm back to earning dosh through mining.

Lesson learned - never leave the game while docked into a random carrier.
08 Sep 2023, 2:42am
And speaking of escape pods and pilots gone missing? I have a hunch with a very serious underlying picture, im just starting to notice. What makes one thing crystal clear the only way we can do this, if we give em the mother of all ownages without any dirty tricks backstabbing unethical weapons and so on. Everything else results complete destruction. I think you peoples know what i'm thinking of. obboy! This will be a long day shifting trough old galnet articles, if i ever will be to the mood of it...

Not like *i* need it. The slightest clue speaks volumes to me, and one thing i read made the picture crystal clear, the rest of it? just the details, and provability to the public. We shall see...

If you’re talking about deliberately sacrificing people to try and undermine the Thargoids from within, or something in that direction, no thanks. I’d like to think humans have at least some standards remaining, unlike Azimuth and their hard-on supporters.

If you’re thinking the Thargoids are deliberately trying to capture humans to integrate them into their species in some way(whatever the reason)… well, I think that’s pretty much/exactly what we’re looking at. Not that I have any way to prove it, right now, of course.

Anyone that has been ‘altered’ will likely be of great ‘interest’ to Azimuth, now that I think of it. Would not be surprised if people started getting some dubious messages about detouring with those pods if they recovered some…
08 Sep 2023, 4:00am
None of these... You got to get waaay back in time.

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