Elite: Game talk

31 Aug 2023, 1:15pm
Jonah-8208I am just about to buy and equip a fleet carrier, I have watched some yt videos re fitting them out and running costs but one thing I cannot see is obvious is how to transfer all my ships currently docked in stations to the Fleet Carrier?

For Runnnig costs I have a very good solution:

I will take you some investment (Pypthon + engineering) but after a while you will be able to make 20.000.000 per run (<> 12mn) or to farm grade 4 material (Encoded and Manufactured), play this in SOLO Mode.

It is a passenger mission flown from Robigo Mines to Sothis/Sirius Atmospherics, so you'll need at least 30ly jump range (2 X jumps), there is no risk of an interdiction as long as you don't keep passengers onboard when they ask you to kill enemies in which case you will be hunted and shot, check your messages and disembark them when you have one.

So in normal circumstances, you don't even need a shield which will free one slot for passengers. https://s.orbis.zone/mz2l

It takes some time to build Reputation but the more you have, the better the passengers pays, some of them <> 5.000.000 for the trip, as I said, I make more than 20.000.000 per trip in average, do this once a week and your Carrier Upkeep is covered with change.

I have my Python permanently based in Robigo and use my Krait Phantom to get there and back.
31 Aug 2023, 1:40pm
For the Robigo Mines mission, you could start with a Dolphin and make sure it has 30ly jump range, then replace Cargo Racks and shield Generator with Passenger cabins, this should get you started. Play it SOLO.
Note than you can't dock at Robigo Mines with a ship requesting large docking pads, only medium and small...
Things you won't need are the Shield Generator and Fuel Scoop, but you'll need an Advanced Docking computer, replace the FSD by a 4A Frame Shift Drive, use 4D Life Support, 3D Power Distributor, 5D Thrusters and get rid of the weapons to save weight, but I'd advise to use a better Power Plant than the 4E.

This Dolphin fit only takes Grade 2 FSD engineering and Deep Charge Experimental effect, it gives you 31.63ly jump range.
Cost is: 3.329.324 CR

Last edit: 31 Aug 2023, 2:25pm
31 Aug 2023, 7:10pm
With all these human abductions, are we going to see them weaponised by the Thargoids and entering 1-2-1 combat in Odyssey?
31 Aug 2023, 7:25pm
CalcabrinaWith all these human abductions, are we going to see them weaponised by the Thargoids and entering 1-2-1 combat in Odyssey?

Anyone who had gone to the Dedicant, would Everyone should have received three messages from Aegis today that strongly suggest this is coming.

EDIT: This is not limited to Dedicant visitors, but (for me) the messages were categorized under the same heading as the Dedicant logs.

Last edit: 31 Aug 2023, 9:05pm
31 Aug 2023, 8:04pm
Glen van RossAnyone who had gone to the Dedicant, would have received three messages from Aegis today that strongly suggest this is coming.

Eh, can you share screenshots of messages for those which was not at Dedicant?
31 Aug 2023, 8:07pm
You had to go to the Dedicant specifically to receive this message set? Are you sure? (I was there, yes. Also have them.)

I still wonder if it was Seo going behind Alba and Tanner to throw this log out to us, or they decided to be straight with independent pilots for whatever reason. I feel like the fact that the sender is marked as [Unknown] is telling…
31 Aug 2023, 8:16pm
Tomorrow I will check inbox because I was not at Dedicant and I want to know if they are for all or only Dedicant investigators. Today I was not in game since I had other stuff to do
31 Aug 2023, 8:51pm
Kasumi GotoYou had to go to the Dedicant specifically to receive this message set? Are you sure? (I was there, yes. Also have them.)

I still wonder if it was Seo going behind Alba and Tanner to throw this log out to us, or they decided to be straight with independent pilots for whatever reason. I feel like the fact that the sender is marked as [Unknown] is telling…

I received the message but haven't been anywhere near the Dedicant.
31 Aug 2023, 8:54pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikTomorrow I will check inbox because I was not at Dedicant and I want to know if they are for all or only Dedicant investigators. Today I was not in game since I had other stuff to do

It was an anonymous message that came through today in 3 parts - Truth about the vanishing. I've been holed up in Cololnia for months and have been nowhere near the Thargoid action so no idea how I qualified for the message.
31 Aug 2023, 9:04pm
Kasumi GotoYou had to go to the Dedicant specifically to receive this message set? Are you sure? (I was there, yes. Also have them.)

It is a general message, not specific to the Dedicant visit. I wrongly assumed it was specific, because (for me) they are categorized under the same heading as the logs you get from the Dedicant log uplinks. Which is around 100 messages ago and involved lots and lots of scrolling.

Last edit: 31 Aug 2023, 10:15pm
31 Aug 2023, 9:08pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikTomorrow I will check inbox because I was not at Dedicant and I want to know if they are for all or only Dedicant investigators. Today I was not in game since I had other stuff to do

It was an anonymous message that came through today in 3 parts - Truth about the vanishing. I've been holed up in Cololnia for months and have been nowhere near the Thargoid action so no idea how I qualified for the message.

Oh ok then
01 Sep 2023, 12:35pm
Well, it looks like my intuition is not completely off the cliff just yet. (Per latest GalNet.)
02 Sep 2023, 10:03am
Speaking of which? Prepare to landgoids.
03 Sep 2023, 10:10pm
o7 Commanders, anyone in need of Core Dynamic Composites?
Maybe it was just luck but I got around 30 of those in this system:

04 Sep 2023, 6:16pm

Is it an impression? Or is it harder to mine these days? the asteroid detector only finds materials ; I spend a lot of time finding the ores I used to mine ; while I have already mined for billions... but I don't understand I can no longer mine in the same volumes ...

Have there been any changes to Elite Dangerous regarding mining ?

Best regards,
U-303 ^^

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Sep 2023, 5:14pm

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