Elite: Game talk

04 Sep 2023, 6:25pm

Is it an impression? Or is it harder to mine these days? the asteroid detector only finds materials ; I spend a lot of time finding the ores I used to mine ; while I have already mined for billions... but I don't understand I can no longer mine in the same volumes ...

Have there been any changes to Elite Dangerous regarding mining ?

Best regards,
U-303 ^^

I have not seen any reduction in the volume of material I get from core mining. However, I do run into cases where I'll be in a hotspot for a particular material but find way more asteroids with a core other than what the hotspot supposedly has.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Sep 2023, 5:14pm
05 Sep 2023, 6:48pm
Thargoids harvesting people, putting them in pods to infect with something and then use for invasion... No, FDev game designers don't play Baldur's Gate 3 that has been released a month ago, no no no, just a coincidence.
05 Sep 2023, 7:44pm
Vasil Vasilescu

I have not seen any reduction in the volume of material I get from core mining. However, I do run into cases where I'll be in a hotspot for a particular material but find way more asteroids with a core other than what the hotspot supposedly has.

My problem is that I go to a concentration of Alexandrite and well I only find materials but no alexandrite... so instead of coming home with 80-200 million I come home with zero because my patience is limited I had one very good performance in the past but this is no longer the case; I encountered this problem since July / August I took a break thinking that the updates were surely the variable which caused the problem except that it is always the case...

see :

Last edit: 05 Sep 2023, 7:52pm
05 Sep 2023, 8:08pm
MeowersThargoids harvesting people, putting them in pods to infect with something and then use for invasion... No, FDev game designers don't play Baldur's Gate 3 that has been released a month ago, no no no, just a coincidence.

I’d argue they had this planned out for more than a month already.

I would at least hope so. I also don’t think they’re going to use humans as virus carriers, but what do I know… unless they want to turn us all into hybrids like the Far God cult (probably) preaches.
05 Sep 2023, 8:16pm
Kasumi Goto
MeowersThargoids harvesting people, putting them in pods to infect with something and then use for invasion... No, FDev game designers don't play Baldur's Gate 3 that has been released a month ago, no no no, just a coincidence.

I’d argue they had this planned out for more than a month already.

I would at least hope so. I also don’t think they’re going to use humans as virus carriers, but what do I know… unless they want to turn us all into hybrids like the Far God cult (probably) preaches.

Obliviously this is a long going thing probably started and prepared years before and they just keep telling the story.
(And this is the DM speaking out of me.)
06 Sep 2023, 1:57am

Is it an impression? Or is it harder to mine these days? the asteroid detector only finds materials ; I spend a lot of time finding the ores I used to mine ; while I have already mined for billions... but I don't understand I can no longer mine in the same volumes ...

Have there been any changes to Elite Dangerous regarding mining ?

Best regards,
U-303 ^^

Yeah, I think they nerfed it...
06 Sep 2023, 3:32am
He should also check the system mineral reserves state especially when goes after something like alexandrite.
06 Sep 2023, 7:17am
Kasumi GotoI would at least hope so. I also don’t think they’re going to use humans as virus carriers, but what do I know… unless they want to turn us all into hybrids like the Far God cult (probably) preaches.
Hm. As far as I know, Fart God cultists' only dream is to be killed by the Thargoid, it's their higher point of being or whatever, ultimate goal, etc. But, maybe the Thargoids themselves have different plans on those freaks.
06 Sep 2023, 7:32am
Their ideas on ‘transcendence’ seem somewhat unclear or ‘liberal’, I’ll give you that. I get confused between whether they really just want to get melted alive by caustic substances or turned into something that isn’t quite human any longer.

What happened on the Dedicant, and that idiot’s speech on it, seems a lot less like ‘death’ and more like ‘Throw yourself at the nearest Thargoid and let it do to you whatever it cares to’. But what do I understand about a bunch of fanatics that believes being stuck with an entire species’ worth of… voices? Minds? Whatever, is a holy blessing, and not just one real shitty experience.

Anyway. Call it a hunch, but I feel like there might soon be more than one human that’s got voices in their head without being insane. Not sure I like the idea, though… if that is how things turn out.
06 Sep 2023, 12:19pm
We talking to them... Or they talking to us? And why? And it is a communication attempt, (unlikely) or a manner of control?
06 Sep 2023, 2:54pm
If I had the answers, I wouldn’t be here. But if we start seeing a series of sabotage acts once we start bringing captured people in… well, at least I tried to warn people.

I highly doubt this is done to attempt to communicate, though. Not from them, and very much still not from us.
06 Sep 2023, 5:23pm
If they can tap into our mind telepathically, and not using this to actually communicate with us, than that's not the goal.
This is more about trying to turn us into... Yeah.
06 Sep 2023, 7:10pm
Kasumi Goto
MeowersThargoids harvesting people, putting them in pods to infect with something and then use for invasion... No, FDev game designers don't play Baldur's Gate 3 that has been released a month ago, no no no, just a coincidence.

I’d argue they had this planned out for more than a month already.

I would at least hope so. I also don’t think they’re going to use humans as virus carriers, but what do I know… unless they want to turn us all into hybrids like the Far God cult (probably) preaches.

Obliviously this is a long going thing probably started and prepared years before and they just keep telling the story.
(And this is the DM speaking out of me.)

>>> It's not very original is it - invasion of the body snatchers anyone?
06 Sep 2023, 7:16pm
Probably, there is more sane ways to communicate without aggressive behavior. By the way I can reming we clearly showed we're not interested in that (as a a specie). Twice, that old man has it's mind saved not for nothing, he WILL be in the courth hall eventually.
06 Sep 2023, 8:07pm
Obliviously this is a long going thing probably started and prepared years before and they just keep telling the story.
(And this is the DM speaking out of me.)

>>> It's not very original is it - invasion of the body snatchers anyone?

The problem with clichés they work... Although they are just that.
And the biggest problem is, they are actually rooted on real things.
Aliens? for example Ichneumon fly.

A.G.DuranProbably, there is more sane ways to communicate without aggressive behavior. By the way I can reming we clearly showed we're not interested in that (as a a specie). Twice, that old man has it's mind saved not for nothing, he WILL be in the courth hall eventually.

Begin way too intrusive or intrusive at all when the other made his stance crystal clear also counts as aggression. From which point?

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