Elite: Game talk

08 Sep 2023, 7:17am
Hm… then I’m not really sure what I should be looking for, but I did also only begin to play around three years ago.
08 Sep 2023, 12:53pm
How the first Thargoid war ended? By bioweaponing the goids and by doing so also betraying Our very best... And his Pod? Never found but i'm sure of it they got it and learned both. Whenever or not he's alive and joined them debatable, but the main issue at here lies elsewhere. You see? There are atrocities especially at a certain style, after which any chance we have to peace is a snowball's in hell.
08 Sep 2023, 3:00pm
Kasumi Goto
If you’re talking about deliberately sacrificing people to try and undermine the Thargoids from within, or something in that direction, no thanks. I’d like to think humans have at least some standards remaining, unlike Azimuth and their hard-on supporters.

cough cough Etienne Dorn.

Commanders have fed that guy tens of thousands of occupied escape pods, and as far as I know, Colonia's not the site of the galaxy's biggest homeless shelter, or witness protection program...
08 Sep 2023, 3:53pm
Glen van Ross

cough cough Etienne Dorn.

Commanders have fed that guy tens of thousands of occupied escape pods, and as far as I know, Colonia's not the site of the galaxy's biggest homeless shelter, or witness protection program...

Like I said… some standards. A few of us also have a functional moral compass.

I never gave Dorn any pods. If he thinks G5 lightweight life support will get me to do such a thing, he can think twice. Or many more times. A friend of mine who wanted the unlock strictly handed him pirates’ pods when we were there together after an organized exploration voyage.
08 Sep 2023, 4:18pm
Glen van RossCommanders have fed that guy tens of thousands of occupied escape pods, and as far as I know, Colonia's not the site of the galaxy's biggest homeless shelter, or witness protection program...

I voiced the same question some time in the past, and I was explained by powerful witches of ED "where do you think GR5 life support upgrades are coming from". So it is up to you and your "morale compass" what he is doing with life specimens. He could be a good dude after all, freeing those people after closely study them in frozen state.

Last edit: 08 Sep 2023, 4:27pm
08 Sep 2023, 4:34pm
Etienne is a vampire. And he'll be miffed when he finds out that the Goids are tapping his food supply.
08 Sep 2023, 4:35pm
Shg56 So it is up to you and your "morale compass" what he is doing with life specimens. He could be a good dude freeing those people after closely study them in frozen state.

Oh, certainly. It is hilarious that FDev has left Dorn's purposes ambiguous and the pod-people's fate unspecified.

I think there's a pretty good argument to be made that Dorn's just a garden-variety slaver/human trarfficker, given that he's unlocked by Liz Ryder, who has ties to Eurybia Blue Mafia, and whose bomb designs were used by NMLA in attacks against starports.
08 Sep 2023, 4:44pm
Glen van RossOh, certainly. It is hilarious that FDev has left Dorn's purposes ambiguous and the pod-people's fate unspecified...

Still the benefit of doubt is on his side with only him providing GR5 upgrades to LSS.
08 Sep 2023, 4:48pm
Glen van RossOh, certainly. It is hilarious that FDev has left Dorn's purposes ambiguous and the pod-people's fate unspecified...

Still the benefit of doubt is on his side with only him providing GR5 upgrades to LSS.

He just likes his food well preserved.
08 Sep 2023, 4:56pm
Glen van Ross
Shg56 So it is up to you and your "morale compass" what he is doing with life specimens. He could be a good dude freeing those people after closely study them in frozen state.

Oh, certainly. It is hilarious that FDev has left Dorn's purposes ambiguous and the pod-people's fate unspecified.

I think there's a pretty good argument to be made that Dorn's just a garden-variety slaver/human trarfficker, given that he's unlocked by Liz Ryder, who has ties to Eurybia Blue Mafia, and whose bomb designs were used by NMLA in attacks against starports.

All that glitters is not gold...

Kasumi Goto
Glen van Ross

cough cough Etienne Dorn.

Commanders have fed that guy tens of thousands of occupied escape pods, and as far as I know, Colonia's not the site of the galaxy's biggest homeless shelter, or witness protection program...

Like I said… some standards. A few of us also have a functional moral compass.

I never gave Dorn any pods. If he thinks G5 lightweight life support will get me to do such a thing, he can think twice. Or many more times. A friend of mine who wanted the unlock strictly handed him pirates’ pods when we were there together after an organized exploration voyage.

And the problem is the lack of any sort of moral compass by factory default, is the same as trying to explain colors to a blind. That's a no go...

Last edit: 08 Sep 2023, 5:02pm
08 Sep 2023, 5:25pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Shg56What about Etienne Dorn's unlock requirements to provide 25 units of occupied escape pod, is it no doubt he will release them all free, right?

You think Dorn became the top engineer of life support technology by merely opening those pods and setting their occupants free?

I guess the morale compass could change too...
08 Sep 2023, 6:32pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Shg56What about Etienne Dorn's unlock requirements to provide 25 units of occupied escape pod, is it no doubt he will release them all free, right?

You think Dorn became the top engineer of life support technology by merely opening those pods and setting their occupants free?

I guess the morale compass could change too...

But that not going to decided by the ones, whom lack any of it. Yet again? You can't explain colors to a blind, and sure as hell a blind has nothing to do with teaching about colors.
09 Sep 2023, 6:14am

Yeah, I think they nerfed it...

yes I suppose there was a desire on the part of the devs... but then the "concentrations" on the rings are poorly named, we expect to find plenty of them and then in fact it is very poor. .. it's more diluted than concentrated..
09 Sep 2023, 6:02pm
Good morning CMDRS, greetings to all of you.

As member/ambassador of the ACFS Squadron, and part of the ED Italian Communty I would like to bring to your attention the story of Manuel, an unfortunate CMDR from the Italian community, who has been flying with us for many years and who, unfortunately, will no longer be with us in a few days.

Manuel is a great guy. He is the founder of the Falcon's Nest Squadron, whose main core values were precisely these: mutual help, altruism and the desire to work as a team to overcome every obstacle. Both in game and otherwise. I think these values are perfectly embodied by Manuel himself.

Manuel was diagnosed several years ago with a very painful disease that leaves no way out.

All of us, on behalf of the Italian community, would like to officially request to Frontier an asset, a station, dedicated to this brave and unfortunate CMDR


So I'm here for humbly ask to anyone of you to support this initiative

As players, we can be spanned through different countries, with different timezone and languages; we can be member of different squadrons; we can be pirates or traders; we can be explorers or bounty hunters; we can be gankers, miners, xenoally or xeno hunters; we can be Imperials or Federals, BUT we must don't forget WE ARE ALL HUMANS, and when we face the death of a friends or a dear one, the only thing we can do is stay in silence. Unfortunatly real life doesn't have a respawn mode, but we have an alternative to calm our pains for a friend's lost: let us cling together and REMEMBER.

Thanks for your attention, and for your time; and the gratitude of the entire ED Italian community to any single commander and to any single squadron that will support this initiative.

Fly Safe and Live Safe.
09 Sep 2023, 10:47pm
Grecale80Good morning CMDRS, greetings to all of you.

As member/ambassador of the ACFS Squadron, and part of the ED Italian Communty I would like to bring to your attention the story of Manuel, an unfortunate CMDR from the Italian community, who has been flying with us for many years and who, unfortunately, will no longer be with us in a few days.


Thanks for your attention, and for your time; and the gratitude of the entire ED Italian community to any single commander and to any single squadron that will support this initiative.

Fly Safe and Live Safe.

I approve of this idea.

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